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Subject: I've finally gone soft

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Original Message 1/15             07-Oct-02  @  06:34 PM   -   I've finally gone soft


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After nearly 10 years of Yamaha hardware sequencers, I've finally broken down and bought logic to do the job instead. I've been reading the dancetech Logic articles - Nice job, K!

After about three days of fumbling with the funky environment thingy, I've finally sussed it out (or partially sussed it out) and realised that it's super deep and pretty amazing.

So far, I'm loving it - The soft synths are great to mess with and the effects are really nice - Especially the tape delay and verbs. The compressors are also top notch.

I keep getting tempted to activate the other instrument demos, but if they're as good as the packaged instruments, I think I'll be shelling out more cash for those if I do.

I'm currently wondering about samplers and drums - I've heard that the current logic sampler can only load one sample at a time?? Maybe I'm wrong? This seems kinda stingy and a little redundant. I'm wanting to do some drums and stuff with the matrix sequencer. Anybody recommend a good drum machine/sampler for Logic that will do that?

Maybe I should stick with a hardware sampler instead?


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Message 2/15             07-Oct-02  @  07:22 PM   -   RE: I've finally gone soft


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arr... didnt you say you were _reading_ the articles? well red the EXS24 one again. it loads as many samples as you will at once and maps them for you any way you want it. its quite okay for drums really. i also switched to EXS recently from my h/w sampler and am getting to grips with it... so far so good. and the load on the cpu is very light.

cheers, m.

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Message 3/15             07-Oct-02  @  08:20 PM   -   RE: I've finally gone soft


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samples? wash your mouth out then download my vsti

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Message 4/15             07-Oct-02  @  10:41 PM   -   RE: I've finally gone soft


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ah yes.. but it's mono-timbrel... although it's got multiple outs now right (?)

Kontakt rocks it has to be said... however, with an 8 input fast asio driver equipt audio soundcard/rack, yes... you can bring your 8 sampler inputs into Logic's mixer and add fx in realtime like verbs & delays etc...

but Kontact is amazingly good and after fullscreen editing ... well lcd's just pale into insignifcance.. but the sampler can be used live/location etc... horses for courses.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 5/15             08-Oct-02  @  12:18 AM   -   RE: I've finally gone soft


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Does your vsti work in OSX, xoxos? If so, happily!   Where does one locate it?

Eeps! I'm also now an evil Mac user, K!   No more ASIO or OMS for me! I'm still looking into a couple of USB/Firewire audio/Midi interfaces. I'm thinking about the Quattro for live stuff (It's little, y'see!) and something with lots of SPDIF's in for the studio - Trying to keep things as digital as possible. No more line noise for me, hopefully.

I must say that Apple's Core Audio is the most no-fuss audio/midi computer set up I've ever used. Didn't even need setting up, and if it did, I can't even remember doing it. Dream stuff.

I'll look into Kontakt! Cheers!

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Message 6/15             08-Oct-02  @  12:24 AM   -   RE: I've finally gone soft


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Message 7/15             08-Oct-02  @  12:36 AM   -   RE: I've finally gone soft


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Interesting and groovy! Core Audio is superb. It's everything I've been asking for forever. Apple's actually made the plug n'play concept work. They may be an evil corp, but they have got their shit together here.

Looks like the oxos vsti's are PC only. Pity, they looked really neat, too.


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Message 8/15             08-Oct-02  @  12:17 PM   -   RE: I've finally gone soft


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oh,y ou didn't say you'd gone stupid boo  

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Message 9/15             08-Oct-02  @  05:34 PM   -   RE: I've finally gone soft


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I'm not stupid.   I'm so far crash free and enjoying using computers again. I hated them for 10 years. Bloody things.


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Message 10/15             24-Oct-02  @  11:48 PM   -   RE: I've finally gone soft


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I must say that after using OS X on my G4s
looking at windows 98 is sort of like jumping
in the wayback machine.OS X core audio is
the shizznit.More Apps please.


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