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Subject: Channel 1 overlaps other channels

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Original Message 1/6             15-Oct-03  @  03:22 PM   -   Channel 1 overlaps other channels



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I am new to Cubase VST - I am using VST/32

I have an annoying issue with the channels - please help!!!

I have set up everything correctly, but I think someting is wrong with the way my config is in Cubase. I am using Midi MODE and with 16 tracks. When creating my drum beat on channel 1, it records fine. Then my synth sound on channel 2 records fine also. Annoying thing is that when pressing a key on my keybaord after any further channel, the beat on channel 1 (track 1) keeps playing back with it.

Please, there must be a way to resolve this.

I would really appreciate your time and help


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Message 2/6             15-Oct-03  @  06:54 PM   -   RE: Channel 1 overlaps other channels


Posts: 7627

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you need to have the channels set to individual midi channels, not "any" and the keyboard set to transmit on channel one only

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Message 3/6             15-Oct-03  @  07:12 PM   -   RE: Channel 1 overlaps other channels



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Thank you for your kind help

however, since I am new to Cubase VST/32, please would you kindly tell me step by step instructions on how to do this in cubase

as for the keyboard, I am using the KORG KARMA

Thanks again for your time and help

please reply real soon

thank you

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Message 4/6             15-Oct-03  @  07:45 PM   -   RE: Channel 1 overlaps other channels


Posts: 12353

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are ALL the sounds being played by the KARMA ? - or are some playing from s/w synths or other outboard hardware?


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 5/6             15-Oct-03  @  07:59 PM   -   RE: Channel 1 overlaps other channels



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Well...when trying this b4 entering the forums for help everything seemed fine. We basically have the PC connected to a midiman 2x2, which is connected to the KARMA workstation. No other devices or smaplers are being used for sound input.

Everything was going well until we comepleted making our sound file on TRACK 3 (channel 3)

Our first track was done using drum beats. Track 2 was used for our main synth music and when wanting to use track 3 or any sound thereafter, the drums beat kept on coming in when a key note was pressed on the keyboard.

Influx was kind enough to mention something about channels and setting KARMA keyboard to transmit on channel 1 only - please canu tell me how to do this - I am sure every keyboard has a similar interface. As for the settings in Cubase, please kindly tell me where to go

Thank you

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Message 6/6             15-Oct-03  @  11:52 PM   -   RE: Channel 1 overlaps other channels



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look for a way to put the KARMA into MULTI-MODE - where it receives on all 16 channels and you assign a different sound to each channel (rather than it simply receives on one selected channel & plays one sound assigned)

then set the midi LOCAL CONTROL to OFF

then set it to output midi on channel 1 or 16 only

then simply assign the required midi channel on the cubase track headers in the arrange-page


you want to play/record karama midi and have it trigger a patch assigned to multi-mode channel 8 - you simply assign the cubase track to channel 8 out

the midi comes FROM karma - IN to cubase - routes THRU the highlighted track which is set to OUT on channel 8 - midi routes OUT of cubase back to midi port on midiman & out of comp' to karma and triggers whatever sound is assigned on karma to channel 8 in multi-mode.


make sure the required i/o midi ports are listed and you can move UP the priority ports - make sure the IN you are connecting the karam OUT into is at the top of the MIDI INPUT list

try that

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