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Subject: talk boxes and vocoders

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Original Message 1/3             09-Apr-98  @  08:04 PM   -   talk boxes and vocoders

jstrin aol


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what talk box or vocoder does Rodger Troutman use he does a good job. his vocoder
is very intelligble so are DJ quick and Teddy Riley of the band Black street.
I've been trying to find out what these artist are using to get the sound that they do they sound like very good units any help appreciated.
I've tried the zoom wasn't anywhere close
also tried the Heil talk box no real luck
unless I've been using the wrong patches
what patches should be used I use an Xp50

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Message 2/3             14-Apr-98  @  09:02 PM   -   RE: talk boxes and vocoders



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Teddy Riley (and Roger as well) uses a talk-box (guitar tube-style), and he uses a Yamaha DX100 for the synth end. He used to use a Korg Wavestation AD for the vocoder on the old "Guy" stuff (like: Teddy's Jam, Let's Cill, etc) and I believe he used it on the Bobby Brown stuff (My Prerogative, etc).

Troutman used a combo (I've heard) of Vocoder and Talk-box. He used it on his keyboards and on his guitar. He has a DX100 in the 2PAC/Dr.Dre video for "California"......dunno for sure if that's the synth input or not.

Both of these guys also use that cheap "harmonica" patch for solos (especially Blackstreet - "Don't Leave" or whatever it's called). This patch is right off of the DX100 (or the DX7 etc). Maybe that's their "secret" patch for the talk-box input.....dunno.

Riley used the DX100 live with his tube talk-box in some live footage from MTV Spring Break last year, too.

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Message 3/3             22-Apr-98  @  09:05 PM   -   RE: talk boxes and vocoders



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Last night I picked up a Digitech "Talker" stomp box. It's pretty damn cool for $239 at Guitar Center. I just read a review in "Sound On Sound", and they praised it. So since Guitar Center has the 30 day return policy (for any reason), I figured what the hell. This thing is real nice for "talkbox" emulation, like Roger Troutman from Zapp (Doo Wha Ditty, More Bounce, So Ruff so Tuff, California Love, etc) and Teddy Riley's stuff with Blackstreet. It has about 6 presets ranging from "vocoder" to "talkbox" to "alien", etc. The vocoder preset, called "NuVo" is the most intelligible (word wise), but it lacks "S" and "T" recognition......bummer. The "talkbox" preset does cover these consanants (sp?) though, and therefore is the most usable for me. I coaxed a very good copy of Roger's talkbox sound, using the 106 as a sound source. I'm gonna try the DX100 next, since that seems to be what Roger and Teddy Riley both use with their "tube-style" talkboxes.

Anyway, just thought I'd post a "review" of sorts on this piece. Not the best solution, but a very affordable one that is better sounding (IMO) than my SE-70 vocoder patch.

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