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Subject: XG CSxX Yammy Voices

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Original Message                 Date: 17-Jun-02  @  12:16 PM   -   XG CSxX Yammy Voices


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Anybody have a list of the samples used in the material voices in the XS synths by yamaha and/or the Cs2x (or 1x. Most material voices use the same handfull of samples over and over agian with a little built in tweaking, which sucks. I want to know if (and how) I can use the original, unaffected samples as buidling blocks.

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Message 11/16             08-Jul-02  @  08:16 PM   -   RE: XG CSxX Yammy Voices


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RM1X too, I suspect. Now that would really be usefull. Then I could finally rid myself of the CS1X.


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Message 12/16             09-Jul-02  @  09:37 AM   -   RE: XG CSxX Yammy Voices


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does the rm1x have 4-layered performances? How much ROM-waves does it have?

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Message 13/16             09-Jul-02  @  02:07 PM   -   RE: XG CSxX Yammy Voices


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It doesn't have the 4-layer performances. But it IS an AWM2 TG just like the CS's. I would've settled for the "fake performance" tip from the blue book. There's only two or three sounds I'm keeping that board around for  


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Message 14/16             09-Jul-02  @  02:44 PM   -   RE: XG CSxX Yammy Voices


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This sucks balls BIGTIME...but I'm not giving up yet....surely I must be able to reconstruct those QS300 voices on my cs2x (although it doesn't have the same chip, but an upgraded one) the mu10, the db50xg, the qy700 and the sw60xg al use the same chip as the qs300 and CAN use the qs300 voices (with a lil' software help) while the mu50 also has the EXACT same chip and samples but can't....

Is there ANY1 out here that actually owns a qs300? That would really help me sort this thing out you see. Or is there someone that can code sysex utilities (are there utilities out their that let you make you own sysex conversions?)


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Message 15/16             09-Jul-02  @  04:39 PM   -   RE: XG CSxX Yammy Voices


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If I had the time and specifications I'm sure I could code the sysex converter.

But I have neither the time, spec, or even proper synths to test  

Sorry, I should've just kept my yap shut...


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Message 16/16             09-Jul-02  @  04:44 PM   -   RE: XG CSxX Yammy Voices


Posts: 1309

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Okay...thanks for nothing...the QS300 has a voice list of 204 'pure waves' (about 20kbyte per sample) Does anybody know how these can be accessed or if these waves are the elements all the XG and perf. voices are created from? Can these true materials be accessed on non qs compatible synths? Are they translatable to cs1/cs2 (iow do these synths have equivalent materials in them) ?

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