aaa Anyone heard CSound in action???????? - Music techology forums
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Subject: Anyone heard CSound in action????????

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Original Message 1/2             15-Jan-98  @  06:20 AM   -   Anyone heard CSound in action????????



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Hello, yet again my arch nemesi..........
Alright, I've read that Richard D. James uses a program called CSound. I'm curious if anyone of you peoples can point this program out in one of his songs (or anyone elses, for that matter).
Do any of you guys program with it? If so, do you have to know music theory as well as C?

That should be enough for now.


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Message 2/2             16-Jan-98  @  04:24 PM   -   RE: Anyone heard CSound in action????????



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

CSound is originally an UNIX program for making all kinds of sounds, like FM, Formant Filter, Phase Vocoder, subtractive etc. Being UNIX-based it means you have to type in cryptic commands and hope for the best... but you don't have to learn C.
There is versions for almost every computer, and if there isn't one for yours then you can compile it for yourself. There is also some kind of graphic interface around and it responds to MIDI.

You can find some links at

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