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Subject: artist page: appearance

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Original Message 1/6             14-Dec-03  @  11:50 PM   -   artist page: appearance



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having given some of this new format a chance to sink in....a few thoughts in regards to artist page appearance.

simply too crowded.
too much stuff having to do with other people's work...i.e. new tracks uploaded etc on the side and above...crowding things and creating a very distracting layout.
this should be the artist's page and not business as usual with tons of stuff i.e. random generators etc.

the artist image should be larger.
this is the first thing people see to help identify an artist.
it shouldn't be totally overwhelmed by everything around it.
album images should be half their size.
this is a potential waste of space at that size.... example: ozone 333's 1-song albums.

i think details should come before track-list but this isn't major.

i think a nice dt logo to replace NO USER STILL a good idea.
you might give users a choice of 5 defaults...say.

but basically...artist-pages should be simpler...and more devoted to the artist.....
and THIS other guy over here with a new upload and this happening and THAT ALL THE TIME.

if i go to someone's page and i'm checking their work....and reading about them....
that's all i want.
i don't wanna see man called clay and bedwyr and count chocula AND a dozen
other artists running around the ring like some circus.
it's okay to step away from IT ALL for a minute or two....even at dt.
or especially at dt.

make it simple.
make it clean.
actually make it about some of the INDIVIDUALS here.
in this sense...the old layout was far superior.

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Message 2/6             15-Dec-03  @  01:14 AM   -   RE: artist page: appearance



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looking at my page....i've noticed a potential hazard here.

and that is right under ARTIST: man called clay
you see latest user tracks...and then you have a song by stuff....
and since it says stuff really small....a newbie could EASILY think that's a late track by user: man called clay.

(no jokes here please)

we could have some interesting fun combinations here but i don't think that's what we're aiming for here.

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Message 3/6             15-Dec-03  @  01:57 PM   -   RE: artist page: appearance



Link?:  No link

File?:  No file

ok, I'll take the side column out on artist & track pages then

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Message 4/6             15-Dec-03  @  03:12 PM   -   RE: artist page: appearance



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File?:  No file


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Message 5/6             15-Dec-03  @  09:40 PM   -   RE: artist page: appearance



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File?:  No file

bo selektaaaaaaa !

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Message 6/6             29-Dec-03  @  07:37 PM   -   RE: artist page: appearance


Posts: 5701

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File?:  No file

lol! thats MY line ya know!

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