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Subject: Do you do anything today?

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Original Message                 Date: 06-Nov-02  @  01:33 AM   -   Do you do anything today?



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Many of us have concerns for this and that, but never move to action. Voting is the very first step.

Heh, I even voted a democrat today (Justice Wells)

Shout out if you voted today.

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Message 21/51             06-Nov-02  @  11:12 PM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?


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yeah, he wrote a book about his warningins to the fbi etc about the bin laden connection and how he was told to shut up about it... which was why he quit..

xoxos:'TOTAL HUMAN EXTERMINATION, like charity,' starts at home? Can I watch?

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Message 22/51             06-Nov-02  @  11:33 PM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?


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what? do you think you're just naturally attractive or something?

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Message 23/51             06-Nov-02  @  11:34 PM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?


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I have a certain inner beauty...  

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Message 24/51             06-Nov-02  @  11:35 PM     Edit: 06-Nov-02  |  11:39 PM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?


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in NH I voted for 4 Libertarians and 18 None of the Aboves as a write in.

did my job....


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Message 25/51             07-Nov-02  @  12:08 AM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?


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yeah except some of the libertarians are all about big business 

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Message 26/51             07-Nov-02  @  02:39 AM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?


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Something to think about.Now that i'm a non
citizen and all.I lost my "right" to vote.Let me
give you guys a little food for thought.Nobody
votes independent except the left.So if you
want to be spared the right,it's best to vote w/
the left.The mainstream left.Sort of how Perot
got clinton elected the left has allowed total
control by thinking that giving 10% of the vote
to a no go independent will make a
difference.It did.Good show peeps.Now they
have a majority in the
senate,house,presidency,and an edge in the
supreme court.

H- Watch our country reaganize,once
again,the rich get richer and the poor/informed
get locked up for safe keeping.I must give
congrats to non analytical thinking.If you get to
vote again and you don't like the right here's a
suggestion,DEMOCRAT straight's not
the best system in the world but you have to
use the 2 party system as effectively as
possible.think about it.

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Message 27/51             07-Nov-02  @  03:36 AM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?



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I didn't bother. None of our canidates desearve to win. I'm not republican and our democrat is a stupid hobo

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Message 28/51             07-Nov-02  @  06:49 AM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?


Posts: 1502

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it's not much of a choice if you have to vote for satan's little brother to keep satan out is it?

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Message 29/51             07-Nov-02  @  08:12 AM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?



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Sorry H... I couldn't disagree more strenuously. If a system of democracy is to work the PEOPLE must vote their conscience. A two party system is not democracy... I was struck during the presidential debates 2 years ago by how often Bush and Gore said, "I agree with you" one to the other. The republicans say, "This is what we need to do.." and the Democrats say, "Yeah!, I'm not them!"... and we're told we're getting a choice. Well, low voter turnout is direct evidence that people aren't that stupid.

I think those who call a vote of conscience a wasted vote are simply caving in to the totalatarian hoodwink that's been perpetrated by those best served by the status quo.

Up with the liberation! Down with the proletariat!!! hehehe


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Message 30/51             07-Nov-02  @  08:13 AM     Edit: 07-Nov-02  |  08:15 AM   -   RE: Do you do anything today?


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"it's not much of a choice if you have to vote for satan's little brother to keep satan out is it?"

yeah, that's like owning a gun to protect yourself.


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