aaa Beans on fucking toast, mate. - The lounge forums
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Subject: Beans on fucking toast, mate.

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Original Message 1/77             11-Oct-02  @  05:19 PM   -   Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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Perfect day. I've got the day off work, so I'm sat on the
couch and fucking around with Reason, drinking more
Tea than is good for everyone and awaiting lunch time.

I'm all excited because I found a tin of Heinz beans in
the cupboard last night, so I'm going to make beans on
toast for lunch. This might seem really sad, but I've not
had B on T for a year and I'm seriously craving it.

Why am I announcing it here? Who knows? Maybe
this thread is something to do with Studios and
comfort? Ok, yeah, that's it. How do you make yourself
comfy in your studio and what nourishment suits you?

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Message 2/77             11-Oct-02  @  05:54 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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studio food... mmmmmmmm

Mountain Dew! Taco's from the mexi-shak down the street. Mountain Dew! and um... a Bottled water dispenser in the corner.

... Lava lamps (2 so they're out of phaze), A big huge tie died muslin panel on one wall, A couple'a buddha Thangkas, and a big chink of Rock from the Black rock desert! And a nice COMFY chair (recently appropriated by the girlfriend for the desk in the house, damnit!)


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Message 3/77             11-Oct-02  @  05:59 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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"How do you make yourself comfy in your studio"


"what nourishment suits you"

see above


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Message 4/77             11-Oct-02  @  05:59 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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beans and toast is THE meal to have on a day like that.

THe possibilities are endless.....

Beans on cheese on toast
Beans on cheese and worcester sauce on toast
chili beans (just add a bit of chili powder) and toast...

It goes on and on HEAVEN

reminds me of the time when I had cookery at school and we did cheese on toast as a snack.
(yes I was in the Fuck wit group due to my tendacy to have food fights!), anyways cheeese on toast as a snack! WTF! Its a meal in my house mate.. always has been and always will be!



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Message 5/77             11-Oct-02  @  06:13 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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beans on toast with just a touch of haldi, lovely.

don't really do food (it's for wimps) usually it's a couple of cobs from the corner shop. evening sessions require spliff, cold lager or chilled white wine.

it's friday, so i'll be having fish and chips from the sharoosh chip shop on the way home from the boozer! woo hoo!

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Message 6/77             11-Oct-02  @  06:18 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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I'm off to London in March next year. And judging by this thread, I'm packing FOOD!

Amazing how many smoke in the studio. It always slows us down, and kills the energy. Wine, or Scotch is really nice, especially for breakbeats... shrug.



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Message 7/77             11-Oct-02  @  06:42 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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Oh no, man... nothing like a cup of kona coffee and a carefully packed bowl to get me going in the morning. The only thing that's tricky about smoking in the studio is how you get sucked...into... your..... synths.....!


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Message 8/77             11-Oct-02  @  08:46 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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beans on toast?

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Message 9/77             11-Oct-02  @  09:10 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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something i've lost

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Message 10/77             11-Oct-02  @  09:17 PM     Edit: 11-Oct-02  |  09:17 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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beans on toast really hits the spot sometimes eh!... and it's quite healthy emergency food if you drain off the sugar infested juice.... and (sadly) it reminds me of a joke

there's this businessman and he is addicted to beans on toast ever since he was a boy, he loves it and despite the fact it gives him bad wind he can't stop eating them he loves beans on toast soooo much!....

He's out on the road one evening and stops to call his wife to tell her he'll be back at 8 o'clock and she says:

"remember it's your birthday, and i've got a surprise so you'd better not be late!"

he get's off the phone in the cafe and happens to see the menu... DOUBLE BEANS ON TOAST

he can't resist no matter how hard he fights it and knowing it might make him late getting home, he orders and wolfs down the double beans on toast and goes back to his car and sets off for home...

halfway home he starts to get REALLY terrible gut ache from the beans and starts farting really heavey wet farts, opening the car window etc, it's real bad wind!!...

he arrives home, lets off a few REALLY long wet heavey farts outside the door, gasps in relief, and walks in... His wife runs to meet him at the door, blocking his way, and says:

"Ok birthday boy, put on this blindfold for your surprise!"

So he puts it on, and he feels her lead him into the dining room and sit him down at the table...

Then she says:

"ok... I'm going to quickly put on some lippy & tidy up, you wait here and DONT LOOK!!!... You'd better NOT!!... or you'll spoil your surprise"

he hears her go out and sighs in relief cos another serious fart is busting painfully to get out and as soon as he hears her leave the room & the door closes he lets rip a massive looooong flapping wet one, REALLY fucking smelly too!...

He takes a sniff and it is REVOLTING!!!!... so he's wafting the air & gagging & coughing, and then he feels another one coming in a surge of pain and lets rip another really raucus wet one!!!... and again it reeks, & he wafts it like fuck to try to disperse the foul aroma before his wife returns....

After a few minutes he hears the wife returning downstairs and issues a few last frantic 'wafts' with his handkerchief, and sits straight as she enters the room...

She walks up behind him and says "You didn't look did you?" - "No no, no way!... i didnt look", he replies....

"Ok then" she says.... "surprise!!!!" - and pulls off the blindfold...

and there's 10 people sitting round the table for dinner.



I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 11/77             11-Oct-02  @  09:52 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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heh heh... I've just let out an enormous fart, too.


influx- Heinz baked Beans atop Hot buttered toast. it's
a British delicacy. I've not had it in a year since moving
to Yankyland.
If you're interested, you can buy Heinz beans at any
Btitish food Emporium. There's about 4 or 5 Brit shops
in LA - go buy some beans and butter toast some

I think simple, comfort food is ideal studio nosh. Now
for a cuppa tetley...

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Message 12/77             11-Oct-02  @  09:53 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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Butter some toast, that should say. I bloody silly laptop

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Message 13/77             11-Oct-02  @  10:20 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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Mexicans do a bean and bread thing that they
refer to as a "burrito". Or you could scoup
some dal makhni up with some nan. Or
hummus with pita. This british version, I think
I'll skip.

Go to an British food Emporium for Heinz
baked beans? As in Heinz from PHUCKING
PITTSBURGH? I'm sure crossing the Atlantic
twice will make the molasses and bacon
congeal quite nicely.

Heh, check this. I was out in the Rockies in
August and was cruising through Frisco, CO
and there was a shop selling "Mexican
Wraps"! You idiotic f#ckers, "mexican wraps"
already have a name.

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Message 14/77             11-Oct-02  @  10:21 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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you know i've seriously never desired beans on anything in my life can't really stand em but guess what the fuck I can't stop thinking about now thank you very much now i gotta go find some damn beans and bread and hmmmm.... bet that joint didn't help


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Message 15/77             11-Oct-02  @  10:28 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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damn!.. now i'm thinking of a nice big bowl of Boston baked beans!.. drat!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 16/77             11-Oct-02  @  10:36 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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fuck heinz. Theres this other kind I like...REALLY good shit...

see..I thought it would be something special...I eat bread and beans all the time. really a good meal when you get down to it

and kilo..that joke was FUNNY!

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Message 17/77             11-Oct-02  @  10:40 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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I made a pot of N'awlins style red beans n rice
monday, about 5 bucks worth of ingrediants
and you can live on it almost a week, lots o'
complex proteins... some fresh corn bread on
the side and keep the looziana hot sauce

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Message 18/77             12-Oct-02  @  01:03 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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mmmm... donuts

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Message 19/77             12-Oct-02  @  01:16 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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yup. beans n rice

man..I havent had kawnbrayad in a LONG time!

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Message 20/77             12-Oct-02  @  01:17 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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lost those too..

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Message 21/77             12-Oct-02  @  01:39 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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yeah man beans & rice ! drool!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 22/77             12-Oct-02  @  02:01 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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HP baked beans are the best.

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Message 23/77             12-Oct-02  @  02:05 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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too much sugar in heinz for me, too mushy.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 24/77             12-Oct-02  @  03:34 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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Bush's Bold N Spicy. thats the one. with hot sauce added. mmmmmm

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Message 25/77             12-Oct-02  @  01:33 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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you're marrying princess lucky, so you better get used to it.

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Message 26/77             12-Oct-02  @  05:06 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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u ok x?

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Message 27/77             12-Oct-02  @  11:40 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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i might not wear so much perfume but ...  

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Message 28/77             14-Oct-02  @  09:21 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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canned beans?!? pshaw! make your own beans its more satisfying...i make a killer bean salad myself: white beans, chopped tomatos, onion, garlic, basil, olive oil, chili powder mmm

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Message 29/77             14-Oct-02  @  09:25 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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sounds good!

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Message 30/77             14-Oct-02  @  08:23 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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coffe ciggarets and takeout thai food from a little place in my neighborhood called spicy´nHot. Not that good for the stomach but it keeps me satisfied

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Message 31/77             27-Oct-02  @  04:45 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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just had some beans on toast.. awesome..

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Message 32/77             27-Oct-02  @  06:09 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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I'm a sucker for coffee and snuff in the studio.. make me feel good basicly

I try to wear comfortable clothes when I'm working.. basicly a t-shirt, running pants and some old trainers :-)

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Message 33/77             27-Oct-02  @  07:29 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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Message 34/77             27-Oct-02  @  07:38 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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it's a norwegian thing, everyone's doing it ;)

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Message 35/77             27-Oct-02  @  08:12 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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actually it's more swedish but it has become really popular in norway lately.

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Message 36/77             27-Oct-02  @  10:24 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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snuff is basically just snorting tobacco, right?

and that is making a comeback?


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Message 37/77             27-Oct-02  @  10:26 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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Yeah, I Norwegian guy I work with does it.. well he stuffs it under his upper lip and looks really weird....

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Message 38/77             28-Oct-02  @  01:51 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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ok, someone differentiate snuff and chewing tobacco here. They're not the same thing, right? Isn't snuff a fine, sniffable powder and chewing tobaco long grains of leaf to make you look like a hick?


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Message 39/77             28-Oct-02  @  02:21 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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nah man it looks like a lump of tacky but firm 7 day old dog turd, and norwegians stuff it under their lip to take the taste of herrings way  


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 40/77             28-Oct-02  @  04:24 AM     Edit: 28-Oct-02  |  04:27 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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Plus the revolting act of spitting out copious amounts of brown coloured grot at frequent intervals that is part of the chewing tobacco habit is enough to stop any sane individual from taking up the habit.Snuff is nasty stuff as well that leaves you snottering dark clumpy bits out of your nose I tried it once when I was very young I don't recommend it unless you want a stinging,snottery nose and watery eyes.

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Message 41/77             28-Oct-02  @  05:27 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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Hehe, You don't spit anything actually.. you pack it (gets a bit dirty on your hands but you can always wash them *tip), put it up and leave it there for a desired amount of time. It'e easy.. looks incredibly stupid, but the effect is pretty good and if you do it right it doesn't taste anything.

It is not the same as chewing tobacco and snuff does not make you spit or make your nose run or anything.

It's actually called Snus but I thought the english word was Snuff (there's something called Snuff in norway too, and that is something you .. some claim it's also called Dipit but I'm not so sure about that

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Message 42/77             28-Oct-02  @  05:34 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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nuff about snuff\snus  

Nothing beats coffee on a rainy day when you can be inside and make some cool music

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Message 43/77             28-Oct-02  @  12:43 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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Proximus in Danish snus is the powdered tobacco that you sniff up each nostril it is called snuff in English so you are right.I knew a guy back in Glasgow who used it all his days he had a moustache which was stained from his use of snuff he was constantly wiping his nose.The chewing tobacco that K mentioned is that clumped together block of sticky tobacco leaves that you break bits off and shove up in your cheek between your lip and your gum and that stuff makes you spit brown shit unless you want to swallow it it is called skrå in Danish is that the stuff you're using?

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Message 44/77             28-Oct-02  @  04:47 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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It's neither of them I think.. skrå in Norwegian is chewing tobacco and chewing tobacco is different from snus. You know General right? That's the kind :-)

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Message 45/77             28-Oct-02  @  05:50 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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My thread has become a nasty place!   Yuck!

I saw a Snuff snorting competition once on Eurotrash once. A fat, German woman won it. She managed to snort an entire MUG of the stuff into her lungs. They then showed her blowing it all back out into a sink after the competition. Bloody nasty stuff.


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Message 46/77             28-Oct-02  @  08:11 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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dude! give it up! just seek out some weed, and try some of that. you don't want to go getting all dirty for that.

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Message 47/77             28-Oct-02  @  08:25 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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fluffy green popcorn nugs and dark rich kona.

Oh, I'm writin' something today....


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Message 48/77             29-Oct-02  @  06:39 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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anyone got a link to some thai?

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Message 49/77             29-Oct-02  @  11:50 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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i dunno. i got a friend with a garden, and we just got an odd array of seeds.. it's good, whatever it is. the only name i remember was one called 'kb.' funny looking plants, too. i might be able to give you a better answer in a month.

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Message 50/77             29-Oct-02  @  07:14 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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"kb" around here is just generic kind bud. I've never had thai. I'll take BC buds any day, tho. See now you got me talking about it again and now I gotta go.


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Message 51/77             30-Oct-02  @  01:12 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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I was all diggin' this thread and $h1t, and there you go, talking about brown drool and sniffing dried brown plants.


Anyway, I'd ignored this for awhile, then today, with my Ziegenbock Amber beer and a bowl full of queso (texmex restaraunt lingo for spicy cheese dip) and chips, I run across a thread about studio food!

So, on that note: what the hell are you brits thinking?

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Message 52/77             30-Oct-02  @  01:29 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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I'm thinking: "princess diana, greatest Briton?,
my arse, urge to kill rising"

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Message 53/77             30-Oct-02  @  02:49 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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Caractacus now that's what I call a great Briton.

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Message 54/77             30-Oct-02  @  02:51 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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just what I need, something to increase my booger production

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Message 55/77             30-Oct-02  @  07:00 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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lol - yeah Lady Di, a truly 'great' person..... um...

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Message 56/77             24-Nov-02  @  01:31 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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"Beans on fuckin toast, mate!!!!"

so good. so filling. Bush's makes good beans.


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Message 57/77             24-Nov-02  @  03:19 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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Fuck that! Toast on fucking beans, mate!

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Message 58/77             24-Nov-02  @  11:29 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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have you tried synthedit yet?

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Message 59/77             24-Nov-02  @  07:54 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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Message 60/77             25-Nov-02  @  02:28 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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Message 61/77             25-Nov-02  @  02:54 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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on toast?

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Message 62/77             26-Nov-02  @  01:41 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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Message 63/77             26-Nov-02  @  03:48 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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How about 'Sailor on a raft'

take one beans on toast - top it off with a nice poached egg & devour.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 64/77             26-Nov-02  @  05:46 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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Eggs and Beans is a recipe for extremely smelly farts if you ask me.

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Message 65/77             26-Nov-02  @  05:51 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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I never could get with the idea of eggs and beans but a local mexi joint sells egg/bean/cheese burritos

actually DAMN good!

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Message 66/77             26-Nov-02  @  08:31 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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god DAMN that sounds good. And yeah, I could definitely clear a room with that concoction.


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Message 67/77             26-Nov-02  @  09:46 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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oh but...wait til you taste their hot sauce? the "hot" kinda actually TASTES LIKE EARTH!

Im not shitting you. hot as fuck, and tastes like DIRT

in a good way

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Message 68/77             26-Nov-02  @  10:37 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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basic bottom humor - the old faithful...

Here they have a paprika/etc heavy mixed bean thing (solet) topped with a slice of ham and an egg. The funny thing is that this combination (which i like) has confirmed to me the (apparently common knowledge) link between legumes and warfare grade air biscuits. Never believed it before but sure enough - the night of and the day after such delicasies has me moving to another room- for the safetly of my family

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Message 69/77             26-Nov-02  @  11:32 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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the ancho pepper has an unusual, earthy taste. hot, but very dark. might be able to find 'bufalo' sauce somewhere.. ask 'em what they use..

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Message 70/77             26-Nov-02  @  07:33 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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"egg/bean/cheese burritos" just add brussel sprouts for a weapon of mass destruction.

I used to take psylocybin mushrooms so regularly that I eventually couldn't abide the taste of them however I still wanted to trip so I tried mixing them with various things to disguise the taste.This brought me to the point where I attempted mixing them with a tin of baked beans after one mouthful I realised this was a mistake but I didn't want to waste the mushrooms so I ate the whole pot.A side effect of this was etna like eruptions of the most foul smelling gas that I can only liken to the smell of a rat that has been dead for four days in a warm,humid,environment.

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Message 71/77             26-Nov-02  @  07:56 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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ugh... baked beans and 'shrooms!!! You must've been trippin' to think it up.

I took so many shrooms that i like them now. Munch 'em like dried fruit right out'a the bag. But there was a time when they were nasty to me...

Mix 'em with nacho sauce! Hard to have a good trip with those kinds of noxious emenations!


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Message 72/77             26-Nov-02  @  08:14 PM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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ugh, you people are gluttons for punishment. Shroom farts are powerful enough without an accelerant. Though Chili really does hide the taste well.

But if you really want to fool yourself and do your stomach a favor, crush your boomers up in some instant oatmeal. Nice sweet treat, and the texture is completely hidden.


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Message 73/77             27-Nov-02  @  12:03 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.



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nah nah nah,

Mix em w/ cocoa and milk! Best: Grind em to powder in a coffee mill. stir them into some chocolate flavored rice or soy milk and drink up.

The Hopi, the aztecs, all the originals mixed 'em with Chocolate...


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Message 74/77             27-Nov-02  @  12:55 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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Whatever you do don't eat them raw mixed with baked beans,I still get the boke when I remember it.

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Message 75/77             27-Nov-02  @  01:35 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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pict what is the boke?

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Message 76/77             27-Nov-02  @  01:47 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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i don't know but I get a mental image there...

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Message 77/77             27-Nov-02  @  01:52 AM   -   RE: Beans on fucking toast, mate.


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Influx to boke is to vomit and a dry boke is when you retch and nothing comes up,to "get the boke" is to have the strong urge to vomit.

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