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Subject: room like mixes?

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Original Message 1/17             28-Apr-02  @  10:03 AM   -   room like mixes?


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are there any tips out there to make a mix
sound more roomy or sound like everything is
being played in a room?

I'm a bit curious about this because all my
mixes sound empty and I want to create as
much ambience as I can.

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Message 2/17             28-Apr-02  @  10:40 AM   -   RE: room like mixes?



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er.... room reverb recorded off of the backing and re-eq's and the brought UP in the mix until it sits, plus some subtle delay panning fx to get some VERY subtle ghost delays?.... do you really want 'room sound' ?..

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Message 3/17             28-Apr-02  @  10:53 PM   -   RE: room like mixes?



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I don't want a dry room sound - more like a ambient room type atmosphere.

Should I shoot for long reverbs (1.3 ms / 140 bpm) or should I go under 660 ms for verbs? What would be the best application?

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Message 4/17             28-Apr-02  @  10:56 PM   -   RE: room like mixes?



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also, how should I eq the verbs?

Should it be based on what I hear or should I stick to certain frequency range in the mix so it doesn't get cloudy/muddy.

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Message 5/17             29-Apr-02  @  01:32 AM   -   RE: room like mixes?


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second question first. maybe if you roll off the lows going into the verb they don't get bouncing around in there makin' mud in the first place. hmmm? other than that, eq them how you like. yep, use them ear things on the sides of yer head. and the gray shit in between 'em.

as far as the dry/ambient thing, that's not so much a question of reverb time (that clues you in to room size) as it is diffusion and damping, is it?

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Message 6/17             29-Apr-02  @  05:18 AM   -   RE: room like mixes?


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use a reverb set to the right size and decay for your likings. get the tail lenght right. then send the individual tracks to it to taste. Use eq to cut the lows and mids, and somtimes boost the 12k area so just the shimmery highs are heard. Then bring the reverb level up under the mix with enough headroom until you hear the spacial quality you want. this has worked well for me.

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Message 7/17             29-Apr-02  @  09:03 AM   -   RE: room like mixes?


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ambience settings (which generally make it sound like it's in a space) have low reverb times (<.50s), more early reflections to actual reverb (80:20) and a high density (80%) . density is how close the reflections are together, so you don't want to hear them seperately in this case.

well, that's how i stick something in a room without haveing obvious reverb tails. if you want a cold space leave the top end on the verb and just set the bottom so it's just there. if you want it warm, chop off the top end and increase the bottom (not right down there, just fiddle)

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Message 8/17             29-Apr-02  @  10:38 AM   -   RE: room like mixes?



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okay cool... so it's stuff I already know.

I wonder about delays though... I always get a
better feel when I use em. But, I usually run
into problems when the delays speed up the

So, subtle ghosts huh? Must be a huge eq cut
with a soft high end.


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Message 9/17             29-Apr-02  @  11:59 AM   -   RE: room like mixes?



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i'd have thought you'd be better off with some slapback delays (subtle tho)

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Message 10/17             02-May-02  @  07:52 PM   -   RE: room like mixes?


Posts: 3872

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Yea delays are cool. I've been thinking lately that everything in a dancetrack should be moving in some manner to the rhythm. Using filter sweeps on some things, delays on others.

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