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Subject: Touched by Sound's DRM-1

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Original Message 1/4             13-Jul-00  @  04:12 PM   -   Touched by Sound's DRM-1

Fresh Pants

Posts: 4

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Anybody try one of these, or the little single rack space siblings? I read a review at Sound on Sound's website, but I'd like to hear a few other D'Tech responses or views. I like the Jomox stuff, but really, I don't think I need drum box. I'm doing most of my drums as samples. But you know it's hard to resist eating some kind of analog drum stuff as a growing gear whore.

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Message 2/4             14-Jul-00  @  12:04 PM   -   RE: Touched by Sound's DRM-1



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File?:  No file

i'll be able to tell you about the drm-2 as soon as the damn order (which was supposed to arrive a couple weeks ago) gets here... i'm in the same position -- samples for drums, don't need a jomox, but could still really use an analog kick...

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Message 3/4             14-Jul-00  @  02:23 PM   -   RE: Touched by Sound's DRM-1

Fresh Pants

Posts: 4

Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

Yeah, cool. I saw some at Drum Machine Museum (Mickey's place) and thought the single drum modules were pretty cool for those of us who just want a little bit of real analog flava to mess with for not too much cash. Besides, KNOBS!


PS - where'd you order your stuff from?

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Message 4/4             14-Jul-00  @  03:07 PM   -   RE: Touched by Sound's DRM-1



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File?:  No file

there's a really cool store in montreal (quebec, canada):

not sure if he'll ship TBS orders outside of canada though, check for your local distributor...

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