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Subject: Distortion all over!!!

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Original Message 1/6             21-Aug-02  @  04:27 PM   -   Distortion all over!!!



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HELP!! Ok...I have the MPC2000 with additional outs and when I listen to my samples they sound perfect with no distortion. Problem is that once I send them to the Mackie CFX12 I am getting mad distortion and I don't know what I'm doing wrong. First off...I have the gains so they are just flashing quickly when the sound plays...then I have the sliders about halfway up. Like this it doesn't sound powerful enough so I move the sliders up some so it sounds right but all I get is crackling when each sound plays. I am confused on how to mix this stuff! Before I used a small dj mixer on my setup but now I've upgraded to a real mixer with sliders, eqs, and all that. It should be easier this way right? This way I can send the kick to channel one, the snare to channel two, bassline on three and so on. But by doing this I keep getting distortion. Should the max output go TO the reds or stop just before it? REDS are what aren't supposed to be lighting up right? Or are they? I wish I had a friend with analog gear so I could figure out how to mix correctly...all of them use computers and they don't have to worry about volume levels cause it's already set up for them (Reason, Cubase)...anybody know what I'm doing wrong? Got any sites to help with mixing? I'm ALWAYS fighting distortion and it seems like my songs are not loud enough   Thanks, Brett

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Message 2/6             21-Aug-02  @  06:44 PM   -   RE: Distortion all over!!!


Posts: 2707

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You're probably overdriving the inputs, not the master. Take the trim (or preamp gain, or whatever it's called) knob and turn it all the way down. Move the channel fader to a bit below zero, and the master fader as well. Play a loop on the mpc, and turn the preamp gain up until the sound is loud, but not distorted.


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Message 3/6             21-Aug-02  @  07:01 PM   -   RE: Distortion all over!!!


Posts: 7627

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also...does that mixer have a "pad" for each channel?

if so, it should be engaged, as that is designed for using a microphone which has a lower signal level when plugged in directly

the MPC line level outs are fairly hot, so if you dont have the channel padded it will completely distort

like C said...turn channel gain all the way down, set the fader at unity (0) and go from there

lighting the OL light on an analog mixer is fine...sometimes it sounds COOL even!

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Message 4/6             22-Aug-02  @  05:10 AM   -   RE: Distortion all over!!!


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I believe a pad is a pad, and you use one when you need it (on a mic or line source) when you can't turn the source down. Pads are often used on mics when recording drums or instruments with other loud transients.

I have a feeling d'n'b head just needs a lesson in proper gain staging. Remember, loud is relative. If you feel you're not "loud" enough, it is probably your monitoring system. Play a CD through your mixer at the same level as your synths and you'll see you're not far off.

CD's can also appear louder because they are limited and mastered to sound that way. Loud is relative. Go for a good mix rather than loud. You can always make it louder with a limiter later.


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Message 5/6             22-Aug-02  @  08:18 AM   -   RE: Distortion all over!!!



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Alright I tried cutting down the gains some on the channels and that seems to help does have pads on there and they say they're for mic gain low cut. I guess that helps the overall sound on each channel. And another question...when I'm recording to cd do I want the reds let up or do I want it so there's no red? No red does seem to quiet though. I want loud professional-sounding recordings. I have this equipment, I just need to utilize it to the best way. Oh man, I wish I had some training on mixing can be real difficult to avoid the distortion. Am I going deaf or do I just THINK my recordings aren't loud enough??

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Message 6/6             22-Aug-02  @  10:29 AM   -   RE: Distortion all over!!!


Posts: 7627

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first..the lowcut is NOT a pad. thats a hipass filter for taking the rumble out of mic sources

the pad thing usually reduces the input level so a super hot signal aint so super hot

again..its ok to let a channel go red...on PEAKS...but not always

same on the main outs... do NOT want a digital recording (DAT, CD, PC soundcard) to go red, ever. well, ok, not NEVER cuz sometimes it actually can sound cool...but on a main mix the idea is to get it as hot as it can be without clipping

as for sounding pro...well..simply not gonna happen right away. "pro" recordings are about 3 steps past just getting it sounding good and recording homey said up above...make it sound as good as you can...and then...if its gonna go get it mastered, and it gets a LOT louder..more open sounding...tighter...all that good stuff.

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