aaa Help! Maxi Sound H.Studio Pro 64 - Computer music & technology forums
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Subject: Help! Maxi Sound H.Studio Pro 64

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Original Message 1/2             23-Sep-98  @  07:20 PM   -   Help! Maxi Sound H.Studio Pro 64



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Hi - if anyone can advise me whether I should go for the sbove sound card - to go into a PII 400 with 10Gb HD and 128 RAM - then that'd be helpful. It will be used as a 1st into to knocking out some hard house stuff (sampling ability a concern? I have no outboard sampler at the mo.) - I'm new to making music on PCs so sorry for my ignorance!! Please mail me direct if at all possible as its a 10 mile drive to the Internet cafe to get to this until the PC arrives!! Thanks - Graeme.

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Message 2/2             24-Sep-98  @  11:34 AM   -   RE: Help! Maxi Sound H.Studio Pro 64



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I've got one, I wouldn't get another one.
There's a problem with the digital I/O
The analogue I/O goes through a chip that is on the
cheap SB16.
Potentially this is a great card, practically it's not.
If they sort out the drivers I'll change my mind.
Bob Ellis

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