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Subject: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...

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Original Message                 Date: 15-Sep-02  @  06:43 PM     Edit: 15-Sep-02  |  06:44 PM   -   Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Just been watching the F1 today and got to thinking. Every fortnight, thanks to the insurmountable scarlet scammers, I find the races less and less interesting. Does anyone else feel that Ferrari/Schumacher have killed F1? I certainly do. I used to love this sport. It was my weekly saviour. I'd get a couple of cans of cold Carlsberg Export, a few bags of crisps, switch my brain off and enjoy sitting in for the race. Thoroughly satisfying. But now, the races are so predictable that I had to switch the TV off after 10 minutes. Ferarri and Schumacher have proved their point, they are the best. But enough is enough! Lets get a petition together to have them removed so that F1 can be exciting once more!



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Message 11/40             15-Sep-02  @  11:49 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...



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I kinda like Formula 1..

About ferrari always winning.. well, it hasn't always been like that. Look at the late 80's.. they were shite.. but they have slowly improved and gotten on the top again... don't ask me why but I think it's nice to watch.

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Message 12/40             15-Sep-02  @  11:58 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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Of course cricket is best enjoyed on the TV with the sound turned down, whilst listening to the BBC radio commentary.. 20 minutes discussing a nice cake sent in by Mrs Throgmorton-Smythe of Esher while the wickets tumble unnoticed in the background.. (i kid you not)

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Message 13/40             16-Sep-02  @  12:33 AM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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This American pig says Ferrari's just making
up for the failings 5 yrs ago.Don't worry i'm
sure the other teams will pull something out
of their bag of tricks.But as a team ferrari fan
myself F1 is very exciting to see the rest of the
field work their ass off while the boyz look like
they're commuting to work.I'm sure that it will
all even out some year.But did you see those
manufacturers points,holy shizznit batman.I'm
not sure why us Americans insist on going in
circles,i've yet to find a road that is oval.At lest
we have Cart and Skip Barber pro series to
keep thse of us in the know
entertained.Although I will race my triumph
speed four next season in the WERA,chunked
the SUV.laterz.

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Message 14/40             16-Sep-02  @  02:06 AM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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hell I dont know what IM talkin about..I watch GOLF, and billiards (both are easier to appreciate when you actually play with some semblance of skill)

but incredibly boring otherwise, for sure

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Message 15/40             16-Sep-02  @  02:55 AM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...

Defector Z


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Sounds like what happening in sailing. There's a big movement to get people in boats with only 1 set of sails rather than 15 different ones for each mph of wind above 0. Makes it affortable and still competitive.

But it you take the technology out of racing, you don't many of the advances that are included in todays production cars. It would be a hard thing to monitor. Any ideas?

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Message 16/40             16-Sep-02  @  04:06 AM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...



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definately been on a downward slope for the last few years- especially so after the senna crash, where they seemed to go overboard on restrictions and safety points- its all about fastest pit times and fuel strategys now because the cars are pretty much restricted to an equal(ish).

get it on old school- the drivers know the dangers (they dont complain about money anyway!)

Give them a set rolling chassis and 3litre naturally aspirated engine to play with- the restrictions end there- teams can tune engine to fullest capabilities/ free design aero dynamics etc...

fastest car/ best ballsOut driver wins- easy no?

the way that german drives it prob wouldnt matter tho...

much more fun


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Message 17/40             16-Sep-02  @  10:29 AM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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agree with spinback, f1 so fucking boring because they resricted everything, they capped the hp, displacement, speed limit... All the speed records on lemans( its not f1 i know, but a good example) were broken in 60s till they started restrictin stuff. f1 was a technology test ground for companies (drive by wire/abs/adaptive body) now its all gone... your 85 honda is more advanced then a f1 car now!. If the spped of the cars were raising every year like the way it rose in the 60's they would be racing at 300+ mph by now.
About NASCAR AND Drag racing.... WTF is that all about? Can you make it more boring...oh hold on there is always fuckin (american)football its 6 seconds of go and 1 minute of stop... just like drag racing! rugby for the fatasses that cant run!

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Message 18/40             16-Sep-02  @  12:20 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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yeah it was way better back in the days when they all ran Cosworth V8's - at least it was more about the drivers then. I prefer drag racing myself cos i'm more into the mechanic's/engineering of that one fast burn, plus the power is phenomenal!

BTW Steve I DO (or did) like the snooker, but I cant stand the continual chatter they do now that's all, it makes it impossible to watch cos it takes away the whole vibe of the game.. I mean if you are PLAYING it, and some guy is jabbering away in the corner he'd be booted out of the room, it just isnt in keeping with the game to have a non-stop backing commentary. I mean I DONT need some guys blathering on about "what shots the guy might or can take" as he walks round the table - I can fucking SEE that myself!!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 19/40             16-Sep-02  @  12:42 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...


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Message 20/40             16-Sep-02  @  12:45 PM   -   RE: Bloody Ferrari/Shitemacher...



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Chuckle.... Influx, You play GOLF?

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