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Subject: Digitalbound's new Track Phonewerk

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Original Message                 Date: 01-Aug-01  @  08:13 PM   -   Digitalbound's new Track Phonewerk


Posts: 43

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Hey guys,

Its me from Los Angeles (what's up Digitalrust, Influx, and La la heads!!!)

So, I haven't been posting in awhile, but I have been reading.And more importantly, really working in the studio. I have a track that I was hoping I might get some feedback on.

It's at:

Its the only file there. MP3 format.

Also, it is meant as a DJ track so it has the requisite intro and outro stuff....

But it is a breaks type of track so Influx - I'd love your opinion. Same with Pongoid. I've never heard any of his stuff, but I imagine that this track may resonate with him.

Thanks guys!


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Message 11/15             29-Aug-01  @  12:38 PM   -   RE: Digitalbound's new Track Phonewerk


Posts: 23

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File?:  No file

3rd time listen now

ooh ooh .. maybe a complementing break , high freq over the top? or would be too much of a jungle trak?

I know, how bout a speed dial like kraftwerk "pocket calculator" style. right over the bass, after the ring tone?

nice drums incidentally, just mix th up and vary them more

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Message 12/15             29-Aug-01  @  11:40 PM   -   RE: Digitalbound's new Track Phonewerk


Posts: 7627

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File?:  No file is that hexstatic CD? Ive heard much about them but havent actually heard much.

its "nu breaks"?

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Message 13/15             31-Aug-01  @  03:24 AM   -   RE: Digitalbound's new Track Phonewerk

john etc


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File?:  No file

well i thought it was.
But i really don't know much about genres.

Hextatic cd?
Nice .. video game noises and strange cut up electro bleep zap pow.

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Message 14/15             31-Aug-01  @  03:39 AM   -   RE: Digitalbound's new Track Phonewerk


Posts: 7627

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File?:  No file

hmmm. should check it out. blippy bloopy like chocolate weasel weird type stuff?

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Message 15/15             31-Aug-01  @  12:11 PM   -   RE: Digitalbound's new Track Phonewerk


Posts: 23

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File?:  No file

Yeah kinda. some times it's also like rennie pilgrim stuck with a speak'n'spell and an video game arcade straight outta 1982.
They are absolute kings of the theme based music, i.e, every song they do has a very distinctive theme wether it be porn , or dodgy action tv series, or snippets from the news.
Hey it's on ninja tunes and they do Top visuals as well, so it's all good.

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