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Subject: What equipment do I need?

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Original Message                 Date: 01-Apr-02  @  12:42 AM   -   What equipment do I need?



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I like to start DJ. With CD's. What equipment do I need to get started?

I need a mixer and what there any good mp3 mixer on the market to get use to dj?

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Message 21/25             03-Jun-02  @  03:21 AM   -   RE: Denon Dj151 Tuntables?


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Can anyone offer any comments about the Denon DJ151 turntable ?

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Message 22/25             03-Jun-02  @  05:18 PM   -   RE: What equipment do I need?


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get 1200's. Don't fuck around.

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Message 23/25             21-Jun-02  @  11:39 AM   -   RE: What equipment do I need?


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Don't miss the boat, what about tunes?
If you are stacked with cd's then there you are. I use the pioneers and they are good (the new ones looked super good - before I had to stop playing for fear of wnating too much - bit big though). Notice the pioneers (CDJ 500) need new lazers every couple of years and that is serious money, worth thinking about if you go second hand. I really rate the Pioneer mixer DRM 600, the new version has 4 line/phono ins and can reliably get you round more than a few corners.
If you are not stacked with CD's then (without a jot of experience) I would say go MP3, traktor and a laptop. I will go there when MPn is good enough quality and harddrives can hold me whole collection. Saves all that lifting.
I think getting the tune is the hardest bit for beginners so if MPn is good enough and control can be made to happen then go lappy

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Message 24/25             21-Jun-02  @  01:54 PM   -   RE: What equipment do I need?


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so how quickly can you mix with Tractor? how about cueing and other things?

i wont even mention x-fader cutting, chopping up breaks, doing spinbacks, and especially scratching... unless maybe with final scratch setup o/c.

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Message 25/25             21-Jun-02  @  02:35 PM   -   RE: What equipment do I need?



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that's interesting an mp3 s/w player with a choice of hardware controllers similar to cd decks... check it out!

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