aaa Apology for Pat Roberson - The lounge forums
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Subject: Apology for Pat Roberson

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Original Message                 Date: 17-Jan-10  @  05:32 AM   -   Apology for Pat Roberson


Posts: 3872

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I apologize not because I've ever been a fan or follower of his in any way, shape, or form. I
apologize because I live in the same country and he blamed Haitians for the earthquake
because they fought against the French who enslaved them. What a racist idiot he is. I wouldn't
wish growing up in the states on anyone because there are so many here like him. You guys in
other countries don't know what it's like growing up in the states. I had no choice because I was
born here. I wish I could live in Europe again. Living in the U.S. is torture to anyone who actually
thinks. There...I said it.

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Message 11/12             22-Jan-10  @  12:43 PM   -   RE: Apology for Pat Roberson


Posts: 294

Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

jedi ?

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Message 12/12             23-Jan-10  @  04:32 AM   -   RE: Apology for Pat Roberson

Musineer Productions

Posts: 332

Link?: Link

File?:  No file


do i get a gwobr* then?

Want do you want? A long onion or a foaming jug of fine ale?

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