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Subject: Working with loops

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Original Message 1/10             17-May-02  @  09:10 AM   -   Working with loops


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Cos I use an MPC, I'm limited to 64 pads. This means I have to chop my loops up into 8ths in order to save pads for individual drum programming.

I think this is quite cool cos the loops seem to sound tight but still retain the feel of the original loop. When I cut my loops all into individual hits, they seem to lose a bit of the groove.

How do the rest of you work with loops and any tips or tricks?

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Message 2/10             17-May-02  @  12:16 PM   -   RE: Working with loops



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i'm just casual with them, i dont really get into 'slicing & dicing' loops sorry.

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Message 3/10             17-May-02  @  12:32 PM   -   RE: Working with loops


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I'm still lost in the whole time-streching loops with the MPC... never get it right. So I quit and write my own drums ;)

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Message 4/10             17-May-02  @  03:45 PM   -   RE: Working with loops


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This isn't gonna be any help I guess, but I do all of my loops in Sonar. I think that kind of sequencer is really a great resource. You take your drum hits, move them to where you want them. Add in noises, chopped up pads, anything really. When you have what you want for say a 16 bar loop but say the last hit is on 15:4:720 of the loop and the tail of it ends at 840. You have a 120 tick space left to fill up the full 16 bars. If you turn that into a groove clip (a loop in Sonar that you can drag out to forever) the timing will be off, so all you do is record silence to fill up that last 120 ticks, doesn't matter if there's overlapping, then crop the clip combined with the silence to stop exactly at beat 17. You haven't changed a thing in the clip and you have exactly 16 beats. Bingo. It makes it so easy to get loops. And you can record more sounds and hits and combine them if you want at anytime. In Sonar, Acid, and other programs I think now too, you can take that loop you just made in 120 bpm, stick it into a new 155.35 bpm piece and the loop automatically adjusts itself to that tempo and if you like, to the new key signature as well.

I mean you could record the sound of somebody throwing their garbage out into a 135bpm piece. Not trying to line up the sounds to beats you record silence to fill up the loop. When you're done you can put it into another project and you'll have somebody throwing out the garbage at 110 bpm. I likey.

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Message 5/10             17-May-02  @  06:21 PM   -   RE: Working with loops



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I haven't done this for a while but setting battery's loop and start point controls to note values is a dope way of working with loops without chopping them up.

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Message 6/10             17-May-02  @  09:23 PM     Edit: 17-May-02  |  09:24 PM   -   RE: Working with loops


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I like to work in layers - have the first layer as a full programmed loop with velocity====>sample start and then bandpass it and maybe run it through a delay. Then layer my accents on top of the main hits which are usually a compressed syndrum kick and clap with the decay pulled back and then add some more percussion underneath if needs be. When thats done I'll start stretching that out into a tracks worth of beats with edits, muted layers, reversed bits, some more perc or whatever.

Always makes a nice drumtrack for me anyway.

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Message 7/10             17-May-02  @  11:43 PM   -   RE: Working with loops


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Would love to hear one someday Steve   I imagine your tracks are pretty awesome.

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Message 8/10             18-May-02  @  12:39 AM   -   RE: Working with loops


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don't be silly, everyone knows I don't actually make any music ;)

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Message 9/10             18-May-02  @  11:06 AM   -   RE: Working with loops


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might want to buy that phatmatic pro thing that came out. what a cool name huh

samples are for people who can't patch it right

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Message 10/10             19-May-02  @  03:22 AM   -   RE: Working with loops


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Yea we know Steve. You just sample things to feed that loop point fetish. It feels so good when they loop properly.  

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