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Subject: golf question

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Original Message                 Date: 05-Apr-03  @  11:16 PM   -   golf question


Posts: 80

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quick golf question.

if you're putting the ball in and you hit it really hard but right at the hole what happens? does the ball swerve or just go straight over the hole?



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Message 11/21             06-Apr-03  @  07:10 PM   -   RE: golf question


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if you hit it too hard, but dead straight, perfect angle into the cup, etc, itll usually hit the back of the cup, bounce UP and continue behind the hole

Ive seen it bounce straight up and fall right in, too.

it doesnt go "around" the hole because a properly cut cup is perfectly level with the putting surface

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Message 12/21             06-Apr-03  @  07:11 PM   -   RE: golf question


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oh but there are lipouts, too..where the ball will sorta drop in and get spun centrifugally and spit back out, sometimes after making up to a 360* rotation. sad to watch when its a pro putting for the win! 

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Message 13/21             06-Apr-03  @  08:00 PM   -   RE: golf question


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i *think* it's ok then... i tweaked the constants a bit more and it does the spinning of sorts.. but when you hit it on the perfect angle it comes back instead of contining behind.


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Message 14/21             07-Apr-03  @  07:45 AM   -   RE: golf question


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Dont think Ive ever seen that happen...

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Message 15/21             10-Apr-03  @  01:44 PM   -   RE: golf question


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I've seen when the ball has the wrong spin it almost goes in but spins right out of the hoop and is rebounded usually by the other team. They ought to start golf tournaments off with a jump ball.

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Message 16/21             10-Apr-03  @  06:56 PM   -   RE: golf question


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my trouble starts as soon as I pick the bloody club up. thats it then all down hill from there.

real pig trying to chase the ball.

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Message 17/21             12-Apr-03  @  07:28 PM   -   RE: golf question


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No it definitely wouldn't come back at you.The
forward spin of a putt would negate that.Influx
you play golf?Ok so if i'm ever in Cali we have
to strap 12 pack to a cart and go golfing.I
promise the most fun on the course
ever.Scary thing is I've been known to par back
in my golfing days.Although now i'm sure i'm
not any better.Golf! what a riot.Funny lil
story.The fundamentals of golf shouldn't be
practiced in pairs.Me and this cat were
chipping back and forth a distance of about
20 meters.I got a real good loft on one with my
sand wedge and crack.Louder than a .22 cal
bullet the ball comes down square on his
head.As soon as I heard the noise I expected
him to drop.Caddy Shack came to mind where
the old guy get's electrocuted and the caddy
just bails on him.Never did find the ball.The
good news is my homeboy only got a lump on
his head and mad shit from me about it for
life.later peepz.,

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Message 18/21             12-Apr-03  @  10:28 PM     Edit: 12-Apr-03  |  10:29 PM   -   RE: golf question


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hey queasy, is there a moon course in your game ?
i'd probably end-up in the regolith trap all the time tho'

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Message 19/21             12-Apr-03  @  10:49 PM   -   RE: golf question


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poor cat!

and damn... it doesn't come back eh? owell... ;(

moon course: umm.. maybe.. but it's 2d so....


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Message 20/21             13-Apr-03  @  01:01 AM   -   RE: golf question


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heh. yeah, I play golf. low round of 75 on a par70 with a course rating of 73 and a slope of I think 128...


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