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Subject: Why is digital less warm than....

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Original Message                 Date: 28-Feb-02  @  09:02 PM   -   Why is digital less warm than....


Posts: 659

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Hey folks, just some food for thought...

We all hear things like, digital isn't as warm as analog, and while I'm not here to argue that specifically, did you ever think about why that is? Outside of some of the basic physical properties, you'd think the two mediums wouldn't be that divergent.... and in some sense, maybe they're not. Now I'm gonna try a little heresy...

Maybe the reason mixes from analog sounds warmer, more musical, whatever, is: our techniques for recording, mixing, etc., are mostly built and modeled on analog experience. We've learned techniques for, say mic placement, that were establised in the analog realm... maybe we should be evaluating new ways of doing things....?

I mean think about one of the most basic differences between the two mediums, the level meter... Many of us that came from the analog world were sorely surprised to find out we couldn't push the LEDs "past the red" on a digital board... Now once I learned how to use digital LEDs, mt life, and my mixes, sounded better...

I'm not really trying to lay out new "rules" of digital recording/mixing, but just bouncing the idea off you all. If you have any experience with what I'm on about here, by all means share it. If you got a "warm sound" from all digital equipment, what was your methodology? Why do you think it worked that way? If you captured a digital take of a vocalist that just simply shimmers, did you do it the "traditional" (i.e., basically as it's always been done on analog equipment) way, or did you find a technique that is exclusive to digital?

Anyhoos, just some thoughts....

Peace All

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Message 71/157             12-Mar-02  @  09:38 PM   -   RE: Why is digital less warm than....


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"If you wanna think me a liar or easily fooled, so be it... no worries.... "

Mindspawn. bro! nothing of the sort. I just...its just so fucking pedantic. not on your part, theirs...and I still just cant believe it...I mean..with all the processes that stuff goes through

are we talking rock? electronic? what.

I might be able to see it with a rock recording which relies less on FX etc..but on a solid dance recording..I dunno

I wasnt questioning your honesty or ability or anything like that. I promise. Please dont hex me, k? 

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Message 72/157             12-Mar-02  @  10:30 PM   -   RE: Why is digital less warm than....


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Good influx, not at all... That was all tongue in cheek. Ninny...=)

The stuff these guys did was either Rock, Country, or some hybrid of the two.... I think the gent at Fort Apache said he'd worked on some electronic stuff, but again this was 1992-3 or so... and none of this stuff was digital as far as I know... Anyhoos, like I said, no worries. Speaking for myself, I might be able to spot a synth or reverb unit here and there, but not much else... I spend most of my "elitist" time trying to identify frequencies, so.... =)


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Message 73/157             12-Mar-02  @  11:05 PM   -   RE: Why is digital less warm than....

Brett B


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I guess you have it from the horse's mouth, but he should contact mix magazine. They have him quoted in January,2001 pg.46 after talking about using the e4 for jupiter phrases he is stated as saying in quotations "Then I am bringing a Jupiter 8000 and a Virus out as well to play parts that I am able to tweek live. " but I guess he would be the source to trust.

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Message 74/157             13-Mar-02  @  12:42 AM   -   RE: Why is digital less warm than....


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that was the plan, I believe. We bought an indigo that was gonna be a controller.

didnt work out that way.

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Message 75/157             13-Mar-02  @  12:59 AM   -   RE: Why is digital less warm than....



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just got back from me mates tonight and he's got an old valve Sugden amp - *drool* - now THAT'd be nice for running stuff thru -

Does anyone remember those FRANKENSTIEN or whatever name enhancers that were sold back in the late 80's? - it was a rack with valves in to enhance stereo tracks.

Also that T-Racks is sposed to be pretty good for that with it's valave sim thing... anyone use that?..

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Message 76/157             13-Mar-02  @  01:01 AM   -   RE: Why is digital less warm than....

Brett B


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He ,We,? Interesting....

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Message 77/157             13-Mar-02  @  01:11 AM   -   RE: Why is digital less warm than....


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WE as in I usually score his gear for the footwork.

Q is a close personal friend of mine, and I work for him as well (which is why I get so worked up about topics regarding him because I see it from the inside)

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Message 78/157             13-Mar-02  @  03:08 AM     Edit: 13-Mar-02  |  06:36 AM   -   RE: Why is digital less warm than....


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those guys can hear up to 35 k? got me beat.

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Message 79/157             13-Mar-02  @  05:04 PM   -   RE: Why is digital less warm than....


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sure, at least they claim too.. check this out:

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Message 80/157             13-Mar-02  @  06:09 PM   -   RE: Why is digital less warm than....


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Eh? Sorry Damballah - that was supposed to be 3.5khz... my bad...


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