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Subject: Apology for Pat Roberson

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Original Message 1/12             17-Jan-10  @  05:32 AM   -   Apology for Pat Roberson


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I apologize not because I've ever been a fan or follower of his in any way, shape, or form. I
apologize because I live in the same country and he blamed Haitians for the earthquake
because they fought against the French who enslaved them. What a racist idiot he is. I wouldn't
wish growing up in the states on anyone because there are so many here like him. You guys in
other countries don't know what it's like growing up in the states. I had no choice because I was
born here. I wish I could live in Europe again. Living in the U.S. is torture to anyone who actually
thinks. There...I said it.

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Message 2/12             17-Jan-10  @  01:30 PM   -   RE: Apology for Pat Roberson


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eh? oh (i just read the news) well you got an airport in the usa innit?

yeah, thunderf00t's video series about creationists contaions a warning about how usa could become a fundamentalist nutter nation if they arent careful, with nuts like that controlling foreign policy and weapons

you seen his videos?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/12             17-Jan-10  @  04:01 PM   -   RE: Apology for Pat Roberson


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too bad there's not really a hell for that idiot to die and go to

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Message 4/12             17-Jan-10  @  10:51 PM   -   RE: Apology for Pat Roberson


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damballah wrote:

too bad theres not really a hell for that idiot to die and go to


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 5/12             18-Jan-10  @  04:05 PM   -   RE: Apology for Pat Roberson


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no hell?

you've obviously never been to hull.

or middlesborough for that matter.

who's pat roberson?

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Message 6/12             19-Jan-10  @  12:39 AM   -   RE: Apology for Pat Roberson


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pat robertson is old now but he was the biggest televangelist in the usa. he had, maybe still has, a
nutcase show for years called "the 700 club" where he preached the gospel, at least in his mind and
he had a following of nutcases. he also blamed the hurricane that destroyed new orleans on gays
and 9/11 on feminists and abortion. he knows how to grab onto the big headlines. speaking of hell,
you've never lived in guilford lakes in the states. actually I haven't been there since i was 7 but if it's a
relief that your family moved from guilford lakes to long island NY is a relief, guilford lakes wins the
most valuable player award in the hell awards.

as for the usa being in danger of being taken over by's scary indeed but i don't
think it will happen. take a stick to a pond and stir up the water. what will happen is the dirt that sat at
the bottom for years starts to surface. i think that is what's happening here. the stick in the water in
this country is people trying to move forward and now all the mud is rising to the top. just look at
sarah palin and dick cheney who is finally coming out of hiding and all over the airwaves along with
his idiot for a daughter.

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Message 7/12             19-Jan-10  @  12:40 AM   -   RE: Apology for Pat Roberson


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damballah wrote:

too bad theres not really a hell for that idiot to die and go

lol. check and...checkmate

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Message 8/12             22-Jan-10  @  03:27 AM   -   RE: Apology for Pat Roberson


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k wrote:

eh? oh (i just read the news) well you got an airport in the usa

yeah, thunderf00ts video series about creationists
contaions a warning about how usa could become a fundamentalist nutter nation if they arent
careful, with nuts like that controlling foreign policy and weapons

you seen his videos?

i haven't seen the vids k but listen to this. someone is trying to form another official basketball
league in the U.S. it's being advertised as an all white basketball league. no blacks need apply. i
can't imagine it's going to go very far but it does exemplify the issue you bring up and the toilet i'm
sitting in the midst of here in the states.

and now this. the supreme court made a decision today that corporations can spend as much
money as they want on political campaigns and lobbying for special interest legislation. the
expression in the u.s. after this decision is " was fun while it lasted."

the supreme court, weighted with conservatives since bush appointed two more during his
disaster in office, said they voted against limiting lobbying and campaign contributions to defend
freedom of speech. now consider that when you work in a corporation (i worked for the investment
banking firm Lehman Brothers until they drove off the cliff) as a worker you are not allowed to
speak in the workplace about politics. now i understand the reasoning behind that but it could also
be considered a freedom of speech infringement. consider that a corporation is not a "person"
whose right to freedom of speech is guaranteed under the Constitution. then consider that the
heads of a corporation can decide where they put the corporation's money politically in spite of the
political views of its employees thereby steering employee moral and financial investment into a
political policy they would not choose if offered the choice.

imagine that wall street now has the ability to buy political support more and more each year. i've
always been against corporate lobbying and now the floodgates are open. in the 1980s and
Reagan's trickle down economics i predicted the economic collapse we saw last year. at first i
thought it would come sooner but as time went on i thought it might not happen in my lifetime. it fell
somewhere in between. Obama is going to try to put a leash on this supreme court ruling. i hope
he can. if not we will see the manifestation in real life of the movie "Rollerball" (I've only seen the
original Rollerball). imagine a public, most of whom have no great interest or time to look into
politics, being bombarded with "vote for this guy" ads and thereby voting by influence rather than
thoughtfulness. if the supreme court ruling is not reigned in the u.s. will no longer be a democracy.
it will be a corporate theocracy. on the bright side, Rome fell and the world kept spinning.

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Message 9/12             22-Jan-10  @  04:27 AM   -   RE: Apology for Pat Roberson

Musineer Productions

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I'm getting the slight impression that Sitar is not your typical run-of-the-mill American nationalist!

You therefore have a duty to stay, for all our sakes, though no one would blame you if you didn't.

Healthcare anyone?

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Message 10/12             22-Jan-10  @  08:31 AM   -   RE: Apology for Pat Roberson


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i am your typical run-of-the-mill welsh nationalist.

do i get a gwobr* then?

if we're going to start on politics with healthcare we might as well throw religion in there as welll.

what's the fastest growing religion on the planet (in the last decade)?


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