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Subject: september 11th

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Original Message                 Date: 11-Sep-02  @  08:27 PM   -   september 11th



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a well done slide show.

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Message 161/188             18-Sep-02  @  09:25 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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ergo my 'travel' comment in other thread  

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Message 162/188             19-Sep-02  @  07:03 AM   -   RE: september 11th


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See Dubyah and Donald are getting desperate to go to war... so much for the UN...

Wonder why Sadaam banned US oil companies from Iraq?


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Message 163/188             20-Sep-02  @  06:46 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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Please do not dream of putting Saddam on the moral high ground here. I have nothing at all against the people of the Middle East, with the exception that most of them are poor, illiterate and led by powerhungry fucks that want to keep the power and riches of the world for themselves, and want to demonize others, in order to divert attention form their own heinous dees. That's is the way of the world, and has been. We have to have a slightly more sophisticated way of doing things here, because our literacy is higher, but leaders from time immemorial have pulled this shit. "Look at the Bad Guy!!! I'll save you from her/it/her and lead you to victory, and prosperity afterwards and you'll never have worry about....bla bla bla bla..". Same old shit from ALL of them. Don't ask stupid questions, in the hopes of demonizing one while justifying the other. All parties of leadership involved in this conflict are fucked up self serving small-minded self-ass-fisting piles of shit that need to be swept up and jettisoned into the vacuum of space with no suits, so that none of their energy will ever get further than burning up in our atmosphere, should they ever try to return, but until such time as we can make that a reality...let's at least try asking the right questions, like how do WE fix this mess since it's obvious that those who try to be in charge obviously don't want to fix things.


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Message 164/188             20-Sep-02  @  07:21 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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vote for the green party?

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Message 165/188             21-Sep-02  @  01:58 AM   -   RE: september 11th


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"if it came down to it, and yours are the ones who would desire absolute compliance...and if it came down to war? would fight and kill non christians simply for being non christian "

remember when i was rambling on about religious freedom?

when nation-states are married to religion, you get people killing people for not being the same flavor as the nation-state.

rome did it to christians

christians did it to muslims

christian catholics did it to christian protestants

christian protestants did it to christian protestants

etc etc etc over the course of like 1800 years.

now we have actually had religious freedom for a while and people loose all sense of history.

the *only* time christians kill anyone is when it is a christianity that is melded into the nation state.

right now muslims and communists are the biggest murderers of christians in the world. so don't suggest that its not happening now. it is.

and please don't suggest that my religion says that we are to kill people who are not in my religion. it says the complete opposite. you can look it up for yourself in the new testament. the koran, on the other hand is very explicit on what to do with infidels, you can look it up yourself.... hence my rantings on this thread.

if anyone was to *really* follow the teachings of christ they would become a true pacifist like the earliest christians were.... i am not there yet.


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Message 166/188             21-Sep-02  @  02:22 AM   -   RE: september 11th


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right, that's me a muslim convert, voting communist  

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Message 167/188             21-Sep-02  @  10:52 AM   -   RE: september 11th


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formant: I find myself agreeing with you totally about the state and religion. Religion is bad enough, but married to the state it is a nightmare.. whether christain or muslim or whatever..

formant:'if anyone was to *really* follow the teachings of christ they would become a true pacifist like the earliest christians were.... i am not there yet. '

Indeed, the romans used to throw the christians to the lions for being pacifists and refusing to serve in the army..

Unforunately, though, a lot of christians adhere to the old testament as well as the new and that is pretty bloodthirsty...

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Message 168/188             21-Sep-02  @  11:47 AM   -   RE: september 11th



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hey!!!!!!.... who stole my frikkin oxen man!!???... heh heh

I like that story about Nasrudin... the one where his neighbour borrows his big cooking pot... The neighbour is a bit of a joker and decides to take the piss a bit... So when he returns the pot, he hands over Nasrudin's pot, AND another litle pot.

Nasrudin asks, "So what's with this little pot"?

"Oh" says the neighbour, "they bred over in my kitchen and according to the law, as you own the big pot which gave birth, this new little pot belongs to you!"

Nasrudin thinks.. "Ok then mr Joker"... and carries on until one day he needs to borrow his neighbours large pot in return...

After a few days the neighbour is getting upset because nasrudin has not returned his pot, so he goes round and raps on the door...

"Where's my cooking pot you borrowed nasrudin?" , he asks...

"Well" says Nasrudin, "sadly, it died!... so you can't have it back!...."

"How can a cooking pot 'die' " ??, splutters his neighbour...

"Well, we did establish the fact that the pots are mortal didnt we!?

cracks me up that one... er...

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Message 169/188             21-Sep-02  @  01:13 PM     Edit: 21-Sep-02  |  01:42 PM   -   RE: september 11th


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Hey, looks like China is next on the agenda.. what a surprise..

BBC News

If you want to see the blueprint for all this stuff.. read this:


written in 2000, commisioned by Cheney et al.

News article here
Bush planned Iraq 'regime change' before becoming President

and here's the new policy document from the whitehouse

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Message 170/188             21-Sep-02  @  01:40 PM     Edit: 21-Sep-02  |  01:40 PM   -   RE: september 11th


Posts: 1502

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