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Subject: recording... advice wanted.

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Original Message 1/7             05-Feb-98  @  07:53 PM   -   recording... advice wanted.

Purple Haze


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hi! (not yet unfortunately)

I've been playing around with music for allmost a year, got myself a w30, alpha juno 2, alesis midiverb, esi32, behringer eurorack and some other stuff. After toying around with these (using mainly sound studio gold, nice sequencer, check it out!) I finally seem to be able come up with longer pieces of music which sound more or less ok (at least to my ears   and I'm thinking about investing in some recording equipment.

Now, my question... how do you guys put your tracks together, are you using outboard effects and compressors and stuff, recording on dat or something ? Or is it better/handier/cheaper to use something like SAW running on a fast pc with a good soundcard and maybe software fx ? There seem to be lots of those directX plugins being released lately. Are they any good ? Are things like SAW handier to work with that using the 'traditional' methods ?
A friend of mine (who allready released a couple of tracks on vinyl) just lets his song play in his sequencer, routing all his synths/sampler through a mixing desk with external reverb/delay, compressor and ultrafex, recording the audio directly on tape or dat, and he is getting good results, even on tape. He advised me to invest in a compressor and ultrafex, but somehow it seems nicer to me if you'd be able to make a song, record pieces of it and then be able to play around with the different pieces in something like saw, it seems to be more creative to me.

I'd appreciate some feedback on this, any advice or opinions are welcome. I wouldn't want to buy some outboard gear or expensive soundcard/cpu/software to find out it's not working the way I'd like it to be.

Sorry for the messy message...

Purple Haze.

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Message 2/7             06-Feb-98  @  01:04 PM   -   RE: recording... advice wanted.



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go for a dat........ just get your mixes down.......then AFTER that..... get saw or whatever, and an s/pdif card......... make sure the dat machine records analog at 44.1.....SAW is so well written that it'll even work fine for stereo editing/manipulating on a dx4-100 with 16 mb ram........ you'll get 4 -6 stereo tracks no probs.....but without s/pdif transfer, all you'll do is turn out lesser quality audio if you try it with analog transfer....

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Message 3/7             07-Feb-98  @  11:43 AM   -   RE: recording... advice wanted.


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I've heard really bad things about the Ultrafex, but BBE's are nice. A friend just got an Ensoniq dp pro for $500, and calls it a mini-Finalizer. Sounds like a deal.

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Message 4/7             07-Feb-98  @  12:01 PM   -   RE: recording... advice wanted.


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Kilo: So get the whole song with effects and everything on dat, then transfer that to the pc using an s/pdif card, and then do the final arranging/editing on pc ?
Some other people also told me to go for outboard 'real' effect units, guess that will be what I'm going to do.

Hilevelt:BBE's ? What types ? I must say I heard a track from a friend of mine with and without ultrafex, it made a huge difference.

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Message 5/7             09-Feb-98  @  01:54 PM   -   RE: recording... advice wanted.



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only if you're happy with the tracks...... going to dat then gives you a pressing-ready medium....... use the pc to edit your compilations together..... there's lots more you can do with h/d obviously.....

be very wary about using stereo compression on your mixes...... i do NOT advise it, especially on electronic music where most of the kit is outputting a fairly stable signal level..... I do use a compressor on say a bass synth line, or a kik drum or whatever...... but not a whole mix.......... sweeteners are different.... but don't overdo them that's all.....

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Message 6/7             16-Feb-98  @  12:13 AM   -   RE: recording... advice wanted.


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SOS had some nice advice on stereo bus expanding and compressing, which was only to do it to the parts you want up-front, the fewer the better. I've also heard that it's good to have several different types of imaging devices, though a friend had an Ultrafex and was getting a different effect on each side, he traded it for another and had the same problem, and then settled on a BBE and loves it.

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Message 7/7             16-Feb-98  @  05:13 PM   -   RE: recording... advice wanted.



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I've got a BBE.... they are ok live, but, when mixing, they useually produce a hole in the mid-range if yer not careful..... personaly, I don't like stereo "Treatments".......and that includes compression...

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