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Subject: Afghan Hound

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Original Message 1/8             04-Dec-01  @  09:31 PM   -   Afghan Hound


Posts: 195

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Here's the latest effort. It was the project that involved all the mixer maps so a big thank you to xoxs for all his help. The rest of you were fuck all use to no one!
Anyway, the start is a bit thrown together due to the hand-in date being imminent, but please bear with it!

All criticism received with a bit of a sneer.


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Message 2/8             04-Dec-01  @  09:50 PM   -   RE: Afghan Hound


Posts: 3872

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What's mixer map? :P

Have no way to listen at work, but will at my first opportunity.

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Message 3/8             04-Dec-01  @  10:03 PM   -   RE: Afghan Hound


Posts: 6231

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hey sounds like those akai filters that 'are so crap.' other sound almost makes me want to go to all the trouble of shifdting the ifle to figure out what it's saying.. compliment.

i've given up on qualitative comments because things are what they are which gets different as time goes on.

listening to a load of really squeaky sounds right now.. hmm no one to my knowledge has grasped the concept quite in this fashion before..

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Message 4/8             04-Dec-01  @  10:23 PM   -   RE: Afghan Hound


Posts: 6231

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nice tracks

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Message 5/8             05-Dec-01  @  04:33 AM   -   RE: Afghan Hound


Posts: 486

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I like the robot you got to rap over everything. Please send him my way when your done wif him.

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Message 6/8             05-Dec-01  @  10:46 AM   -   RE: Afghan Hound


Posts: 195

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Thought that might get a mention. Just got the Orange Vocoder and thought I'd have to use it somewhere. Thought It might just sneak by you all though!! It doesnt fit the rest of the song.

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Message 7/8             06-Dec-01  @  05:42 PM   -   RE: Afghan Hound


Posts: 448

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Listened to this in the what should I call myself thread. Really nice dark one.

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Message 8/8             10-Dec-01  @  09:50 PM   -   RE: Afghan Hound


Posts: 135

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top tune!

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