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Subject: Updating DJ audio space

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Original Message 1/2             29-Mar-02  @  07:39 AM   -   Updating DJ audio space


Posts: 12353

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File?:  No file

yup - there's alot of Dutch DJ's coming along lately adding single remix tracks - so we're updating the DEEJAY user audio space so that you can add EITHER a max 3 x 6mb LOooooooNG mix set file @ lo-fi, or multiple single track REMIX files @lo-fi - mix & match up to a max of 20mb.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 2/2             29-Mar-02  @  06:51 PM   -   RE: Updating DJ audio space


Posts: 12353

Link?:  Link

File?:  No file

ok doke! - after an extensive grueling pre-easter recoding session we have updates for DEEJAY USERS

in the old days (whewn it was all feilds round here and you could leave your front door open and no one would nip in and steal your synths), DEEJAY USERS could only add 3 x 6mb max long DJ-SET MIX files

the restriction was the amount of mixes added and we assumed DEEJAY USERS would only want to add long mix-sets -so we thought 3 mix sets was a reasonable amount and DJ's could just rotate their mixes when they had new ones to add....

However... we've had alot of Dutch 'bubbling' crew dj's adding short remixes of tracks in hi-fi recently... and after wasting lots of time treacking them down, sending them maisl asking them to add LO-FI instead, then getting no reply and then having to delete the files and send them more email notices of this etc, i figured out it was just easier to recode the file @lo-fi and overwrite it, uploading the new LO-FI version to replace the hi-fi one...

However, i then realised that with the new added LO-FI file versions in place, and with the DEEJAY USER restriction of adding 3 mixes per user (assuming they would be long MIX-SETS) - this was restricting them to adding only 3 short re-mixes because 'the totaller' was adding up the total mixes added.

ok so now it's all been redone ....

DEEJAY USERS can add up to 30mb of audio now like ARTIST/PRODUCER/LABEL USERS can -


4-5 loooooooong dj mixsets in lo-fi @ 6mb max each - which at lo-fi mp3 files (34kbit/sec 22.5k) gives about a 40 minute set example ! ..... with the new total available you can add about 4 or 5 (or more if shorter) mix sets now @ 6mb max each


now you can add up to 30mb of 'remixes' - single tracks...

the new calculator works out how much filespace you have left on the server, deducts the current filespace used, calculates the new filesize being added, deducts that from the total etc etc

so you can add lots of single track REMIXES if you like up to a total of 30mb

no one file can be more than 6mb

be warned tho - IF you try to add HI-FI 128K/BIT etc remixes of tracks we will simply re-encode them and re-upload them as LO-FI

so dont waste your time spending 15 minutes or so on a modem uploading a big hi-fi file of about 3-4mb because we'll just come along the same day or the next day and remove it and add a lo-fi version instead....


after easter, I might add all this coding for ARTIST/PRODUCER/LABEL USERS TOO - so that you have an option to add slightly longer tracks, up to mebbe 10-15 minutes long, and mix & match your tracks so that there is no longer a TOTAL TRACKS ADDED restriction, but instead it's up to you to use your available space as you like - we will be keeping a max filesize tho so that only single tracks can be added...

at the moment the max filesize for ARTIST/PRODUCER/LABEL users is 1.5mb per file/track - which gives a max lo-fi streaming track length of about 7-8 minutes... we might then increase this to 2mb to allow for 10 minute or so longer tracks....

or are you happy with it simply restricted to 20 tracks per user as it is now???... it's simple 7 efective

when we move the files to the telehouse server space we might be able to up the total disk space per user to more to allow 25 or 30 tracks...

what say you??

ok.... any errors let me know - i've tested it quite a bit and all seems ok... but PLEASE mail us if you get errors......


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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