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Subject: The numbskull electronic tinkerer show !!!

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Original Message                 Date: 30-Apr-10  @  03:04 AM   -   The numbskull electronic tinkerer show ! x0xb0x


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(no really, i always wanted to say that in a low slightly distorted voice...sigh...)

to The numbskull electronic tinkerer show

Here, I will attempt before your very eyes to put together a monophonic, computer controlled synthesizer: a clone of the Roland TB-303.

Now that everyone and his brother has gone through this build, I feel confident enough that every one and his brother has run in every conceivable problem there is, so I plunge !

Actually it's more complicated than that. i wanted to build one for a long time, but waiting list for kits were almost a decade long (ok, slight overemphasis here, but still...)

Fortunately, ada fruit industries , the people responsible for the birth of thid magnificent clone, have found a deserving heir in the body of

Willzyx who is now supplying express kit through his shop, and soon complete kits. Hurray!!! (note that as i write this , he is out of kits, but he should have some in the coming weeks.)

Now, the x0xb0x being an open source project , anyone can build one for themselve following the provided instructions on the ada fruit site: everything is given out, code, pcb design files, cnc files, everything. But unless your proficient with all this stuff, your best bet is to go with a kit so you don't have to source every component for yourself, which can be daunting, believe me.

so, here I will be documenting my build of a x0xb0x, both for your enjoyment and mine, of course.

see you on the bench : )

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Message 61/66             04-Jun-10  @  03:55 AM   -   RE: The numbskull electronic tinkerer show !!!


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The panel board with the offending switches (most are not operational)

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Message 62/66             04-Jun-10  @  03:56 AM   -   RE: The numbskull electronic tinkerer show !!!


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Bloddy switches

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Message 63/66             04-Jun-10  @  03:56 AM   -   RE: The numbskull electronic tinkerer show !!!


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an even closer look to one of the offenders

The funny part is I don't really know how I am going to revive them

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Message 64/66             04-Jun-10  @  06:27 AM   -   RE: The numbskull electronic tinkerer show !!!

rags .aka. welder

Posts: 649

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"I also use natural pig hair brush to disludge the dirt."

OMG, last time I've seen those trim pots with that tall aluminium housing I was a kid. Can't you soak those switches with alcohol somehow? I guess there is even more dirt inside (don't listen to me, I have a natural talent to fuck up electronics, I had to build some circuits in school, literally none of them worked.... )

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Message 65/66             08-Jun-10  @  10:56 PM   -   RE: The numbskull electronic tinkerer show !!!


Posts: 1345

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Yup, the soaking in isopropyl seems the way to go, soaking them with a cotton swab and actuating a few zillion times each. Checking with my meter, they're okay'ish, not perfect, but frankly, i'd rather not desolder them. i hate desoldering! Have I told you before How I hate desoldering ? I just hate it, no reallly...

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Message 66/66             09-Jun-10  @  02:54 AM     Edit: 09-Jun-10  |  02:55 PM   -   RE: The numbskull electronic tinkerer show !!!


Posts: 1345

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Operation Cleaning the JX-3P succesfully completed: the switches are now fully operational. Checking them with my meter led me to believe they would be intermitent, but they're not they respond flawlessly with a sligh push, luverly. My guess as to what led me to believe them to be soso, was because smallish particules of oxyde are probably still present, so in checking for continuity with the meter, i can feel them, so to speak. Those switches are good for another 10 year imo.

Just waiting for my kit for the midi expansion, should be here this week hopefully.


add-on: Retro-nostalgic thread about the JX-3P and DIY synth repair according to xoxos

notable quote from xoxos:
''it is the shit.. dude. the future is building your own shit.''

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