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Subject: new choons - just joined up

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Original Message 1/22             15-Nov-01  @  01:53 PM   -   new choons - just joined up


Posts: 43

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Hi all:

New to DT and hoped you might have a listen to one or two of the tracks I just put up. If you want better quality, the tracks are also up at:,,

Email me and let me know what you think - constructive criticism more than welcome.



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Message 2/22             15-Nov-01  @  02:42 PM   -   RE: new choons - just joined up


Posts: 11382

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a smaller user image might be good !   - nice grooves tho yes!   - nice crisp sound from lo-fi - do you eq your lo-fi with more top end prior to encoding?.. what encoder did you use for that ? overall a very tight sound.. digital mixer mebbe?


"In other countries, art and literature are left to a lot of shabby bums living in attics and feeding on booze and spaghetti, but in America the successful writer or picture-painter is indistinguishable from any other decent business man!" - Babbit

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Message 3/22             15-Nov-01  @  02:51 PM   -   RE: new choons - just joined up


Posts: 43

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Thx... no special eq - I use Waves Ultramaximizer on the final MP3 file, that's all. Encoded in Sound Forge 5.0 using their encoder. I'm actually suprised that the stuff sounds as clear as it does - must be doing something right!

Hmmm... yes, that pisture will have to change.

Thanks again  

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Message 4/22             15-Nov-01  @  02:52 PM   -   RE: new choons - just joined up


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Ahem, *picture*...

Oh yeah - all mixed in Logic Audio by the way, so yes, you could say a digital mixer.

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Message 5/22             15-Nov-01  @  02:59 PM   -   RE: new choons - just joined up


Posts: 122

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Hunted and Slowdown are cool tunes...I like the long intro. on slowdown, you have a good feeling for space.

How come you post everywhere except mp3.cum? Cause they suck?

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Message 6/22             15-Nov-01  @  03:02 PM   -   RE: new choons - just joined up


Posts: 43

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You got it...   I got fed up with taking up to 5 weeks to get a track online, then there's all the cheesy pop-up ads, etc. I'm just a poor music producer (especially after shelling out for gear over the past couple of years), and paying $25 / mth to is not a realistic option for me.

Thanks for the comments. I think I'm going to nose around here tonight and listen to a bunch of tunes methinks.

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Message 7/22             15-Nov-01  @  03:22 PM   -   RE: new choons - just joined up


Posts: 137

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Yeah, pretty good.

My thoughts: I found them a bit, for want of a better word, incidental.

Actually, maybe hypnotic is a better description. If that's the intention then great, no further comment.

If not then some variation on all those long repeating sections would be welcome. Not necessarily musically, just production-wise. Noises here and there, filter cut-off modulation etc.

Welcome to Dancetech.


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Message 8/22             15-Nov-01  @  03:27 PM   -   RE: new choons - just joined up


Posts: 43

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Thanks for the comments Mike. These tracks were all produced a while ago - working on new stuff now that's on a different tangent. Will post some of these tracks soon-ish.

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Message 9/22             15-Nov-01  @  03:56 PM   -   RE: new choons - just joined up


Posts: 2890

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i like no 5, cool. new picture's good too ;) but yeah, bit more variation would be good.

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Message 10/22             15-Nov-01  @  07:00 PM   -   RE: new choons - just joined up


Posts: 2082

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Listened to Hunter, like you drum programming there... and that bass coming in at +/- 1:30, nice spacey mood throughout the track.. no constructive criticism from me, sorry.

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