aaa Help! My bass sounds crap! - Synths & synthesis forums
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Subject: Help! My bass sounds crap!

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Original Message                 Date: 29-Oct-02  @  03:44 PM     Edit: 29-Oct-02  |  03:45 PM   -   Help! My bass sounds crap!

Steve Roughley

Posts: 1178

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Until recently, I have mainly created my bass with my EM1 electribe, but now that I am trying to synthesise it, I am having a whole lot of trouble. Whenever I try to get a tight, smooth and punchy bass out of my Virus, it ends up sounding hollow, dirty and generally sloppy. I am alright with leads and pads etc., but bass is truly eluding me.

Does anyone have any tips for getting my bass to sound tight and growly? Pongoid?

Thanks in advance.


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Message 31/32             02-Nov-02  @  07:51 PM   -   RE: Help! My bass sounds crap!


Posts: 40

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so when's the starting point, deadline etc? I've gone for 8 repetitions of the loop, with realtime tweaking as it progresses. do we have to declare the tools used before, or would people rather guess?

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Message 32/32             03-Nov-02  @  10:22 AM   -   RE: Help! My bass sounds crap!


Posts: 145

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synthesis is like a fine ass hochie mamma. You have to get her in the mood to put out.

you describe a tight bass. That comes with compression. But that is a mastering feature. You said you want to do it from scatch. You also said you have a virus, an A+ synth for bass.

You must unlock the secrects hidden within you synth. I dont have a virus, i have a nova. very comparable, and the rules of synthesis being universal, my rules will apply to your synth.

Here we go.

Osc 1: saw wave
Osc 2: saw wave
Osc 3: your choice wave, but -1 octave (for subs)
Mix your oscillators to find the right balance
Choose a filter: Lowpass or band pass suffice

Osc sych: This is most important. Oscillators can synch to each other or they can not. i find that two in synch and one off synch is cool. experiment.

Pitch: use a LFO or a Pitch envelope to control the pitch differently for each oscillator. Fat basses are fat because of these characteristics.

Use these principles but in no way are they a rule book for basses. Try different things each time and try to remember what does what. Your Em1 is a rom bassed synth and therefore somewhat limited compared to your virus, an anamod. the thickest, meanest sounds will come from the virus.

My best bass to date comes from the nova, A 3 osc bass that i made with all saw waves.

hope to help


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