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Subject: Playback sucks

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Original Message 1/81             05-May-02  @  08:10 PM   -   Playback sucks


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I'm NEVER doing playback anymore..

no the cd didn't skip but I was quite drunk and everybody could see I wasn't playing live.

And drinking and playing live.. well, that's another story

I did a gig this weekend with playback and it did not go very well to put it mildly. I think there are two main reasons why it fucked up. First one first which was my own fault. I've never done a gig before and the promoter said they wanted bands with little need of gear so I thought:easy! I'll do playback (another thing.. YOU know what YOU need, get what you need if you get it don't play. You get fucked, not the promoter.). As I mentioned before, everybody could see I wasn't really playing live. That's not a good thing

The other thing which I believe fucked things up for me was that the introducer said I was a young talented artist from Bergen who produces trance and have a JUST faboulous voice. "Today he is going to sing and perform his song."


Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to put the blame on other. I was responsible but the last one, fuck, who could I avoid it?

I don't know what I would have done with out my supporting friends backing me up and cheering like mad in the front. Cos, to be honest there wasn't a lot of cheering except from them. I managed to get some ok cheering at some points with some heavily clapping in the air (Yeah I know it's cheesy but what was I to do?) but then I forgot to play the keyboard, hehe.

There was a pretty big audience too, maybe 300 and I was unvoluntary picked out to *kick* off the show.

Anyway, this experience didn't turn my wish for playing live, but I'm NEVER EVER using playback again. By the way, this was my first gig ever.

Give me your flames and comfort. Especially comfort because I need it

I kinda look a bit humorous on it but it still sucks  

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Message 2/81             05-May-02  @  08:48 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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i've done a couple of gigs where i've fallen over on stage coz i was too fucked, not a pretty sight. i think i nearly got sacked for one time. live and learn, innit.

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Message 3/81             05-May-02  @  11:07 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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i did this gig as a hippy jesus with a giant bendy foam crucifix, except i never tried it on and the top bit flopped in the back, so i had someone following me around holding it up so you could see it was a cross.

of course i'd already stunned the audience by smashing a drum over my head. got to see that part preserved on videotape.

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Message 4/81             06-May-02  @  12:06 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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plays real fine  

don't drink and drive, you might hit a bump and spill your drink.

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Message 5/81             06-May-02  @  05:55 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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so, I don't get it. what did this performance consist of? putting a cdr in a deck and standing there going "I made this. yep."

never sang? ever? not even a rousing rendition of "born to be wild" drunk in the shower where the reverb's really good?

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Message 6/81             06-May-02  @  04:02 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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xoxos that must have sucked  

Falling of the stage is not a good move either, at least it is not playback, hehe

My performance was basicly looking like a twat behind a big keyboard while the sound engineer put my cd-r in the cd player and pressed play.

Thanks guys

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Message 7/81             06-May-02  @  08:41 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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if you put a mixer and mebbe a rack up there too it plays off better.

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Message 8/81             06-May-02  @  09:00 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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yeah, but I still wont use playback anymore.

I was thinking of getting a sampler and sample some sequences and play them and mix and rearrange and filter and fx and ringmodulate and drink.. and I was also thinking of getting Kaoss pad.. that's gotta be awsome live. What do you think?

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Message 9/81             06-May-02  @  11:57 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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did you REALLY do that? let someone press play while you stand there?

wow. I would be hiding from the world if I had pulled that crap.

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Message 10/81             07-May-02  @  12:12 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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hehe.. that's exactly how I feel

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Message 11/81             07-May-02  @  01:32 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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Playback is the best tool in the arsenal for improving your sound. It's the mirror you can't ignore. A big thing to keep in mind is what happened at the moment, and not how you find the passages afterward. I've had so many moments that in listening to seemed completely lame, but the crowd was going nuts for it at the time, so it was what worked, and apparently what I was feeling at the time. That said, take it all with a grain of salt, but USE it. All the folks in the world can tell you your set was dope, but the playback is what will make you believe it, or as in most of my cases; not. Good gigging.


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Message 12/81             07-May-02  @  04:48 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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proximus..just don't do it again or I'll hunt you down and sick my rabid army ants on you.

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Message 13/81             07-May-02  @  07:36 AM     Edit: 07-May-02  |  07:36 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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you're gonna make your rabid ants puke on him? or maybe you'll puke rabid ants on him? either way, evil powers indeed.

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Message 14/81             07-May-02  @  09:10 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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how do you say sick, then? like...when you "sick" your dog on someone?

sic? siq? feck.

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Message 15/81             07-May-02  @  09:20 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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i assumed you misspelled stick. so i guess it was my second suggestion.

personally i prefer "i'll sick my rabid ants on you" it's bad english, but i don't care.

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Message 16/81             07-May-02  @  10:05 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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is this a SoCal thing? that JJ guy claimed to have a legion of trained black widows.

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Message 17/81             07-May-02  @  07:57 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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There is an art to pressing the play button you know. Losers.

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Message 18/81             07-May-02  @  08:54 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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you must have seen a book of love show. uhuh uhuh.

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Message 19/81             07-May-02  @  09:26 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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I practice a lot on pressing the play button

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Message 20/81             07-May-02  @  09:49 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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make sure you don't accidently hit the "history eraser" button

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Message 21/81             07-May-02  @  09:53 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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I wouldn't mind that really  

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Message 22/81             12-May-02  @  10:04 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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proximus - can't say I feel sorry for ya, but you seemed to have learned from it. Methinks you're doing the best thing ya can though, admitting it and moving on. Next time ya can try sumpin' different. Playing live isn't all that hard, but it does take a bit of time to prep and practice. Good luck with sorting things out.


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Message 23/81             12-May-02  @  10:11 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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I hope I get to play live another time too

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Message 24/81             12-May-02  @  10:28 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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I suspect ya will. Just cos things didna go off as you might've liked doesn't mean you can't try again. The fact that you had enough nerve to get up there in the first place is a big start. A lot of people never get that far....


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Message 25/81             12-May-02  @  11:06 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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Message 26/81             15-May-02  @  07:47 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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I'm going live again     This time I'm gonna play at school at the graduation party..

Nice, eh? :-)

Just gotta figure out how to go live with my setup. PC + VA's basicly... Logic audio.. midikeyboard.. Help is appreciated

If use playback I'm gonna tell the crowd that it is playback.. btw I think I sweared I wouldn't use playback..

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Message 27/81             15-May-02  @  08:36 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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you really should look into a hardware sequencer.

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Message 28/81             15-May-02  @  08:51 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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Can I import a midi file in to a hardware sequencer?

What about a sampler with sequencer? So that I can sample some sequences and tweak them real time..

What about compressors.. Right now I use T-racks for mastering.. should I put the master signal through some kind of compression.. this would improve the sound quality..

I want a kaoss pad  

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Message 29/81             15-May-02  @  09:55 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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You can import SMF (standard midi file) into some hardware boxes. RM1X will take them, my old Roland MC-50 wouldn't.

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Message 30/81             17-May-02  @  03:29 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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You could set it all up in your sampler's sequencer. Things are gonna get more and more "interesting" doing the live thing with more people using s/w synths. Wonder how that's gonna all pan out?

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Message 31/81             17-May-02  @  04:00 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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Sampler is good if you have one..  

Well, they probably use Laptops and Fat boys for live tweaking.

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Message 32/81             17-May-02  @  09:43 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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not many samplers have good sequencers really.

The RS7000 is pretty solid, but..a

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Message 33/81             18-May-02  @  04:02 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks



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I use RM1X's... never a PC in my life on stage... I see a lot of guys bringin' em out lately. I also see a lot of PC users with BIG PHAT HEADACHES before, during and after their sets!

A little compression is nice live, but not really that important. On a live system it'll sound damn good without it! I use an aural exciter with big bottom instead when I'm out, just on the back-end of the mix! Makes the set stand out from the DJ's...


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Message 34/81             18-May-02  @  08:43 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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Ok, erreta I get your point. But I think mastering is more important in some genres than in others.. i.e. on my ambient tracks I only apply a little touch or compression while on my more dancey stuff I'll add a whole bunch.. maybe too much  

You got me thinking... I'm posting more about this soon .. as soon as I've made up some decent thoughts about it.

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Message 35/81             18-May-02  @  09:11 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks



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All I've played out in 3 years now is Hard and Psychedlic Trance. If the mix is right at home it'll sound fine on a phumpin' system...

Compression is good, even live. Just not something IMO that is needed on stage.


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Message 36/81             18-May-02  @  09:15 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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ok.. my mixes usually sounds terrible before mastering, I guess that's why I'm worried.

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Message 37/81             19-May-02  @  11:57 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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sounds like you need to do some work BEFORE considering going out live.

if your mixes truly do sound terrible, then youre simply not there yet.

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Message 38/81             20-May-02  @  12:00 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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yep, mixes should already sound damn good. mastering should be the icing on the proverbial cake.

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Message 39/81             20-May-02  @  12:04 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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Ok.. they don't sound terrible but they sound a hell lot better after mastering. It's especially my trance tunes.. the other ones are ok unmastered

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Message 40/81             20-May-02  @  01:27 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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the stuff you've posted sounds good, stop fishing for praise. it's high school, right?

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Message 41/81             20-May-02  @  04:24 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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hehe. but praising for fish is a good thing!

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Message 42/81             20-May-02  @  04:25 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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these pants make my butt look big.

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Message 43/81             20-May-02  @  12:00 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks



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sorry. But just look at the tread "Can't get my compressor to pump".. some dance music needs heavy compression to sound right.

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Message 44/81             20-May-02  @  02:47 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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nods, sure, sure, would you wheel me just over there in that sunny spot nurse?

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Message 45/81             20-May-02  @  03:08 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks



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sitting in a wheelchair is no fun you know.. nurses or not.

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Message 46/81             21-May-02  @  02:23 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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i've wiped enough decube covered parapalegic asses to know that. sometimes i still sorta wish my ex would get over it enough to give me a ring or something.

i don't use compression on drums. yeah, yeah.. "i patch 'em right in the first place.." and i'll still be saying that when the only person who knows my name is the person looking at it on the chart on my door.

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Message 47/81             21-May-02  @  10:16 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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xoxos, you use too many difficult words.. they aren't in my dictionary and my dictionary is really big!  

I try to patch 'em right in the first place too but it usually sounds even better when I've run the mix through mastering. I usually don't use compression before mastering.. noise gate on the other hand is my secret tool.. ahh, I love the noise gate..

After mastering the sound is more "filling" or "tighter" ..

Hmm.. I think I'm gonna try to gate out the white noise on my recordings.. hmm.. maybe

fu!k I have to study for my exams.. maths and physics.. the two subjects which I suck the most at. Congratulations to me!


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Message 48/81             21-May-02  @  10:17 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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and yeah.. mastering is the last thing I do. I don't add compression\limiting when I'm writing

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Message 49/81             21-May-02  @  11:51 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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math + physics = a lot more interesting after you get into synthesis.

it's my spelling, man, it's paraplegic, not parapalegic. it's that damn hiphopping frog got to me. paraplegia=paralysis of the lower half of the body, quadra- = the wohle body.

and continuing in my "i'm so happy i can use vst now i'm ignoring that everyone else already knows about them" theme, here's a link to skidder, which is some really goooood gating for ya (tho not dynamics based.)

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Message 50/81             22-May-02  @  12:02 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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danks.. I'm checking it out

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Message 51/81             22-May-02  @  01:45 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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pissing myself i finally found someone who pretends they didn't know

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Message 52/81             22-May-02  @  07:33 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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what? don't know about vst plugins?

I know about vst plugins but I haven't really started using them yet.. *yet*. I keep hearing horror stories about talents getting lost in the jungle of vst plugins constantly downloading new and intriging plugins

Hey.. that skidder was cool. I think you can get some really out of space results with it.. just had a break from my studies and I played around with it.. mucho fun. I took this mellotron sample and added skidder to it.. oh my god, pretty god damn cool. Listen ok?

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Message 53/81             22-May-02  @  10:16 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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it's just my cup of tea  

now all i gotta do is learn to write my own (instruments of course.. effects are for samples..)

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Message 54/81             22-May-02  @  10:23 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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why not build an analog synth?

You could get one of those Paia kits or maybe even better try to build one from scratch.

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Message 55/81             23-May-02  @  01:45 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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you haven't seen my studio have you  

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Message 56/81             23-May-02  @  10:17 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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I don't think Mr. X needs any more physical keyboards   Xoxos, have you had to move yourself out of your own house to make room for more boards yet?


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Message 57/81             23-May-02  @  10:23 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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What about rebuilding all you real analogs in to one mega modular beast? Don't know if it would possible.. but it would be cool.. having an analog hybrid or summat  

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Message 58/81             24-May-02  @  01:26 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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craig, tut, this is a *private conversation?????*

  i've only really got one analog (pro-one, with one minor mod for s/n ratio) modded the fuck out of a dr110 - very rewarding.. got a kpr77 read6y to go.. built a fucked up little thing that made noises, got a few other circuits lying around.. hobby, really.. don't know what i'm doing.. other people here do.

but dsp is something i need to do.. i'll never get rich off music, and i'll probably never write more than two or three songs that sound even remotely similar. too boring. my purpose in life is to make unreal claims to inspire those who haven't done any shit to learn something, do something.. improve their pathetic selves. i can never enjoy life because the people are too stupid.

i give myself to you and your needs.

and god save me from the people who are here to help other people :p

oh and i got a box that has a pad you hit to make it clap. i'm gonig to donate it to somebody who likes to go to the theater but doesn't have two arms or something. hell, i'll save it, that could be me.

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Message 59/81             24-May-02  @  03:28 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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"private conversation" lol =]

Everybody wants to get rich.. I just wanna be more or less wealthy and have time to make choons.

Will you be rich making vst synths?

Not knowing what you're doing sometimes actually can be better when you are gonna do something. Dunno why really.. hehe.. but I think it's a fact

"i can never enjoy life because the people are too stupid. i give myself to you and your needs. "
That could be misinterpreted  

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Message 60/81             25-May-02  @  03:06 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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"um no"


if i make a lot of money, no one will ever leave me alone, will they?

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Message 61/81             25-May-02  @  11:59 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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damn good reason not to get rich

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Message 62/81             26-May-02  @  02:30 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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"best kept secret.." lol  

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Message 63/81             28-May-02  @  07:43 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks



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you really liked that didn't you? self-negation is your ego stroke. and how forgiveable! tapes a-garbled.

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Message 64/81             28-May-02  @  08:05 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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I'm not sure what you mean (not sure if you're referring to me either   ) but if you're talking about my act.. well, actually I didn't like it at all. I thought it was terrible to stand there because it seemed like nobody liked what I did

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Message 65/81             28-May-02  @  08:49 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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i reckon nobody's going to complain about it. the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few (because otherwise the many are a piss-awful lot to have to put up with) so yes, it's my concious, conscionable, best ego-stroke option, and i'm damn happy with it.

apart from that, i'm an aquarius and a dog.. end result=free meal for anyone who wants to take a bite out of poor old xoxos.

aah, i love to talk about me. sometimes people can learn from me. i, on the other hand, have nothing to learn  

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Message 66/81             31-May-02  @  12:08 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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you know what, knowa? it's just like this, and it's this simple..

i've seen people blown up in front of my eyes. i've seen my family house (a lovely little place called maes-y-deri) demolished and nasty cheap apartment complexes thrown up in its stead. i've seen the way americans (especially) treat people (after, it goes w/o mention, a few intoxicating hours of television.) i've seen my creations destroyed by others without them stopping to think twice. i've seen the mass of people demonstrate absolutely no regard for one another whatsoever, and i've done it myself (at an increasingly younger age.) and so i've come to the following conclusion:

this world is shit, and the people in it are absolute shit. whatever you have in this life can be taken away from you or otherwise ruined by someone.

so any form of happiness based on what you have is hopeless, because some utter prick will come along and blow it up, crash into it, slit it's throat, give it cocaine or otherwise leave it in a shambles.

so i base my happiness in what i can impart to others in the form of knowledge and technique, because it can take a fucking eternity to get something you want accomplished with so many bastards in the world, but likewise, it takes no time whatsoever to find someone who's in the dark (probably put there by someone else) and shed a little light, especially for someone (ahem) as comparatively cosmopolitan to the mean as i  

when i was very young, i was told the chinese believe heaven and hell to be identical scenarios.. a table filled with food, but only to be eaten with 10 foot long chopsticks that are provided. they always have these things. in hell, all the selfish bastards starve, and in heaven, everyone is fat and happy because they feed each other.

i will kick mr. emagic in the crotch given the opportunity! well unless his house gets blown up and he reads this first.

(so ask me about my incessant claims of superiority when practically everybody has no discernible goal beyond papa johns, shiny rims and a stinking bit o minge.)

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Message 67/81             19-Jun-02  @  11:13 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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ok, tonight is the night  

I'm almost finished preparing my performance, and this time I can do live tweaks\mute\solos.. everything is run from logic in real time. I'm really looking forward to it. I just hope I get time enough to get it all rigged because it's a really tight schedule and I'm bringing a lot of stuff, I'm even bringing my monitors for monitoring (*cough* and for a of bit showing off too) because I didn't get the right image (*cough* soundimage) with my headphones.

And I hope nobody steals my gear  

wish me luck, this time I'm not drunk

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Message 68/81             19-Jun-02  @  12:45 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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Good luck, make sure to post a piece of that action on the www somewhere...

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Message 69/81             19-Jun-02  @  05:09 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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yeah, good luck prox!

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Message 70/81             19-Jun-02  @  09:17 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks



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yes good luck prox.

xoxos you silly. can you not laugh at yourself?
it's not the same as being laughable. wasn't dissing you, if that's what you thought. nice one about chinese heaven. happy emagic-crotch-kicking. mac versions?

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Message 71/81             20-Jun-02  @  11:55 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks



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thanks for the support. It went ok yesterday, but it could have been better if they would have given me a soundcheck!!  

I believe the sound was not good, people told me it was distorted and the piano could was really hard to spot. I have no idea how it sounded because I only stood behind the speakers and all I could here from that spot was the reverb of somethin that sounded like my song.. wish they had given me a 5 minute soundcheck, maybe some of this could have been avoided.

And guess what?

I enter the stage, I present my song and I go over to my table filled my gear and my comp. What do I see? I see that some smartass has cut the power.. So, what I had to do was to get the power back and turn on my comp and start logic and load my song  

That ruined it for me really.. plus that with the sound.

Anyway, it wasn't playback this time.

What I've discovered when I try to perform is that I do not consetrate on the music, I have really no idea where in the song I am. This is not a good thing I think, it's probably because I'm nervous.

I did get to play live once again and that was nice but I'd be really happy if it had gone a bit different


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Message 72/81             21-Jun-02  @  12:10 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks



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and I have to leave all my gear at school coz I didn't have time to bring it home after the party and nobody give me a lift either. I have to say I didn't sleep very well last night, I had nightmares about people stealing my equipment. I woke up several times early in the morning, even though I had been pretty drunk after my performance (only had one glass before I went up   ).

And when I woke up I felt like shit because I knew my gear was unsafe.. and I promise you it will be the last time I leave my gear alone. People could easily have stolen my gear..

I felt it all over my body that my gear was unsafe, I'm not sure what I would have done if something or all had been nicked

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Message 73/81             21-Jun-02  @  12:38 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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sure i can knowa. i've just got this goofy personal preference for a world with attainable objectives and achievements where visions can take shape as opposed to a world where visions can't take shape because some bugger comes along and blows it up or knocks it down or steals it's hubcaps (or shoots it's mother and two kids to steal a pair of $70 hubcaps as occured earlier this year in tucson or a five year old who shoots himself because life is too miserable at five) every five minutes. it's very healthy indeed to say "aah well, there goes that, fuck all then, great googly moogly what a whirl what a whirl" and it's very bloody american. but sometimes, don't you ever get like.. "ooh that would be nice let's see what we can do" sorta thing. come on you pedantic cross questioning bastard, sing it with me, slow at first.. "we shall not rest, until we" et c.

i know you're set knowa, i just have to say this stuff. it's what i do.

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Message 74/81             21-Jun-02  @  07:27 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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sorry to steal your lime p - few points. make sure you invest in some kinda surge protector/power conditioner before you play out again (if you haven't   congrats on another gig! never gigged with midi, but it'll get better with experience and practice. maybe now that it's the hols you can have a few friends over and have them chill while you do little run-thrus for them?

it's the same deal with anything you care about.. wife, kids, child porn tapes.. you fret endlessly when they're out of your sphere of control. but that's how d' devil gets into d' world. it is a paper moon after all.

(heh we had some guy in tucson take a dennys hostage to force authorities to return confiscated child porn - he shot two people! killed one, a pregnant mother.. well i mean more 'heh' that raw gasping sound one makes when feeling aged and experienced and doling out advice than 'har har')

fuck, my town's pretty damn rough looknig back on this past year  

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Message 75/81             24-Jun-02  @  11:37 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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dig this: I'm going to drop a couple points on you from a salty, seasoned vet to a new recruit.

1) Ride, schmide. You NEVER leave your gear at the gig. You lock it up at a friend's place with their valuables, or you bring it home, or later, if it gets to this point, in the hotel, with all of it accounted for and insured, none of this 'not accountable for stolen articles' shit. Cover your ass and your gear. Always always. Couldn't sleep? Good you carry it home on your back if you have to, or you wait at the gig for whoever invited you to play to take care of you. Period. Inconvenience, my ass. Those are your tools of expressing what worlds alone or mediums visual do not. Treat them accordingly.

2: Unless it's some heavily coordinated performance, in which case you have a tech standing there the whole time at side stage before and while you play, you always go on early to verify your gear. You're not fucking rockstar. You are there to make music. You need to have your gear up and ready, and you need it to stay that way. Which many rockstars don't have a tech check their amps and gear before they go onstage? The failures, or the ones that do it themselves.

In the mean time, congrats on getting out there. Keep going.


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Message 76/81             25-Jun-02  @  05:25 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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Thanks for the tips, they are appreciated.

I'm no rockstar? :-)

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Message 77/81             25-Jun-02  @  06:31 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks



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I've been playing forever!!! hehehe

I remember my first year of gigs. I thought it was a miracle that people would ask me back, after all the mistakes and bad mixes and EXCUSES! Don't sweat what has happened just learn from it!

Pongoid's right as usual. DON'T EVER leave your gear where you aren't. I've left mine in my hotel room but all of my gear is insured against loss (even on the road) which isn't completely cheap but way cheaper than replacement! I once had a kid spill a pepsi on my A3000!!! If you play out get insured!

I always go up 15 minutes before a set and make sure everything's hooked up and working! You don't want that bullshit when everyone's staring at you. And SHOW UP EARLY for soundcheck!!! Get there hours early if you have to. But make sure there's room for your kit and that you have the opportunity to hear your music in house before the party! (Promoters are used to DJ's, they don't understand that you need extra room. I've been to many a venue that needed serious reorganization on stage because of a lack of space!) Also, showing up early and helping decorate and set up (after your shit is taken care of) is a great way to meet the people who may (or may not) ask you back. When you've no resume you need to get in with these people.

I thought you brought your monitors! Why couldn't you hear your trax? If they don't have monitors you need to bring yours. And don't let the nappy headed "sound guy" tell you you can't have a line for your monitors. He's wrong and you need to be able to show him why!

I don't know if you use HW on stage (but if you don't you should! It REALLY is more stable). If you do, make sure you know the ins and outs of every part of your gear. Have everything backed up in case of memory loss. Be sure you can plug everything you need into one source and bring a cable for it. And bring redundant audio cables, it's got to be every other show that i don't have a cable I KNEW I brought. On that note... leave as many cables plugged in as your gear and cases permit. You should be able to set up and break down in next to no time at all, without being in the way of the next act!

that's all I can think of. A lot of it is obvious shit, but most peole don't think about it until it happens to them.

I can't tell you how many cables I've loaned to other acts at party's...


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Message 78/81             25-Jun-02  @  07:09 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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Thanks for the good tips mate.

I actually showed up really early so that I could get a soundcheck but I still didn't get any. You get yours in 20 mins, oh, in 15, another 15 mins.. 10 mins .. 5 mins. Ok, the show is starting. Too bad you didn't get a soundcheck  

I definately agree about meeting people, that's what my first time. I got in touch with the keyboard guy to Apollo (a wellknown norwegian rapper). He was really nice and he had a Nord 2 which I drooled on  

I think one of the problems with the sound was that the signal from my mixer was too loud, but this would have been fixed in no time if I had a soundcheck. Besides, I can't see why the soundguy didn't lower his inputs if it was too loud.

I brought most of my stuff.. my comp, my synths, mixers, monitors and amp :D It took me over 20 mins to get it all running..

Hmm, maybe a sampler and a cheap hardware sequencer is smart. I could sample the EXS24 parts and have the rest of my song sequenced from the Hardware sequencer.

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Message 79/81             25-Jun-02  @  09:49 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks



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Don't rely on sound guys... If it sounds wrong, go over and fix it! If he's in the way tell him. Don't let other people screw up your set. You can do all this without being an asshole. Just don't let them put you off. If the party starts in an hour and you're not ready, demand (nicely) to have a check before the doors open or THEIR PARTY will suck because the sound's bad.

Like I said though, don't worry about what's been. Just take care of the future. With time you'll gain confidence, and they'll listen without the B/S if they see that you know what you're doing.


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Message 80/81             25-Jun-02  @  10:00 PM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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Message 81/81             26-Jun-02  @  05:29 AM   -   RE: Playback sucks


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Well said.

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