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Subject: breakbeat techniques

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Original Message 1/40             22-Nov-97  @  11:37 PM   -   breakbeat techniques



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Could anybody suggest a simple first time approach to creating and experimenting with breakbeats like that of the Prodigy and Crystal Method? What are the common techniques and effects used?

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Message 2/40             23-Nov-97  @  02:46 AM   -   RE: breakbeat techniques


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Get a busy loop, cut off the first beat so it starts on the snare

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Message 3/40             24-Nov-97  @  07:14 PM   -   RE: breakbeat techniques

DJ Phallus


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cut a cool loop to pieces, and create a new beat with
that - everybody seems to be doing it...

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Message 4/40             25-Nov-97  @  04:11 PM   -   RE: breakbeat techniques



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Recipe for a drum 'n' bass break :

1) Take either the "Amen" or the "Apache" drum-loops.

2) Pitch up.

3) Bake in the oven for 25-30 minutes at 180 C.

4) Sweeten with a sub-bass strong enough to break windows.

5) Serve when ready.


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Message 5/40             25-Nov-97  @  06:01 PM   -   RE: breakbeat techniques

DJ Phallus


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where can I get these loops? (amen, apache)

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Message 6/40             25-Nov-97  @  06:37 PM   -   RE: breakbeat techniques



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Message 7/40             27-Nov-97  @  08:25 PM   -   RE: breakbeat techniques



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1. the CUT-loop method:
process loop with ReCycle - it will cut it into individual hits, then mees-up.

2. use just a drum machine or a synth - program snare and kick hits on non-strong beats (just try to copy from like Prodigy records).
And use strong compression on drums ;)

3. cool drumloops at 113 beats



** evil genius tip:
you can insertHTML tags in these messages ;)

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Message 8/40             28-Nov-97  @  11:09 AM   -   RE: breakbeat techniques



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You'll find both the Amen and Apache loops at Subvert's
Breakbeat Page


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Message 9/40             28-Nov-97  @  03:53 PM   -   RE: breakbeat techniques



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Ey, mr freestyle, i cannot download a thing!

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Message 10/40             29-Nov-97  @  09:02 PM   -   RE: breakbeat techniques

DJ Phallus


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yeah, neither can I!

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