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Subject: skull cracking snare hits

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Original Message 1/7             18-Feb-00  @  11:10 PM   -   skull cracking snare hits


Posts: 81

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how is it no snare sample sounds nearly hard enough? none i've heard on any sample cd, from any drummachine/module.. none of them even feel even as hard as a minor concussion. i want the hardest CRACK sound anywhere.. or it can sound like KKA or something. r-tek? anyone else know those sounds i'm searching for? maybe that sox guy was right when he told me to hit cardboard boxes with drumsticks & mic it..

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Message 2/7             19-Feb-00  @  12:16 AM   -   RE: skull cracking snare hits


Posts: 1675

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Well, you could roll your own. Or find one that's almost there, pull it out of its own output and process the living shit out of it with outboard eqs and compressors. That might help you work the right tone and dynamics into your mix. Sometimes things that sound good on their own go flat in a mix.(Works for kick drums, too). I like drums to have a physical presence. I like my kick to be a punch in the gut and the snare to be a slap in the face or a crack to the jaw, so when you're recoiling from one, you get whapped with the other. Would work with DavidM, too, 'ey nobody  

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Message 3/7             20-Feb-00  @  10:36 AM   -   RE: skull cracking snare hits



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aha, try my personal collection of snare hits in the FILE LIBRARY section... look on the right opening page for SAMPLES... look for the snare zip ... there is snares in there harsh enuff to crack the windows... you can layer 'em obviously... i made 'em with a brass vintage Rodgers snare... lots of rimshots for 'snap' (real rimshots, not what a drumbox calls a rimshot)

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Message 4/7             21-Feb-00  @  08:06 AM   -   RE: skull cracking snare hits



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eq, gain, compression

swing a parametric around till u here what you want,

compression can make snares real snappy

also layering a snare hit with a distorted open hat is what I hear a lot.

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Message 5/7             22-Feb-00  @  08:13 PM   -   RE: skull cracking snare hits



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I've sampled some really nice snares from dub albums.

Just a suggestion

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Message 6/7             23-Feb-00  @  01:58 PM   -   RE: skull cracking snare hits



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Compressor with a slowish attack, slow enough to let the front 'crack' through, longish release to drag the 'tail' down, use a high ratio and you can crank the make-up gain up to make the 'crack' ring out. Parametric EQ is useful for fine-tuning too.

Test it on small children (5 or 6 years of age). If you can make them cry then it's a good 'un.

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Message 7/7             23-Feb-00  @  02:29 PM   -   RE: skull cracking snare hits


Posts: 81

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cool shit, i got answers!

thanks.. i've got to do it without a compressor or outboard eq, though my sampler did have parametric eq & distortion fx.. so now it's fx board has to go & be defective   i'll spare you the details, but i should get a replacement in 10 days time, maybe a few less.. any more ideas though, um.. go ahead?

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