aaa Boxwell's been to the dentist. - Music tracks & feedback forums
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Subject: Boxwell's been to the dentist.

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Original Message 1/5             16-Dec-01  @  10:25 PM   -   Boxwell's been to the dentist.


Posts: 195

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I have new and updated teeth for you. I've filtered the drums and delayed some of the output at different points. I did that thing with the different reverbs.
I uploaded two versions. The main one is how it all works in the mix but the filters I've used on the drums are lost a bit in the conversion, so I've included a mono one that highlights the drums a bit more (but loads of other things are lost in that mix)
Thanks for you help with this. Any further advice always appreciated.

I'm still looking for a story but I'm away back to Scotland next week, I may get inspiration, getting away from all these English around me.

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Message 2/5             22-Dec-01  @  02:17 PM   -   RE: Boxwell's been to the dentist.


Posts: 195

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Is naebody gonna make any comment?

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Message 3/5             22-Dec-01  @  03:00 PM   -   RE: Boxwell's been to the dentist.



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doh alright then   - very nice beat ... i really like it, tons of atmosphere... great bass too.  

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Message 4/5             22-Dec-01  @  05:22 PM   -   RE: Boxwell's been to the dentist.


Posts: 3872

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I feel your pain. My dentist has been making a career out of my teeth. I don't know. After hearing Afghan Hound this isn't up to that. Almost like 2 completely different artists di the 2 tracks, which is ok and even a plus. Versatility is a good thing.

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Message 5/5             23-Dec-01  @  05:33 PM   -   RE: Boxwell's been to the dentist.


Posts: 135

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File?:  No file

yeah this is better...still seems a little spartan for my tastes though, but thats just me it would make a cool interlude track or something on an album...still prefer afghan hound 

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