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Subject: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...

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Original Message                 Date: 15-Sep-02  @  06:43 PM     Edit: 15-Sep-02  |  06:44 PM   -   Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Just been watching the F1 today and got to thinking. Every fortnight, thanks to the insurmountable scarlet scammers, I find the races less and less interesting. Does anyone else feel that Ferrari/Schumacher have killed F1? I certainly do. I used to love this sport. It was my weekly saviour. I'd get a couple of cans of cold Carlsberg Export, a few bags of crisps, switch my brain off and enjoy sitting in for the race. Thoroughly satisfying. But now, the races are so predictable that I had to switch the TV off after 10 minutes. Ferarri and Schumacher have proved their point, they are the best. But enough is enough! Lets get a petition together to have them removed so that F1 can be exciting once more!



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Message 31/40             17-Sep-02  @  10:24 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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I saw that char-g R/C , i was gonna get one for my friend as a birthday present and one for myself to race.

I dont like drag racing and the who import racing hersm because its not racing, people poor money into their cars thats all, none of them are good drivers, just yesterday they hit a van and killed the driver. Ad all they do is just go in a straight line.. whats the fun in that... It would be fun if all the cars were closely matched and depended on driver skills not just HP, you know driving skills like, braking, cornering, where a good front/rear weight bias is actually taken to consideration and people who drive tha car know about weight transfer... IF those people were into "real" racing they wouldnt have 200 pounds of stereo equipment in the car! Its all a small penis issue really when people tr to race their "hopped up" cars on the public roads with other people driving... Now i am just bitching... anyways, What my point was i am gonna build a kit car with space frame chasis and Mustang hardware, with a 60s shelby fiberglass body, it suppose to get to 0-60 (0 100 km for the euros) under 4.6 seconds, and thats with out any modea with the standard 5.0 mustang engine, fix efi, put some camshafts, ma be new cylinders, better ignition and the suspension upgrade 0-60 is goes under 4 second and it can pul 1.1 s on the skid pad.... that would be fun to drive... and take it to couple races..(its gonna be daily driver.. i dont have too much money) Hey K wanna sponser me?
if anyon interested, this the car by the way

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Message 32/40             18-Sep-02  @  12:54 AM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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drag racing? whats fun about watching men in skirts race?

iŽll get me coat...

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Message 33/40             18-Sep-02  @  06:39 AM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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I'd rather watch paint dry.

Then peel.


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Message 34/40             18-Sep-02  @  06:49 AM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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"Chuckle.... Influx, You play GOLF? "

yup. bout a 10 or so. Lowest round 75 on a pretty tough course

I dont look the part tho. I get stared at a lot with the tattoos and sometimes bleached hair

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Message 35/40             18-Sep-02  @  12:32 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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hah! you should see how hard they try *not* to look when i'm parking my giant flying destructobot.

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Message 36/40             18-Sep-02  @  01:03 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...



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Sorry for laughing, Influx, but the idea of the underground dance musician playing golf struck me as funny. Maybe not so much in the US, but here it is the most conservative and middle-aged of sports. They still don't allow women in the club house at some clubs here. Anyway I can't take a sport seriously where the ball isn't moving when you hit it.

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Message 37/40             18-Sep-02  @  01:26 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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If golf gets to slow & dull for you...

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Message 38/40             18-Sep-02  @  07:58 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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Sorry for laughing, Influx, but the idea of the underground dance musician playing golf struck me as funny. Maybe not so much in the US, but here it is the most conservative and middle-aged of sports. They still don't allow women in the club house at some clubs here. Anyway I can't take a sport seriously where the ball isn't moving when you hit it.

actually....there are punks and skaters and all sorts of people play here

I dont mind the giggle because it IS funny, and golf IS kinda lame on a certain level, but it is the single most difficult endeavor I have ever picked up, in terms of complexity and the difficulty of hitting that ball that is, yes, standing still

so...if something gets props simply for being difficult, golf is it for sure. and...something about hitting it RIGHT....just feels damn good

plus you get to walk in the park for 4+ hours. not bad for us vampires

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Message 39/40             18-Sep-02  @  09:22 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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my boss plays golf. he sort of looks like a blond cross between bob dobbs and the big boy. in other words, golf face.

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Message 40/40             18-Sep-02  @  09:43 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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well you can always tyr to be a pro at golf if the whole nuskool breaks thing doesnt work out for ya, dave  

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