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Subject: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know

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Original Message                 Date: 16-Nov-00  @  06:03 AM   -   what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know



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I know that people ask this on a daily basis, but I have a feeling that seeing as how this is a drum-machine-only forum, you guys probably dig giving your opinions on this and that. I'm really wanting to buy a drum machine (my first one) and I'd rather not spend like a whole lot on it. Versitility is important too. I don't want, like, tonnes of 808 sounds and that's it. Maybe some sounds you don't exactly hear everyday, I'm not sure. Anyway, any suggestions at all...even just as a place to start looking or thinking...I'd be very appreciative. Thank ye all emensely.

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Message 11/22             21-Nov-00  @  05:55 AM   -   RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know



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Vicks drums ?

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Message 12/22             22-Nov-00  @  12:37 AM   -   RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know



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if you doing hiphop, RnB, industrial etc the R8 is awesome. no good for 909 but for extra sounds & versatility it's a great companion to the drumstation or jomox or ER1 etc doing the analog sounds (the R8 808 is ok tho - and you get a huge solid plinth with a set of BIG pads that're great to play, and big midi control, layer sounds, massive tuning range etc.

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Message 13/22             23-Nov-00  @  04:11 AM   -   RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know


Posts: 90

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These boxes can only play 16th's of a bar,
however the RM1x or MPC2000 can do syncopated beats too!

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Message 14/22             23-Nov-00  @  06:02 AM   -   RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know



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huh?... what r8's?.. where do you get that from it has even tap create like free quantise?..

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Message 15/22             23-Nov-00  @  06:03 AM   -   RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know



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actually, mostly i used it as a module sequenced from an atari.

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Message 16/22             23-Nov-00  @  06:00 PM   -   RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know



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If you want vesatile for $%&* free and have a PC,try (I know it sound cakey) is a drum emulation program that waks any hardware drum machine out of its cic.But I will stay with my 909,you just can't ^&*( with hardware,ever.So it is cheeky but fun and a great way to be a totely passive.

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Message 17/22             23-Nov-00  @  11:26 PM   -   RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know



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MPC 2000xl no question,it can sound like ANYTHING.

Mos Def

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Message 18/22             29-Nov-00  @  12:36 AM   -   RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know



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The ER-1
Strong Points
Good bass! Very Anolog and lots of dif sounds
to play with and create.. And its cheap.
Low Points
You will be lucky to get a good snare out of the
ER-1 VERY LUCKY Most of the time it just can't
produce the sound you want. Your not going to get
any convinceing Drum and bass snares out of it.
But it makes up for all that in the bass.

Checkout The

Novation Drum Station

Some really good sounds and some fair sounds.
808/909 Emulations. You can get them fairly cheap on
ebay for about 250.00 to 350.00

But it has no seqencer you will have to use a computer.

If you can afford a good sampler get one of those but
dont buy a cheap one it's only frustrateing you don't
get enough memory and it will get old fast.

Look on the net.. Listen to audio samples and so on.

Good Luck

The KeyMaster

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Message 19/22             04-Dec-00  @  01:24 AM   -   RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know



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You should get a sampler. Esi-32 used are around $350 - $400. That would be with 32 megs and SCSI. I'm not to sure if there is anything out there that is that cheap and worth getting. My friend found a E4 for $700. I would say save your money and get a sampler that you won't grow out of. There are a lot of samplers for around $700 - $1000 that are great samples to own. Save your money and buy used.

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Message 20/22             10-Dec-00  @  04:01 PM   -   RE: what drum machine should I buy? Yeah, I know

Martin L


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Go with the sampler with scsi, so you can hook it up with your computer.

If this is undoalble, why not try the korg electribe drumbox, I have heard it can do some wierd and twisted beats...

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