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Subject: Hi Hat Programming

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Original Message                 Date: 23-Jul-02  @  04:06 AM   -   Hi Hat Programming


Posts: 15

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I was wondering if anyone had any advise on programming hi hat patterns for house music. The patterns I have attempted thus far seem very mechanical and soul. I've attempted to disect the patterns used in some of my favorite tracks, but I just can't get them to groove. I am using Battery in Cubase to program the patterns, along with the groove control function to add various amounts of swing and velocity changes. I just can't seem to get them to sound good.

What type of effects/dynamics should I be adding to the hi hats, and how much of a difference will it make? I've been working on the principal that the effects/dynamics should be used after I've got the hats grooving along.

Probably wrong on this, so please feel free to correct me at any time!!

I read an article recently on how the Chemical Bros. will spend days on the hat patterns in their songs, just to get them to work right. Obviously hats are an important part of dance music, and I will get to grips with them eventually...Right now I just need a nod in the right direction ;)


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Message 11/12             24-Jul-02  @  08:56 AM   -   RE: Hi Hat Programming


Posts: 145

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Try this, it works in trance as well as house. If you want the hi hats to groove, you must make them move around. I assume youre talking about the high hats and not the open hats that fall between the kick drum.

First, make them tight by using a tight gate time,but every once in a while open the gate up
Screw with the velocities, use a random velocity,
this makes it sound like a real drummer.
If the hats are in 16ths, use 32nd note hats like at the begining (1st beat of said measure) or end(last beat of said measure) of every other few measures. Also try using a breakbeat. Dont program a hit in every 16th note. Let it drop out just before a snare hit or open hat. Generally you also have to tune all of your drums to match the pitch of your track. And as for effects, id stay away from them. If you wanna add something more, just tweak the reso or cutoff to get a cool effect but dont over do it. Try this, I hope it helps, just dont over do it, Just 2 or 3 of there tricks is enough.


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Message 12/12             02-Aug-02  @  07:50 PM   -   RE: Hi Hat Programming


Posts: 1128

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I believe.

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