aaa Whos using Rebirth with Logic?? - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: Whos using Rebirth with Logic??

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Original Message 1/10             08-Oct-02  @  09:15 PM   -   Whos using Rebirth with Logic??



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i love playn with the demo so I went to order it
and asked the sales rep if I could use it with
Logic and I found out that I need to d/l this
program called "Rewire" from the
Propellerhead website. I found this pretty
sketchy and my q is if anyone out there is
using Rebirth with Logic without a problem. I
am using Logic 4.7.1 btw.............


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Message 2/10             08-Oct-02  @  11:17 PM   -   RE: Whos using Rebirth with Logic??


Posts: 151

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Yep I used rebirth v2.0.1 (you need 2.0.1 for it to rewire properly).

Secondly you need the latest version of the rewire.dll I got this by downloading the demo of reason. I found that the version of the rewire.dll that comes with rebirth is not to happy working in win2k or XP.

Finally logic v4.x does not have the best rewire implementation. There are a few tricks to get it to sink up well. Launch logic and set it playing then launch rebirth it should sink up and start playing ok. If your running v5.x then no need to have logic playing.

You'll have to choose the rebirth rewire outputs in a few audio objects and there you go...

I don't know if v4.81 is better than v4.7 but give it a go and if its not to happy I know for a fact that v4.81 works great.



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Message 3/10             08-Oct-02  @  11:36 PM   -   RE: Whos using Rebirth with Logic??



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thanks alot Stvy Im gonna buy it I just love the
way Rebirth sounds... it has alot of attitude to
its sound.....thanks

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Message 4/10             09-Oct-02  @  12:49 PM   -   RE: Whos using Rebirth with Logic??


Posts: 6231

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sorry, please move your post to the little philosopher's forum!

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Message 5/10             09-Oct-02  @  07:51 PM   -   RE: Whos using Rebirth with Logic??


Posts: 151

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dj19 - you must be the only person in the universe with a PC and not have Rebirth! Hint hint.



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Message 6/10             14-Oct-02  @  08:33 AM   -   RE: Whos using Rebirth with Logic??



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actually Im a MAC dude g4800

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Message 7/10             14-Oct-02  @  08:53 PM   -   RE: Whos using Rebirth with Logic??


Posts: 4573

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my condolences.

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Message 8/10             14-Oct-02  @  09:09 PM   -   RE: Whos using Rebirth with Logic??



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hey dj19 - go and download the latest version of logic! and go and get metasynth! and pro tools!

You too, psylichon - download them now! no, wait! you can't! you have a PC!   doh!  

my condolences! ;)

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Message 9/10             14-Oct-02  @  09:15 PM   -   RE: Whos using Rebirth with Logic??


Posts: 4573

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I have pro-tools, but I'm too busy using Gigasampler and Sonar right now to bother thinking about Macs.


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Message 10/10             14-Oct-02  @  09:46 PM   -   RE: Whos using Rebirth with Logic??


Posts: 5701

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