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Subject: reaktor 4 ensembles?

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Original Message 1/5             28-May-03  @  09:17 PM   -   reaktor 4 ensembles?

digital rust

Posts: 720

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anyone try the new ensembles bundled with ver4? i just
want to know if they are good or not. worth the $70 to
buy the upgrade cd?

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Message 2/5             28-May-03  @  11:29 PM   -   RE: reaktor 4 ensembles?


Posts: 274

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Was wondering the same thing... it's free to upgrade to V4, but you have to pay for the ensembles, yeah?

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Message 3/5             29-May-03  @  12:39 AM   -   RE: reaktor 4 ensembles?

digital rust

Posts: 720

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so far there ar some really good user ens out already.
just curious what the bundles ones sound like.

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Message 4/5             25-Jun-03  @  09:14 PM   -   RE: reaktor 4 ensembles?



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depends what music you make I guess.. I didnt try them myself, but say that cos I have got one of those DASH-SYNTHESIS Reaktor Ensembles... the jp8000 impersonator (jp-9010 I think it's called without looking)

anyways, it does great instant cheezy trance stuff for 'that' sound, and they do a LARGE range of other models imitating various instruments... and cheap at less than $10 bucks!

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Message 5/5             02-Jul-03  @  06:39 PM   -   RE: reaktor 4 ensembles?


Posts: 3872

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Yup. I think it's the 9000. I have a bunch from Dash Synthesis. Just got Reaktor 4. Haven't played with all the synths much yet or the sampler and sequencer stuff. R4 has a master/finalizer called the Flatliner or some such name. That thing is the bomb. 4 band compression. The presets are lovely. The reverbs that come with R4, Stereo, Quad, Surround are also the bomb, although I can only speak for the stereo verb.

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