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Subject: Roland - emulate or innovate?

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Original Message                 Date: 03-May-02  @  11:49 PM   -   Roland - emulate or innovate?



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ever since the Super Saw was created with the JP-800 - dance music has changed... Ever since the Grooveboxes were created... It's now a household name.

is Roland still the innovater?

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Message 61/73             19-May-02  @  05:36 PM   -   RE: Roland - emulate or innovate?


Posts: 2003

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Oh yeah? Well check this out. FUCK YOU ALL! WHY descriminate? I hate you all, as well as myself, and at times strongly sympathise with Nobody's view, save for the fact that I have not yet lost faith, and have seen that we can be so much more than we are. We are all humans, participating in a very destructive system, and as long as we continue and do not try to change, or moreover succeed in changing this shitty system in which we all live and perpetuate, we are ALL shit factories, and deserve much more abuse than any of us here receive, and thus any of these pathetic offences that we feel directed at us by personal circumstances rather than action, should be cherished as one cherishes each prod of a dentist's pick on a cavity, reminding us that we are alive, and continue to make life worse for all other life on this planet, and soon maybe elsewhere as well unless we change our ways. The insults for our foolish actions should generate yet more shame, shattering mirrors, and drawing the ridicule of all the natural world upon us, tht we might try harder and think our actions through a bit more. Imagine a time when men loved the world and it loved them back, albeit in a hard way, when all political decisions were based not on the next quarter's profits for the shareholders, but SEVEN GENERATIONS welfares. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Make things happen or enjoy the shitty diapers of your life, and may your children enjoy the fruits of your efforts or lack thereof as well. You have more power to change than you realise. Wake up and change the world, even just a little, or enjoy the piece of shit you see in the mirror. I know I don't.


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Message 62/73             19-May-02  @  06:19 PM   -   RE: Roland - emulate or innovate?


Posts: 781

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uh ...ok.

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Message 63/73             19-May-02  @  07:35 PM   -   RE: Roland - emulate or innovate?


Posts: 2003

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PS, fuck Roland too. They spend so much on advertising that when they do actually take a step forward, like the VP-9000, it's super expensive, and worse than their fucking s760 to try to figure out. I HATE ROLAND OS's. They could spend less on tree-wasteful ad-magazines, and more on development of a simple, comprehensive OS that would make their litte innovations sell like hotcakes. As for their pieces of shit like the SH-32, they should stick the components into something more useful for musicians, and less garbage for simply catering to wanna-be's. Instead of raising the standards of music, they kill it, and really help divide the camps of folks who can afford decent technology, with either Daddy's pocket money or the studio's budget, and the folks who can't afford good tools, and won't get any better quickly because of the limitations set on them by low-budget tools. Fuck Roland in the ass.

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Message 64/73             19-May-02  @  08:39 PM   -   RE: Roland - emulate or innovate?


Posts: 6231

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let me guess pongoid, you're back in the states aren't you

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Message 65/73             19-May-02  @  08:41 PM   -   RE: Roland - emulate or innovate?


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and ehre's a nice link for ya

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Message 66/73             19-May-02  @  10:20 PM   -   RE: Roland - emulate or innovate?


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While I would be happy to join the "kill all humans' ranks, it's not worth my trouble. The breeding will continue, the sore will fester, life goes on or it don't. No reason to get yer panties in a bind.... No, I don't fugging care, and yes, "I" am the reason the world is so fucked (a weak human perception), AND I dunna care. I've removed myself from the gene pool, so I really have no stake in this one way or the other... so mayhap I "should" (according to people who can't deal with differing opinions) shut the fuck up... Just find me a Notron for shit's sake...

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Message 67/73             19-May-02  @  10:31 PM   -   RE: Roland - emulate or innovate?


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but the v-drums main thing is the actual kit which is superb.


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 68/73             19-May-02  @  11:53 PM   -   RE: Roland - emulate or innovate?


Posts: 7627

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Pongoid, dude...the venom in your responses is shocking sometimes. Its like you dont even need a trigger youre just walking around PISSED OFF

cant say I dont empthize, but...just seems directly DISproportionate sometimes.

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Message 69/73             20-May-02  @  01:16 AM   -   RE: Roland - emulate or innovate?


Posts: 184

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I disagree w/your opinion on the SH-32; it's a wonderful little box.

Roland's OSes are a little like Wordstar, they make ABSOLUTELY no sense initially but prove brilliantly efficient and logical once you really get to the point of mastering the instrument.

The only stupid thing I've seen, in my opinion, is, why oh why did they leave a numeric keypad off the XV-5080?! I mean, on the XP-80 you can go _anywhere_ in a huge sample bank in seconds with a numeric keypad; obviously that was too much fun so they left everyone with a push-knob to work with instead on their top-o'-the-line synth.

Oh well, everyone has a problem. Mine is I'm too old to enjoy a banana fudge sundae any more without consquences worse than going on a drinking binge. If that were different, I'd be a whole different person. Oh well.

VP9000 is going for pastry cakes these days, is it any worth looking at? I'm assuming Roland will have wised up and maybe planned to put a filter and a coupla more voices on it for a new release some day....


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Message 70/73             22-May-02  @  04:35 PM   -   RE: Roland - emulate or innovate?



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sh-32 ? it's just like the other mc-505, mc-303. It's roland trying to cash in on somthing they got right 20 years ago without delivering the same level of quality. they make great Drum sets, and even guitar related products. The vs2480 looks powerful. It's the so called Groove stuff they throw together. It's designed and driven by the marketing guys, not the musicians and technitians. The old gear in the 80's was designed for pop and rock. the dance music functionality of it was just dumb luck. So now that they are making stuff specifically for dance, it doesn't have the same level of quality associated with it, and that is why Roland can go to hell. If the sh-32 has any of the atributes of the mc-boxes, I feel pitty on those foolish enough to purchase one.

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