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Subject: Who made this tune...ITS AMAZING!!!

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Original Message 1/9             18-Dec-01  @  07:59 PM   -   Who made this tune...ITS AMAZING!!!


Posts: 137

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I heard it in a set by Kevin Saunderson and
I'd have to say it the best building banging
tune I've EVER heard.

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Message 2/9             07-Jan-02  @  06:24 PM   -   RE: Who made this tune...ITS AMAZING!!!


Posts: 6

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that adresss led nowhere... I'd like to hear this track you speak of...


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Message 3/9             07-Jan-02  @  06:26 PM   -   RE: Who made this tune...ITS AMAZING!!!


Posts: 6

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I found the track on your DT profile page. listening now and It sounds pretty cool.


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Message 4/9             08-Jan-02  @  12:20 AM   -   RE: Who made this tune...ITS AMAZING!!!


Posts: 7627

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Lightyear..please dont take this wrong..but..

I dont get it. what is so amazing about it?

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Message 5/9             12-Jan-02  @  11:40 PM   -   RE: Who made this tune...ITS AMAZING!!!


Posts: 137

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I hope you listened to the whole thing influx,
it's a good 7 minutes long and so the bitrate is
It's just this building layered gem of a tune. I
can't really describe it but it just has grown on
me to the point where I feel it's honestly the
best banging non minimal techno rack I've
ever heard. All my friends are into it too.
It wasn't love at first listen though, so i
understand where your coming from. Might not
be your style either. No offence taken though.

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Message 6/9             13-Jan-02  @  03:36 AM   -   RE: Who made this tune...ITS AMAZING!!!


Posts: 7627

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I would hope not. you didnt write it
I listened to the whole thing. Guess its just a matter of taste because it doesnt do a thing for me

isnt that odd? how one person can go apeshit over something and another...'ehh'?

I IS electronic music. Its not like youre sayin "listen to this slayer song, man!" and I just hate metal!


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Message 7/9             14-Jan-02  @  02:46 PM   -   RE: Who made this tune...ITS AMAZING!!!


Posts: 5701

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slayer rulz :-P

(not rily)

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Message 8/9             14-Jan-02  @  08:22 PM   -   RE: Who made this tune...ITS AMAZING!!!


Posts: 7627

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actually, they do rule. for what they do. I dont like the vocals anymore but the music is pretty fuckin nuts

I was just using that as an example anyway

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Message 9/9             14-Jan-02  @  10:34 PM   -   RE: Who made this tune...ITS AMAZING!!!


Posts: 6231

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if the real track sounds like it's been thru a .ra convertor 100 times like that then i give it track of the year. great osund.

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