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Subject: new track/tissue engineering

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Original Message 1/18             12-May-01  @  06:14 AM   -   new track/tissue engineering

ghost b

Posts: 290

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hey all...

I have a new d&b track up, on the experimental tip.... It's a minimal, hard science kind of thing.

Play it at my DT area, or see the web page for more details about the experiment, and also hi-fi play/download.

the song goes like this:

0:00 - 0:24 Preparation of hydrolysis vessel (offline)
0:25 - 1:22 Hydrolyzation of metal-alkoxides
1:22 - 2:17 Separation of amorphous particulate
2:17 - 3:40 Polymerization
3:41 - 3:59 Condensation and retrieval


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Message 2/18             12-May-01  @  06:17 AM   -   RE: new track/tissue engineering

ghost b

Posts: 290

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oh yeah it's called "Polymer"

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Message 3/18             12-May-01  @  06:35 PM   -   RE: new track/tissue engineering


Posts: 274

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Listened to the stream - overall I REALLY liked it, def. my cup of tea...

One thing though - the drums. I'd guess they were intended to be off time, but somehow they still didnt seem to sit right....I found it a bit distracting from the rest of the track.

Great stuff overall though, as I said.


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Message 4/18             12-May-01  @  07:06 PM   -   RE: new track/tissue engineering


Posts: 646

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yeah really nice... I cant think of anythingwrong with it really. Where di you get those vocal samples? they fit great.

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Message 5/18             12-May-01  @  11:18 PM   -   RE: new track/tissue engineering


Posts: 3872

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Cool. I like the reverb on some of those sounds. Nice and dark all around. I think the drums are fine. They seem to sit well for me. Maybe Moujik hear's something that could be different but I'm ok with them. I like the mood.

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Message 6/18             12-May-01  @  11:57 PM   -   RE: new track/tissue engineering


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somebody's been listenin to a lot of source direct 

actually pretty unique sounding..and sounds like its mixed well but Im gonna have to second the motion that the drums seem pretty off. The hipassed shuffly scuttly sound just does not seem like its at the proper tempo. doesnt sync up tightly like it otta...

im assuming its a loop that you either timestretched or pitched (probably more pitched cuz its pretty high sounding)...from my end it just throws things off

pretty dark scifi stuff you got there

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Message 7/18             13-May-01  @  05:21 PM   -   RE: new track/tissue engineering


Posts: 3872

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Don't listen to Influx!

Yea the high stuff from what I remember (can't listen again cuz I'm at work) isn't anchored but I figured it to be ok and maybe the way you wanted it since your main drums sounded tight.

But don't listen to Influx even if he and Moujik ARE right.

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Message 8/18             13-May-01  @  06:02 PM   -   RE: new track/tissue engineering


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Just kidding about Influx of course  

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Message 9/18             14-May-01  @  04:08 AM   -   RE: new track/tissue engineering

ghost b

Posts: 290

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thanks for listening everyone....

about those drums:

the little motions of the drums can't be helped... and please remember that the kick and snare can be ignored, especially considering the results, and once you do that -- easy grafts, easy scaffolding.

proper safety, variables and control groups and all that... Godel something or other. ask my wife, I explained it to her yesterday, sort of. it's like with food, you know.

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Message 10/18             17-May-01  @  10:06 PM   -   RE: new track/tissue engineering


Posts: 4573

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Bangin', man... good job! The Lofi stream really comes off as professional all around. Good arangement, interesting sounds, and tight rhythms. I think I see what people are saying with the drums being "off." I don't think they're off at all, but they're definitely not geared toward the average listener. You gotta be really into polyrhythms to hear that kinda shit, and I really like it. People are always telling me my double-time drums and stuff are off, but fuck em... if they can't hear it it's their fault!

On the flip side, if you wanna sell this track, you should probably play with those double-speders... they sound a little rushed if anything. But I like em!


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