aaa need studio help,please - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: need studio help,please

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Original Message 1/9             17-Nov-98  @  06:23 AM   -   need studio help,please



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me and my dad are starting a little studio and I dont know where to start......right now I have a jp8000,a dr660,and a midi anologue sinth(which I might sell so I can get the 777)......I can get by with these machines as far as SOUND machines go,but what about syquencers and bout the Akai MPC2000,hows that thing......I dont know my brain herts just thinking of all the shit out there!!any suggestions would be much appreciated...and I know,I can get by with the tools I allready have,but hey,my dads getting into this and wants to through down some help me dream some shit up!

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Message 2/9             17-Nov-98  @  04:43 PM   -   RE: need studio help,please



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Yor spelings teribl. Perhaps you shud spend moor thyme at skool and nott in th styudio, lad.

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Message 3/9             18-Nov-98  @  05:17 AM   -   RE: need studio help,please



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maybe you should spend more time making music and less time checking my spelling,laddy.......what is this to you,a fuckin' "spelling bee", your a fuckin' guenious,you can come on here and tell people they spell wrong.....damn you must have an IQ that tops the fuckin' charts.

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Message 4/9             18-Nov-98  @  05:21 AM   -   RE: need studio help,please



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oh ya......I mean yes,that little thing with spelling your words wrong to mock me......fuckin' brillint!!!!

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Message 5/9             18-Nov-98  @  09:27 AM   -   RE: need studio help,please



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Sorry mate, I was in a strange mood:
Here's some suggestions:

HD Recording / Sequencer : Powerful PC with Cubase VST3.6,
GINA Soundcard and SCSI HD. And get Rebirth V2.01.

Sampler: Yamaha A3000 or EMU ESI4000 Turbo.

Synths: MicrowaveII (even XT) or Virus or Roland JP8080.You won't regret getting a Waldorf Pulse, they are getting cheaper.

Mixer: A little 16 channel Mackie would be great, and get a decent patchbay (Neutrik or Behringer)

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Message 6/9             18-Nov-98  @  05:45 PM   -   RE: need studio help,please

celtic d


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hey,thanx for the info bro......whats new on the RB V2.01?

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Message 7/9             19-Nov-98  @  08:33 AM   -   RE: need studio help,please



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Check this out for a full working and free program....

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Message 8/9             19-Nov-98  @  08:36 AM   -   RE: need studio help,please



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What's new with RB2.01? I'll tell ya: REWIRE. Now Rebirth and Cubase VST 3.6 communicate with each other to produce something which ist more than the sum of the individual parts.

Go here to read what melon said about Rewire

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Message 9/9             02-Dec-98  @  03:25 PM   -   RE: need studio help,please



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Go with MAC based computer. HD recorder Cubase 4.0
AKAI s3000xl ,MPC is good but you dont need all that junk with it if your using your sequencer in the computer.I use Korg synths. Rebirth is also good .

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