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Subject: Unwanted stiffy

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Original Message 1/17             27-Nov-09  @  03:57 PM   -   Unwanted stiffy


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Fucksakes. I went to see a physio today about my back problems. What a disaster.

I always go commando, havent worn underwear in years. Noreen reminded me today that I needed to have a pair of shreddies on as I'll be examined and will have to undress.

I check my sock and pant draw and the only boxers in there that arent crusted up in spunk (I use them as wank socks) are these really tight pair of grey cotton boxers, that look really grundy.

So I'm there, standing in this cubicle with these ultra tight grundy boxers on that leave nothing to the imagination. The physio was definately a bit of a MILF. Saucy brunette woman with a real cute smile.

I lie on my back on the bed and she's running her hands over my stomach to demonstrate how to exercise my abdominal muscles and then it happens...

I get the tingling, and I'm like nooooooooooooooooooooo, think of something boring think of something boring think of something boring. Fucking thing gets past a sem-on before I manage to will the bastard to go down.

She fucking noticed it too. and I went very red in the face..

Fucksakes. What a cunt. How awkward.

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Message 2/17             27-Nov-09  @  09:02 PM   -   RE: Unwanted stiffy


Posts: 12353

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she had a magnifying glass on her then?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 3/17             27-Nov-09  @  09:36 PM   -   RE: Unwanted stiffy


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i read the title, and jock,

"it had to be you ...."

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Message 4/17             28-Nov-09  @  04:07 AM   -   RE: Unwanted stiffy


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k wrote:

she had a magnifying glass on her then? src=images/lol.gif>


This is interesting. My ex took me to a part of Munich's central park where people sunbath nude. It's
directly behind the University so you can imagine it's crawling with naked college girls. My biggest
fear (literally) was that when I disrobed I'd have a willy but to my surprise and relief I didn't. Female
clothing is researched and made to induce willies. Not that a naked woman isn't beautiful and
enticing but a woman wearing just enough clothing to entice is more apt to create the pocket pool

I was there once without my wife or she went to get something from the concession stand...i don't
remember. 2 gorgeous girls came up to me wearing nothing and asked, "Haben sie feuer?" In
english that literally asks "do you have fire?" It was one of my first days in Munich and my german
was minimal but I knew enough to get the literal translation. The girls soon realized what I thought
they were asking and giggled, then asked in english if I had a match. One of the girls wanted a light
for her cigarette and I learned from that episode that the way you ask that in German is to ask if the
person has fire. It's not easy being ME.

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Message 5/17             28-Nov-09  @  10:20 PM   -   RE: Unwanted stiffy

Jock Munro

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LOL thanks for that K. of course she didnt have a magnifying glass. She had cataracts.

Sitar LOL, too funny. Those whacky Germans. I worked with a guy who worked out there for the European Space Agency, he said that they are a very liberated bunch. Told loads of stories of nudey shared pools, saunas and nudey lake swimming.

I may have to move.

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Message 6/17             29-Nov-09  @  01:18 AM   -   RE: Unwanted stiffy


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Jock, I tell you Germany's an amazing place. An article I read quite a few years said that where
beautiful women are concerned Munich is Europe's best kept secret. I've not been everywhere in
Europe and I've seen lots of beauties in every European country I've been in but I can say that on a
warm sunny day in Munich they come out of the woodwork. I've had to tell my jaw to close at the end
of some days because it's forgotten how. I don't know if they carry their own magnifying glasses in
their purses so you might have to bring your own.

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Message 7/17             29-Nov-09  @  01:35 AM   -   RE: Unwanted stiffy


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cataract?... No... Ricoln Continental des!

er... munich, they're not very freindly down there tho are they i heard.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 8/17             29-Nov-09  @  03:37 AM   -   RE: Unwanted stiffy


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actually jock, if u think that's embarrassing, i had to have a knacker-scan earlier in the year- try that
fucker! all that slippery gel (same as they use to see babies) and then she's... yes she's (hot asian
technician-milf) sliding this flat smooth scanner thing over yer 2 veg!!

lucky the gel is chilly i can tell ya!!


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 9/17             29-Nov-09  @  04:12 AM   -   RE: Unwanted stiffy


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k wrote:

cataract?... No... Ricoln Continental des!

munich, theyre not very freindly down there tho are they i heard.

my personal experience was different. i have tons of good friends there who have many times
dropped everything to show me a good time. one friend got tickets for us to go to the first soccer
game i'd been münchen. he also drove me about 2 hours to a monastery so i could drink
what he said was the best dark beer in bavaria. that i was married to a bavarian girl didn't hurt but
jeez those people treated me like royalty and quite a few girls showed me their appreciation. src='images/heee.gif'>

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Message 10/17             29-Nov-09  @  04:47 AM   -   RE: Unwanted stiffy


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k, a little story. when i first moved to munich i had no job. i saw street musicians playing in the
fussgangerzone, a big shopping area where there are no cars, only pedestrians. i played there about
a dozen times before the polizei told me i would have to register to play there again in order to pay
taxes. i found out that you're only allowed to play the streets there 3 times before registering so i got
a way with quite a few. anyway i was playing one afternoon with a crowd of people gathered when a
few roughians walked into the circle and one of them kicked the box of tip money. the money went
flying all over the place. i stood up to go after them but a couple of people stopped me and a whole
bunch of people collected the money and returned it to me. i was steamed though. i would have gone
ballistic on those guys, not because of the money but because of the stupid attitude. my wife and i
had tons of money. i was playing there until i could land a job which i did just because i didn't like
sitting on money and not bringing at least something in. so yeah there are unfriendly people there for
sure but many good people. i had a couple of things going for me. one is that even when my German
totally sucked i still gave it my best shot. people appreciated that. there was a cheese/butter shop i
went to every week in my neighborhood there. the ladies behind the counter were all in their 50s or
60s. I always spoke German with them even from day one and they helped me along. one saturday
morning i left there and went to the bread shop and realized i'd forgotten something from the cheese
shop so i went back and got on line which was by that time quite long. one of those ladies saw me
and took me ahead of the others standing on line. she announced to the people on line that i'd been
there earlier. that was so sweet. when i'm in a foreign country it's those moments that tell me how
wonderful people are. i'll never forget those ladies. the funny thing is that when I go to Germany i
don't feel like i'm in a foreign country.

just for the record Brits have been incredibly nice to me, even though you speak some weird English.
you someone insists he's got a flat in kensington and i wonder why he doesn't have a
spare tire.

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