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Subject: haaaaardcore

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Original Message 1/9             06-Jul-00  @  04:57 AM   -   haaaaardcore



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hi there

is anybody here into hardcore programming?
i don't consider this bloody happy-stuff or just fastened goa.
i mean fuckin' wicked, noisy and FAST music.

(Bloody Fist, Epiteth)

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Message 2/9             06-Jul-00  @  10:13 AM   -   RE: haaaaardcore



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yes mate
i am into hardcore like 'bombscare' by 2badmice

havent a clue how to make it though.
try pitching up some female soul vocals and programme some cheezy fast piano lines

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Message 3/9             06-Jul-00  @  05:33 PM   -   RE: haaaaardcore



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I think hes talking about neo-hardcore tho, not old-skool, more the jabber gabber school of doof-doof.

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Message 4/9             07-Jul-00  @  03:21 PM   -   RE: haaaaardcore


Posts: 83

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Ya mean stuff from ATR and Alec Empire?

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Message 5/9             09-Jul-00  @  12:57 PM   -   RE: haaaaardcore


Posts: 2003

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You want the real deal? This is the site. You'll hear Core-tex and say Alec is a pussy. Earbleeding shit. Good links too. Also loads of samples there.


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Message 6/9             10-Jul-00  @  01:58 AM   -   RE: haaaaardcore



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yeah, i'm into hardcore programming too...more the rotterdam-style hardcore but also have a clue about bloody fist and stuff like what do you want to know about it

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Message 7/9             17-Jul-00  @  06:10 AM   -   RE: haaaaardcore



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hey thea

was off for a couple of days. back now!
harcore programming is not so easy as many people think i reckon. if you are leaving the 200 bpm aeria you have to programm very exact - cause of the speed. eveything ends up in a big noisy mess. you have to hit exactly this point where music goes noise.
high speed won't admit to have 10 tracks or whatever at the same time. you have to choose wisely.
for producing hardcore you don't need much. a computer and a mixer. and gooood samples.
in fact the most important thing is making samples. you need a strange taste and a well working brain to get fast structures.

hardcore is a completely understimated form of music, describing exactly where we are living right now, or better, where we are going to.
industrial, overload, fast.

i think there is not much good hardcore around, most is fuckin' boring party music without any intellectual elements (oh yeah! good hardcore IS intellectual). most people who listen to hc sometimes just like the fastened rave-beat. you won't see many dancing to 'till morning. don't misunderstand me! i don't dance to hc 'till morning either. but i do respect it as a unique style of muzac, invented by a future generation.

fuck the system because it sucks US! (did you get the double-meaning pot headz??)


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Message 8/9             17-Jul-00  @  03:13 PM   -   RE: haaaaardcore


Posts: 2003

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did you fools check the link on my first post?

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Message 9/9             18-Jul-00  @  05:27 AM   -   RE: haaaaardcore



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hey pongoid

keep temper! i checked this link for ages. it is pretty good sound, i like it, most of all the global message. i appreciate "political uncorrect" (fuck'em!!) speech.
you could have told us something more interesting though, especially cause i tried (o.k. in poor english) to start an exhausting/haunting (nice attributes, aren't they?) discussion about the humanity, the world and the universe as well.

o.k. next try:

do you think we are free? (yezzz, hollywood, you replied this question so often...)
our freedom is limited by mass-medias (as tv, net)?

come on. let us talk about. then we show this page to emmerich and become big big stars when he produces a hc movie. we shall see...

roko the bird-nut

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