aaa Anybody using LOGICAUDIO, CAKEWALK? - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: Anybody using LOGICAUDIO, CAKEWALK?

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Original Message 1/9             16-Dec-98  @  07:19 AM   -   Anybody using LOGICAUDIO, CAKEWALK?



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It seems most are using Cubase sequencer? Does this app mostly work well with Supernova filters/param., or is anybody using logicaudio or cakewalk with great success. I need a new sequencer/recorder and want to pair it up with supernova. other users a very quiet...

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Message 2/9             16-Dec-98  @  07:14 PM   -   RE: Anybody using LOGICAUDIO, CAKEWALK?



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well they all will output controllers fine & record them fine.... i find cakewalk is best to draw in controller with a pencil, without a doubt,.. it is smooth... equal is logic... cubase is more clunky.... but get Logic... please... i've got all three.... there ya go... and you can build a nice environment for the Nova.... at some point i'd like to build one... but you can do it... then send it to me !!... heh heh

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Message 3/9             17-Dec-98  @  09:42 PM   -   RE: Anybody using LOGICAUDIO, CAKEWALK?



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If you are looking for a completely powerful, customizeable, professional sequencing package, I would have to recommend Logic out of the three (as well).

It is perfect for managing a lot of gear, including those synths/controllers with strange MIDI implemtations.

But with this power comes complexity and a huge learning curve...If you are not interested in spending a considerable amount of time learning Logic's mannerisms, don't get it. I was a long time Cakewalk user - when I switched to Logic I was not able to make a smooth transition into it like I did with Cubase...had to relearn the whole f*&^ing interface. But now that I have it under control, I would never go back to Cubase or Cakewalk.

Pros: Most complete/customizable professional sequencing audio package around currently (LAP Gold/Plat).

Cons: extremely complex, initial configuration is a b#$*h, higher in price, uses a dongle for copy protection (AAAARRRRGGGGG!!!!!! which does not play well with other PC serial devices!), and is completely sensitive to concurrently running applications in the Windows environment (aka. It crashes alot)

Hope this helps!  

btw, the SuperNova rocks!

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Message 4/9             18-Dec-98  @  10:46 PM   -   RE: Anybody using LOGICAUDIO, CAKEWALK?



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thanks for your input, i'll give the logic gold a try. it's also been recommended to me in other areas so the aye's have it.
(no, it doesn't mean anything)

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Message 5/9             21-Dec-98  @  02:52 PM   -   RE: Anybody using LOGICAUDIO, CAKEWALK?



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Yep, I have been using Cakewalk ProAudio 8.01. However, I do not use it for the Audio features. I use SEKD 2496 for my DAW system on another computer. When I record controller info I use the knobs and buttons on the SN. I record the movements in the 2nd pass sometimes on another track and sometimes merged with the original track. I have found that Calkwalk sometimes hiccups when dealing with fast arpeggiated lengthy tracks for some reason. Recently I decided to try PowerTracks 5.0 from PGMusic for since I am interested in Midi only. I exported the complex piece into PT 5.0 and it plays without the hiccups. I am very pleased with PT 5.0. However CPA does have many features that PT does not like full score printouts, CAL, etc. Depends what you need and want to do. For basic midi with very low overhead I don't think PT 5.0 can be beat. However if you need lots and lots of midi control I would probably consider Logic Audio but be prepared for a total Mind Change. You will not be making music within a few hours for sure. I had PT 5.0 completely setup and was comfortable with it in about 3 hours. That included modifying my instrument definitions for the K5000R, K5000S, K2500R, and Supernova into PT versions.


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Message 6/9             01-Jan-99  @  06:14 PM   -   RE: Anybody using LOGICAUDIO, CAKEWALK?



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wierd?.... My logic AP, NEVER crashes... never, ever......

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Message 7/9             11-Jan-99  @  11:38 AM   -   RE: Anybody using LOGICAUDIO, CAKEWALK?



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I would reccommend both Cubase & Logic.

Logic is powerfull.

Cubase is easy, and V4 is powerful! ( only on Mac as yet!)


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Message 8/9             13-Jan-99  @  02:47 AM   -   RE: Anybody using LOGICAUDIO, CAKEWALK?



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yeah... i'd have to add a few more strong-points... when i feel like making a beat, i want to do it VERY fast...

audio editing and FAST working... LOGIC is totally unbeatable... import a loop...double-click into editor... drag for left & right marker like any simple editor... click create region... drag onto track...( you can go back to the region & slide the Start & End points at any time...draw pan, volume etc etc..)

got that loop out of a string of beats and into a track?... great.. it's one bar long... highlite it, loop a 1 bar section above it on the bar-strip... command: fit tempo... sorted... the loop fits like a glove... hit the LOOP button on the track header... it loops across the track automatically (NOT notes .... just References to the loop).. itll carry on until it meets a new part.. great !!

make a bassline in midi.... 1 bar to go with loop... hit the loop button.. hey presto... 128 bars of drum beat & bassline in a twinkle.... that is the killer for me... fast SIMPLE audio stuff.....that's all i use the most... but of course Logic can do all the wacky complexed stuff too....


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Message 9/9             13-Jan-99  @  02:48 AM   -   RE: Anybody using LOGICAUDIO, CAKEWALK?



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and oh yes... it now has the yamaha dsp1624 card/s integrated into it's mixer... and fx too.... cool.....

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