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Subject: Americans and Indian Call centres

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Original Message 1/23             23-Nov-05  @  02:53 PM   -   Americans and Indian Call centres


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For example, the Gate tells of a call from a woman in Texas recently to a bloke in an Indian call centre. She started by saying that thanks to outsourcing: "You are getting money, food, shelter. You should be starving."

Das, who quit the job after four months, said she learned to dislike Americans. "Rarely, there are people who are good," she said by e-mail, "but then others remind me that all they believe in is cursing, and they don't have respect for others."

On the Philadelphia radio show "Star and Buc Wild," host Troi Terrain phoned an Indian call center pretending to order hair beads for his daughter. The call quickly turned vicious.

"Listen to me, you dirty rat eater," Terrain growled, to muffled laughter in the studio. "I'll come out there and choke the -- out of you. You're a filthy rat eater. I'm calling about my American 6-year-old white girl. How dare you outsource my call?"

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Message 2/23             23-Nov-05  @  03:08 PM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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not really surprising for yanks really is it?

we're no better over here- i disagree with outsourcing if the place is not going to share the same native language, but then again companies think about money not customer service- which again is no surprise...


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Message 3/23             23-Nov-05  @  03:20 PM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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i dont know whats worse, people's attitudes or the fact they are outsourcing even bloody support lines?

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Message 4/23             23-Nov-05  @  03:24 PM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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milan wrote:

i dont know whats worse, peoples attitudes or the fact they are outsourcing even bloody support lines?

It's called capitalism/free market.. those guys are just cheaper..

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Message 5/23             23-Nov-05  @  03:43 PM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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ive had limited experience with indian based supprot lines but ive found that the calls take twice as long, are generally filled with people spelling and pronouncing things and leave you unconfident that your initial problem was understood and something actioned....

i blame this purely on the language barrier- i think we (english) would be even worse at trying to master the various languages spoken in india than they are at trying to learn our language and that if the situtaion was reversed we would have the exact same problems...


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Message 6/23             23-Nov-05  @  04:16 PM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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It's called capitalism/free market.. those guys are just cheaper..

you dont say??

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Message 7/23             23-Nov-05  @  05:29 PM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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milan wrote:

Its called capitalism/free market.. those guys are just cheaper..

you dont say??

Yes I do!

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Message 8/23             26-Nov-05  @  02:40 AM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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It's causing a huge cultural shift in India. Young people supporting their whole families, living like
western consumers. Best of all, some independence for women, as they are the majority of
service industry workers. It's kinda fucked over there for the ladies...

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Message 9/23             26-Nov-05  @  11:06 AM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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aye, over there it's seen as a decent job and they're pretty much all graduates.

have to agree with monkeybasket though, unless you speak the queens english it can get pretty frustrating and even a bit humiliating to be constantly having to repeat yourself.

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Message 10/23             26-Nov-05  @  05:16 PM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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I have regular phone conferences with colleagues from India... and it is usually pretty frustrating, having a meeting via the shitty IP speakerphone with those guys.

The funny thing is that they have really good education, their spoken english can be much better than mine when it comes to grammar, but the accent (and their ability and desire to speak FAST) makes it almost impossible to understand...

But, still, I can magane somehow (non native englis speaker) via that damn speakerphone (sometimes it sounds like there's a fucking ohmboyz delay in it ),

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Message 11/23             26-Nov-05  @  06:47 PM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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what?... well fuck THAT!... I aint predjudiced so they can go and fuck themselves just as much as english twats calling me up to sell me shit... I had some goon on the phone today who i think (cos the accent was so broad) was trying to sell me a mobile phone service.. i could make out the words 'mobile phone' in the pitch anyways

For the phone sellers, I just tell them I'm blind and can't use a mobile phone, but incredibly this gimp upon hearing that STILL went for it just ignoring me totaly!.

The dialog was sortof:


"yes sir... well I'd like to tell you about the great savings you can make if you take a mobile phone package from us...."


"Yes sir.... so anyways, our phone packages come with the best deals for...."

yadda yadda yadda

etc etc

The other classic I do (which Zazza has witnessed with the 'Pizza delivery variable') is to pretend they have reached the local curry/pizza house and ask them to place an order... no matter what they say you just keep saying:

"Koh-in-Nur Curry House!"... or "Perfect Pizza".. and keep asking to take their order

lol, that fucks them right up... especialy it works really good if you put on the most outrageous Indian or Italian accent


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 12/23             26-Nov-05  @  07:51 PM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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hahahahah... you're a nutter k

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Message 13/23             26-Nov-05  @  07:55 PM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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iheardat, but seriously folks...

"Yes, sure, send me the details & brochures... my name & address?.. sure, it's.... E. Windsor, 1 The Mall, London, SW1A 1AA."

lol... send the junkmail to the queen


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 14/23             26-Nov-05  @  11:51 PM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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Message 15/23             06-Dec-05  @  12:15 PM     Edit: 06-Dec-05  |  03:42 PM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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lol @ k!

Got a girl on the phone when I called Factset tech support, a proggie we sometimes use at work. knew right off she was Indian. I told her what i'd done so far. she starts asking me questions point by point then asks me if I'd done something i'd just told her i'd done. she answers her own question saying "oh yes you told me you did that already", at which point I realized she wasn't thinking about the problem but rather reading off a checklist. I wondered at that point if she's ever actually used the program herself. After a couple of minutes i said to her you know what, let me ask someone else here at work and if I still can't resolve the issue I'll call back. After trying to blame the problem on another conflicting program she apologized for not being able to help. I managed to stay polite on the phone but what a total waste of time.

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Message 16/23             06-Dec-05  @  03:40 PM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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mind you, i can understand the indian call op's better than some of the scots & irish ones  

some of those accents are so broad


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 17/23             06-Dec-05  @  04:26 PM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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there's a real bad telecall estate: i think its milton keynes not sure from the accent but i would get wound up just listening to some of these wimmen...

the main difference was the 'u' sound- they would say how can i help yooooooouuuuuuuwwwwww.....and yes it make THAT word last THAT long- it's not brum or black country- dunno what it is but all i could think of saying whilst she was talking was 'why are talking in that silly voice?' - then i rang up again and again on related matters and found they all bloody talked like that!!.....

what with their computer-says-no demeanor ill have to vote that one particular place a nightmare to deal with- oh that and ntl support...

tech: ring this number for your pid
15 minutes
me: hello can i have my pid
phone: no its not something we have, let me transfer you
15 minutes
me: can i have my pid
phone: sorry we dont know who you are- nothing has been set up for you. a sales rep will ring right back
2 hours- no call
10 minutes
me: can i have my pid
phone: yes of course greg....

WHAT!?!?!?!?!? i wiated for two hours just cos the bird on the end of the line was a window licker!! fookin' hell im getting off of ntl after this month


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Message 18/23             07-Dec-05  @  06:53 PM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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ah!... you mean as used in adverts like 'Yes Car Credit' with that little bint in the crappy green boiler suit? - "The little girl" accent thing?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 19/23             07-Dec-05  @  08:38 PM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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I'm sorry but when someone shells out $2500 for a PC and calls tech support and gets a guy with thick indian accent who calls himself "Jason" it's just not right. These call centers do a lot of things to hide the fact that they're located overseas and you can't blame consumers for feeling like they've been slighted.

Fact is these call centers are located overseas purely for economic reasons and fuck-all to customer service.

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Message 20/23             07-Dec-05  @  10:15 PM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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but then again I switched ISP from Pipex, who had UK tech support, to Demon who as it turned out had Indian tech support because they were 2 (two) quid cheaper a month. Probably tells it's own story.

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Message 21/23             07-Dec-05  @  10:18 PM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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lol @ Steve

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Message 22/23             08-Dec-05  @  06:50 AM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres



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i was wondering what the deal was with all this.

i just set karen's studio up (very sweet btw) and had to call tech support as the linksys modem software wasn't osx compatible as the package indicated.
so this girl tells me to download an exe. file and i tell her she knows full-well an exe. file isn't for mac and you can just feel her smiling from the other side of the globe.
i suggested all she wanted to do was get rid of this call and move on to the next caller without ever giving viable support.
she basically said i was right.
i asked her to hand me off to someone who almost cared about providing a little customer-support....which she did...and he did and we finally got our problem resolved.

but it's bad enough when you can't understand them through their accent....
it's horrible when they choose not to even care.

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Message 23/23             08-Dec-05  @  09:18 AM   -   RE: Americans and Indian Call centres


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im not sure ive seen that advert- god forbid anyone has let that accent get on tv- imma gonna try and find out exactly where it is now so i can try post an example..


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