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Subject: Total amateur! Help me setup!

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Original Message                 Date: 25-Nov-03  @  05:50 PM   -   Total amateur! Help me setup!


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Hope you don't mind providing a kind of idiots guide to setting up a studio but i'm trying to get into producing from DJing (drum'n'bass) and all the tech jargon's proving a bit of a brick wall. Everyone's raging about Cubase 5.0, Reason, Recycle etc, etc. What do I need first and what can I add on later as I get to know all the gear? Any help much appreciated and hey, talk to me like a 5 year old - I'm a total beginner. Cheers!

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Message 11/25             26-Nov-03  @  10:58 PM   -   RE: Total amateur! Help me setup!


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So you reckon start with software. Do Reason and Project-5 stand alone to learn the basics without other stuff? Thing is, Craig, I'm reading loads which is why I'm in a spin. Most of 'em are chatting in some serious technical terminology aimed at people who know their shit which is why I'm hitting on you lads for some down-to-earth advice and info. How long do the basic apps take to get used to (ruffly)?
PS What's a host sequencer?

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Message 12/25             27-Nov-03  @  12:25 AM   -   RE: Total amateur! Help me setup!



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i'd go with something with a decent audio multitrack as well as ability to use VSTi's because then you can work with cut-ups, re-record/bounce down VSTi parts into audio parts and do cut-ups with them, spin in disks and record them and do cut-ups etc etc

cut-up audio is surely a big part of drum&bass ?? - it's that sound you get when the part is choopped into bits - like the reverb suddenly changing/glitching at the edit point etc

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Message 13/25             27-Nov-03  @  12:42 AM   -   RE: Total amateur! Help me setup!


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Such as what, K? Am I on the right lines with Reason, Project-5 etc? I s'pose I'll get to understand as I play about with it but the lingo's really playin air hockey with my head at the mo, mate. What do you make and what did you start off with?

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Message 14/25             27-Nov-03  @  02:04 PM   -   RE: Total amateur! Help me setup!


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I started with a hardware sequencer (QX5) moved up to atari cubase then to pc cubase, then to Cakewalk5 with audio (cos cubase-audio was pants) - then to Logic when VST was in it's 'learning to walk' years - now I use logic all rthe time, but am waiting for Cake sonar 3 to evaluate as to switching - also SX2 is superb - just got it and it rocks!

people like Aphex twin use cut-ups for example - making original beats using samples/sampler and other instruments, then recording them as audio and chopping the audio up and arranging it into chunks etc - that is the oriigin of jungle & drum&bass - it originated in the Uk being created on old audio programmes like SAW 4-TRACK

You don't HAVE to make drum&bass that way - you can do it fine using only VSTI's in programmes like Project5 or REASON or ORION or FRUITY-LOOPS PRO etc - but, the cut-up technique gives it that extra edge to some peoples ears.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 15/25             27-Nov-03  @  03:33 PM   -   RE: Total amateur! Help me setup!

Defector Z


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I don't know anything about producing drum and bass (), but keep me in mind should you decide to purchase some s/w sequencers. I have fully legit copies of Sonar 2.0 and Sonar 2.2XL (I bought 2.0, upgraded to 2.2XL and have since upgraded to 3.0 producer.) I will sell you ALL original materials for a fair price - disks, books, etc. You'll probably need to reregister them, as I have already registered them all. I'm in the US.

That being said. Stick around here for a while and read some of the posts. If something doesn't make sense, ask what it means. Just don't go out and buy stuff without having a clue first. That's not a good way to do it.

There are a bunch of different ways to produce drum and bass. Like was said earlier, folks used to take beats of records, sample the beat, the chop it up and rearrange it. It was tedious but the results speak for themselves. Since technology has improved in the last 10 years, folks are doing more and more on their computers. There's lots of good s/w out there for free or shareware that will get you started. Just keep in mind that it takes a long time to be able to actually MAKE good music - in spite of your experience. Just because you know a good beat when you hear it does mean you can recreate it - unless you are the second coming, or something. Just be patient, take your time, and learn as much as you can. This website is as good source of info as you will find. Just don't start talking politics.

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Message 16/25             02-Dec-03  @  06:33 PM   -   RE: Total amateur! Help me setup!


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Cheers, Bruv

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Message 17/25             05-Dec-03  @  02:39 PM   -   RE: Total amateur! Help me setup!



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Because of the lack of money to go any further at the mo. I still stuck with what i started with. Its enough tho and its been the best way to learn the basics. And its what i'll recommend you start with. Although i've never made D&B, so maybe someone else can point out if what I'm gonna recommend is not the way to go for a novice D&B producer!?!


Acid 4

Fruity is great to make your own loops (drums and synth) and sounds from scratch. I use soundforge as a sampler basically (although it isn't actually a sampler - not that i see any difference). I use it to sample sounds and make loops from MP3's and CDs etc. I use Acid to sequence everything together, by saving the loops/sounds i've made in fruity/soundforge and exporting them into Acid. Thats basic stuff that you'll get to grips with in no time. Then you'll move onto learning about the effects and twiddling all the knobs in fruityloops to make different sounds etc!! Its fun once you get past the first few times of total bewilderment (even the most basic stuff is confusing at first).... But really, its just about easy enough for a beginner to learn a lot.

I'm all pretty new to it myself, but i hope the above helps.

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Message 18/25             09-Dec-03  @  11:02 AM   -   RE: Total amateur! Help me setup!


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aye... fruity is a great program for newbies. there's even a whole website dedicated to producing dnb on fruity. lemme see if i can find the link... ah yes:

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Message 19/25             23-Jan-04  @  12:32 PM   -   RE: Total amateur! Help me setup!



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hi mark,dont worrie we've all been down that road b4, but help is at hand. firstly n ido mean this bye the wright system 4get about pc's they belong in a office!!! u need a mac g3 min but g4 wud b better!!! lots of ram 256 min, but better still 640 n ur the daddy!! host seq that means cubaseor/ logic/ sonar ie software seq/arranger4 ur audio n midi songs, hope thats ur question answered. i wud'nt bother with cubase,cause logic is optimised 4 the apple mac and its far more user friendly and creative!!. some sellf powered monitors good sound card a sample editor ie phatmatik pro n some plug in instruments. i will break it down 4u so understand as u say ur a bit of novice with out sonding rude, hear we go............. No1 system apple mac g4-ibook(now ur mobile ie u can edit/write in bed!! No2 host sequencer, logic6 audio bigbox( it comes with abundle of software plugins n reason,good yar!! No3 Interface,ie soundcard m-audio410-firewire is again optimised 4the mac g4 it so easy to install help all the way with the apple's set up assistance,childs play....

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Message 20/25             23-Jan-04  @  12:48 PM   -   RE: Total amateur! Help me setup!



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hi mark,dont worrie we've all been down that road b4, but help is at hand. firstly n ido mean this bye the wright system 4get about pc's they belong in a office!!! u need a mac g3 min but g4 wud b better!!! lots of ram 256 min, but better still 640 n ur the daddy!! host seq that means cubaseor/ logic/ sonar ie software seq/arranger4 ur audio n midi songs, hope thats ur question answered. i wud'nt bother with cubase,cause logic is optimised 4 the apple mac and its far more user friendly and creative!!. some sellf powered monitors good sound card a sample editor ie phatmatik pro n some plug in instruments. i will break it down 4u so understand as u say ur a bit of novice with out sonding rude, hear we go............. No1 system apple mac g4-ibook640 ram (now ur mobile ie u can edit/write in bed!! No2 host sequencer, logic6 audio bigbox( it comes with abundle of software plugins n reason,good yar!! No3 Interface,ie soundcard m-audio410-firewire is again optimised 4the mac g4 it so easy to install help all the way with the apple's set up assistance,childs play.... No4 sample editor, it can only be phatmatik pro, it makes recycle look like a welfare case!!!!! its grate example u can get a loop strip it in 2sections revarse slice add eq mangle.invent new grooves, a drum n bass must. (On the pc nothing but driver problems thats pc 4u !!! DONT BUY1. the thing is mark it will only cost u £850 for12inch g4 book £170 logic bigbox £325 for410firewire and u got a really robust stable set up.. if u want more advice just ask n i will try get the goods and go and create bruv!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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