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Subject: Drum Station Power Supply

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Original Message 1/4             20-Jan-99  @  06:35 AM   -   Drum Station Power Supply



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I bought a Drum Station from a friend of mine last year. Since I bought it, I have been having problems with the unit freezing up on me after about 30 minutes of work. A few months ago I called Music Industries and they told me that I needed a new power supply. They sent me a yamaha power supply and I'm still having those problems. I am currently waiting [6 weeks] for my rom update to see if that solves the problem [I have 1.1 now]. I saw on another post something about the Superbass station power supply that can be used on the DS, will this solve my problem, and if it doesn't where can I send the DS to get serviced now that Music Industries no longer does it?

Oscar Zayas

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Message 2/4             20-Jan-99  @  06:39 AM   -   Drum Station Power Supply



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I bought a Drum Station from a friend of mine last year. Since I bought it, I have been having problems with the unit freezing up on me after about 30 minutes of work. A few months ago I called Music Industries and they told me that I needed a new power supply. They sent me a yamaha power supply and I'm still having those problems. I am currently waiting [6 weeks] for my rom update to see if that solves the problem [I have 1.1 now]. I saw on another post something about the Superbass station power supply that can be used on the DS, will this solve my problem, and if it doesn't where can I send the DS to get serviced now that Music Industries no longer does it?

Oscar Zayas

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Message 3/4             20-Jan-99  @  11:29 AM   -   RE: Drum Station Power Supply



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1.1 is a very early version of software. Do not contact Music Industries about E-Proms, Power Supplies or anything. Please Contact us on the USA Freephone Number on this site.


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Message 4/4             20-Jan-99  @  01:44 PM   -   RE: Drum Station Power Supply



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Hi Nova-users!
I've bought both bass stations and drum station and have had problems with operating systems and power supplies. Having been supplied v1.1 OS it solved problem of dropped notes but now the unit crashes consistently after 30seconds making a shrill constant noise not too out of place on an Aphex Twin record! This problem has just started and I can honestly say that the unit was a simple joy to behold, that is until now. Please, Phill or anyone at Novation can I have some help please. I will contact you by phone or return my e-mail

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