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Roland JP-8000


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Roland JP-8000

Category:  Products / synthesisers / modeling synthesisers

Added: 18-Dec-98  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: £700 - £800

Roland JP-8000

The Roland JP-8000 released in 1997 was one of the first wave of virtual analog synths from various companies which all arrived in the mid to late 1990's & in typical form for these modelling synths of the time featured a large selection of front-panel physical controls for realtime adjustment of parameters such as filters, envelopes and more. This synth was the bringer of the Super-Saw multi-Oscillator sound heard on the 1999 global 'trance' hit Sandstorm by Darude. The title of the track is named after the JP-8000 patch which loads when the unit boots.

This heavily detuned and massive lead sound went onto become so ubiquitous it pretty much spawned a whole new genre generally referred to as Anthemic Trance & the JP-8000 debuted the term 'Analog Modelling' which Roland used to describe their new DSP synthesis & which is now used as the mainstream term to categorise all such synths.

The JP-8000 yielded a maximum 8 note poly with 2 oscillators per voice with  Sync. OSC1 & OSC2 both output Sawtooth, Triangle & Square/Pulse wave with PWM, while OSC1 offers further options of the new Supersaw, Triangle Mod, Noise & Feedback Oscillators.

Oscillator-1 has an accompanying pair of slider controls which effect two parameters of the selected Oscillator type including PWM & PWM Depth for the Square/Pulse wave, Detune & Mix for the Supersaw wave, Offset & LFO-1 Depth for the Triangle wave etc. Oscillator-2 has the same pair of sliders but these are fixed to adjusting PWM & PWM depth for the Square/Pulse wave selection. The Oscillator Common section has controls for both Osc1 & Osc2 including Oscillator Balance, Ring Mod & Cross-Mod options & controls.

The Jp-8000's filter is a selectable 12/24dB/Octave affair offering Hi-pass, Low-pass & Band-pass modes with a dedicated 4 stage reversible envelope & LFO Mod control option. Further Modulations options are plentiful across the synth, with two LFO's, a multi-function bender & Ribbon controller.

The JP-8000 included an Arpeggiator (Up, Down, Up/Down & Random) & basic RPS (Realtime Phrase Sequencer) which records phrases complete with physical controller movements to 48 different patterns which can be assigned to any of the 48 keys. Additionally it has some basic chorus & delay FX & it's keyboard can operate in Single, Dual or Split mode.

Roland sold truck loads of these and as a consequence they can be found on Ebay for around £700 - £800 GBP.



Nile Rogers JP-8000 auctioned at Christie's 2021

Here's Nile Roger's JP-8000 which went to auction in 2021 at Christie's for the The Nile Rodgers Collection To Benefit the We Are Family Foundation.



The JP-8080 rack version

Roland went on to introduce the rack version JP-8080 in 1998  - essentially the same synth but with increased polyphony, more factory presets patches & Performance presets, smart-card storage & the ability to synthesise external audio sources including vocoder style synthesis. Click here to go to the JP-8080 page: http://www.dancetech.com/dancetech_webflow/item.cfm?itemid=4184










Old 1997 dancetech review

The JP8000 is Rolands new digital synth utilising the latest buzzword in the industry...."Analog Modelling"... This is what manufacturers are claiming as the next new form of synthesis, moving along from sample synthesis. Despite the fact that these types of synths do actually use digital electronics to generate the waveforms, somehow, they sound fatter and more like real analog VCO's than straight sampled synths.


This type of synthesis began with companies like Clavia, (with the Nord Lead), and continues today with synths like the JP8000... It seems, that they use custom designed DSP chips, which output waveforms.... However, when asked, they reckon it is NOT a chip with samples of waveforms... even single-cycle ones.... yet they also deny that it is a DCO synth... er... perhaps one of our more enlightened readers can work this out !!.... Clavia say this about "Analog Modelling" : ".....employs matemathical simulations of the electronical signal generated by analog oscillators, instead of using waveform tables. This makes it possible, for example, to sweep the pitch smoothly over a very wide range and allow for true pulse width modulation."


What we have then is a modern digital synth, with all the associated stability & storage/editing/sysex capabilities....Combined with a sound that is more ...er....Analog....These synths definately have an up-front sound !!


Another of the features of this type of synth, is usually limited polyphony, & multitimbrelity.....and the JP8000 is no exception to this rule...offering 8 note poly, and 2 part multi-timbrel operation as maximum...... (if you remember, the original Nord Leads were only something like 6 part multi-timbrel.)


Basically, all the 64 preset sounds are constructed of a maximum of 2 Oscillators....These can be single Osc' sounds, 2 Osc' layered, or split as two seperate sections of the keyboard.


Osc' One, gives a choice of 7 waveforms....Saw, Square, Triangle, Noise, Feedback Osc', Super Saw, & triangle mod'..... Oscillator Two, gives you Saw, Square & Triangle..... The oscillators can be cross-mod'ed...you can also apply ring mod' & assign envelopes & Lfo's to pitch (simulteaneously to both Oscillators, or alone to Osc'1) & cross-mod'.


The filters in the JP8000 offer the standard 12 & 24 db/octave set-up, but with a choice of High-Pass, Lo-Pass, or Band-Pass..... and the filter has the usual 4 stage envelope arrangement....and of course all these & the other controls & parameters have dedicated hardware knobs or sliders.


You get 2 LFO's with the JP8000:.... LFO 1, offers Saw, Square, Triangle & Random waves, with adjustable Rate & Fade.... LFO 2, adjusts the mod' section.... Controlling : Pitch, Filter or Amp...(the LFO's can also be clocked to midi)


So.... pretty much an Analog synth, with a modern twist........ however, the combinations available should make for some pretty awesome & varied sounds...... and then you've got the control features...... Extra dedicated control knobs & sliders etc, are finding their way back onto synths at last..... and the JP8000 gives you loads of sources... Besides the usual wheels & pedals, Roland have added a Ribbon Controller, which can have not only single, but multiple destinations assigned to it, as can the velocity sensitive keyboard...... Also, as you can see from the piccie, this synth is laden with knobs & sliders... 38 dedicated controllers in total !!


All the edit parameters are laid out on the front panel...they all transmit control data, and Roland have even added a sort of mini-sequencer, that allows you to input control data in layers in a sort of cycle mode, like with a standard sequencer programme.... You can record up to 8 bars, adjusting whatever control parameter you like...when you have the cut-off right for example, you can then select a new controller, and adjust that over the choosen amount of bars... So once you've made all your passes, you can save it, then the mini-sequence can be triggered either from a button on the front panel, or you can make it play when you press the keys....Roland call this "Motion Control...and it will allow you to create short passages which contain complicated assortments of control sequences, that would be impossible to perform live, unless you got the lads round with a crate of beer, and got them all simulteaneously twiddling controllers as an alternative to football on the TV !!


No "Analog" synth would be complete without an arpeggiator, and the JP8000 provides one that can send out midi note data, as well as being able to clock to midi... the assignments are the usual up & down, octaves etc & a hold function... So for all you Arpeggio lads (the synth equivilent of LC350 freaks !!)... there's plenty of scope for luverly ambient & techno patterns etc...... You also get a final stage 2 band Eq, as well as a Chorus & Delay, with adjustable parameters....and, joy of joys, you can sync the delay time to midi clock, or the arpeggiator !!.... All this sound gets out via 2 simple L & R jack sockets.


Well.... It looks like Roland have released a JD800 for the latter 90's, packed full of the same type of sounds, but just more upfront, big, and hard. It is expensive, and I have to say, this amount of money would buy you alot of alternative toys. Also, other manufacturers are offering similar machines, but with the inclusion of drums so you can use it as a total workstation to do your whole track..... So we will have to have a play to evaluate it....... Now, you want to know how it sounds ?..... er....... well I got the demo from Roland, and as usual, it's totally laughable... basically, why they think people want to hear the latest techno synth playing impressions of screaming jazzy lead guitar solos over Stevie Vai type jazz-rock-college backing music is beyond me... I mean NO-ONE either makes or listens to this sort of thing since about 1990 !!... it was so sad I just didnt bother to add it.... so... Well stick in a bookmark, cos Roland should be bringing one over for us to play with in the near future....Then you can listen to it in RA3 real-time-no-downloading format !!!....Stay tuned !!


Product Videos

Demo 1 of the Roland JP8000 by Nicolas Kern

I have made this demo for www.zoolook.nl members, some more will come ;)...

Demo 2 of the Roland JP8000 by Nicolas Kern

I have made this demo for www.zoolook.nl members, this is the second part....

JP-8000 played live trance melodies video

Played some melodies on my Jp8k...

Product Manuals or Files

no user manual

Product Resources

User Comments

Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: pHreak
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

I think it's the phattest peice of equipment on the market. I am ready to purchase one now, and was jumping from

JP8000 to Clavia Nord Lead. At the end, I've decided to take my chances with JP. And getting it tomorrow (aren't i

a happy mother..) Will produce Trance tracks,,, and maybe ppl, you'll see my name some time soon on one of the

record labels. Peace!

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Anthony Ruggeri
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

This is one absolutely wicked board. I'm gonna replace 6 synths with one. It is f***ing amazing and blows the Nord

Lead away in sound quality and ease of editing. And the filters resonate up the wazoo, too. What else is there to


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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Foursome productions
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

I've been using the JP for a couple of months now and it's absolutly fantastic. I've tried the Nord lead but it doesn't

come close, the sounds are better, the controls are a lot simpler, it just rules !!

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: IronRod
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

I got one Yesterday and it's kept me up real late the first two nights I've had it.

This is one amazinf synth.

The sound quality is teriffic, and the MIDI implementation is really cool.

Only drawbacks are the 2 way multi-timbral and 8 note poly.

Also very few modulation possibilities.

The performance featues are way cool.

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: -=- Atomic -=-
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

G`day! I swapped my dusty old tr-909 for a brand

Spanker Jp-8000,its a great synth,really Fat soundz

I wanted a nord lead bad,but this absolutly #hits

on a nord. gotta fly l8r... -=- Atomic -=-

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Lawrence
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Ive got one and its sh*t

Im swapping for the An1x Which has a sh*t case

but sounds 20000000000 times better,

warmth ! turn up the bloody bass a bit

instant warmth

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Rick
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

The filter of this synth sound very similar to that of the jv-1080. The filter makes a synth, and the filter of the JP-8000 sounds very digital. The Nord blows this synth away. Vince Clarke has a Nord, I'm still waiting to see if he will own a JP-8000. I doubt he will, it may program like a analog, but it doesn't sound like one. If it sounded any bit as powerful as my MKS-80 I would have surely purchased it by now.

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Rick
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

By the way all you JP-8000 owners, turn of the effects then see how great it sounds next to the Nord.

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: nimanda
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

lets face it the nord wipes the jp face with its ass. 4 outs! 4 layer! any external fx, eq, comp, filter set individually on any of the 4 sounds 40 dr kits! ya cant really compare it ! difference between a pro unit and a toy!

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Mr. Plastic
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Walked into music store.

Saw JP-8000.

Put on headphones, switched arpeggiator on.

Pushed middle C.

Immediatly bought unit and have been smiling

ever since. Thank you Roland. Will you marry me?

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

I just decided last night that the Roland JP-8000

is the coolest synth unit on the face of the

planet. I've used to create some of the most

unearthly techno/synthpop sounds ever, but to top

it all off, we were able to use it last night in

a college choir concert with some classical style

music. Talk about versatility! I'm converted.

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Kim
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99




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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Jason Rowe
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hey, I tried out the An1x, Nord Lead II and JP8000

back to back, and I was disappointed by the AN1X.

When I bought my CS1X back in Febuary I was kicking

myself when they anounced the AN1X. Well the

AN1X didnt live up to the expectation. The JP8000

seemed to have a much 'fuller' sound. Nord Lead II

was my first choice but its 1500UKP and I bought the

JP8000 for 920UKP. The Nord wasnt that much better.

After taking the thing home I was pleased to find

that by tweeking the thing the sounds are far better

that the preset performances.

What I really want is a machine that reads the sounds

in my head. But util someone can build one ill

have to make do with knobs, sliders, buttons,

keys, modulation wheels, bitch benders and

ribbon controllers (and Foot pedal - as if!).

Well the JP8000s pretty good

for experimenting so I think its pretty good.

At the end of the day the music press raves about

EVERY bit of new kit. Try it out, its easy to

live with.

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: David Demets
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Just want to say I've dedicated some of my pages to the jP8K.


There are patches, performances and some sequencing files there, will add *.mp3 previews for people who don't have one... Poors souls!

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

yup..... check it out people.... he's made a damn good site there.....

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

except one thing david..... it's almost impossible to read the coloured text on the coloured backgrounds on alot of pages..... whoops..

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: franck henry
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

est ce qu'il existe un diteur Macintosh Pour le Jp8000 ? Merci.

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Luciano Pizzella
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Hey guy...something to say about JP8000 ...and AN1X...

I tried both and I must admit that they are two good

animal of techno creation...but if someday I'll have

the possibility($$$!!!) to buy one of this my choice

wil be for AN1x.

I found very nice to look a jp8000 but a An1X is a little

better to play and HEARRRR!

dESTROY EvErItHiNg!!!!!!!!!!!!!;)

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Warpmind\Artifisial
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

I am so so so so so soon a owner of JP8000 it is the coooooles thing ive ever seen and will do anything (almost, i wont dipp my dick in acid)to get my hands on it.

:) :) :) :) :) The day i get a JP8000 will be the happiest day of my life.......the day i get world famus with it will be happy to.

c ya at the stage people.,,..


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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: kafka
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

I've tried them all: Nord, Nord2, Virus, Novation... etc. You name it, I've tried it. I've been playing for over 20 years now and I must say the athe flexibility and sound of the JP remain untouched. Roland, I am forever grateful.

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Ray Arts
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

The JP8K has wonderful sounds to play with. As an add-on this synth has everything to make my booming hardcore as warm as possible. In fact, for bass this synth is specially featured. Unfortunately it is only two-part multi timbral and that's a shame. But it will not bore me I guess.

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Rene
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

The JP is great. Two-part multi-timbrality

is no problem, but its got only eight voices.

Play some chords on a pad with long release-time

and youll notice that one of the earlier played

chords will be interrupted as you press new ones.

No soft pads - no Jarre-in around.

Creatindance sounds is no problem with this one.

And if you dont play pad sounds with 4 fingers at

once youll be satisfied. But you should also com-

pare it to the Nordlead and the Access-Virus.

You will see, analog virtuality has got many faces...

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: m.i.k.e.
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

the brother of the jupiter 8

and my friends.......the best synth gear over the last few years......1 of my faverites

anyway,i need a jp editor and some blasting patches or new pages about the jp....

mail @......syndrome@skynet.be

thanks already....

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: bane
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

it sucks, looks and feels like a toy, sounds way too digital.

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Joris
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Great machine, got it yesterday...

I would like to have/build a Windows Editor for it (I am a Windows programmer). Does anyone know if it exists, or that someone is building one? The Roland software (WinJPlib) does not work for me (somehow when 'getting' the synth's setup, perfom/patches, it records half of it OK, and the rest is gibberish, anyone got an idea why?)

The iron is wonderful though.



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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: RoBSki!
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Send me all your cash you don't use anymore, so i

can buy a JP8000 too! hehehehe Thanks!!!!!

Postbank Account: 1839923 the Netherlands.

I'm a synth junkie, damnit i'm really addicted.


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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: dj catastrophic sting
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

smack like this is the sickest tecno of all tiome its all recorded at the lab studios austrlia

yeh please buy me a jp8000 for xmas

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: NinoT.
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

I`m tired of listning to folks who says that JP is a toy, that it sounds digital, and that the Nord is so much better.

I have both the Nord Lead 2 and the JP and i can directly say that both synths have their own qualitys. Nord have 4 outputs-JP have effects,Nord have a Morph control-JP have a Ribbon ctrl., Nord have 4 part multi timbrality-JP have seqencing functions....i`ll stip here.

Both synths are very professional and very easy of use...

Buy both synths tomorow!!!!!! And dont forget: It`s not importaint to play the best instrument on world, it`s importaint to play good and produce good music instead!!!GOOD LUCK!

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Mark
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Great Synth! But I agree with someone up there that it sounds a little on the digital side. To tell the truth, it sounds more like my JD800 than my Nord or Virus. But, I like it for bass sounds. I traded my Juno106, Juno60, Matrix1000 and DX100 for it. But only after I got my Virus. Needed to slim down my studio. However, I had a problem the other day. It seems as I was switching thru presets (not user), the filter was closed on about 50% of patches. The patch sounded normal when I moved the filter slider up. I don't know why this happened to the presets, cause I thought they were uneditable. However, I did a factory reset and everything now works fine. I hope it doesn't keep happening. Has anyone else experienced this problem?

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Ralph Moonen
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Well, I got mine today and haven't stopped

playing and fiddling. I was doubting, because some

ppl where complaining about the lack of mod routings

and the fact that it didn't sound 'analog' enough.

So I went over to a friend and played with his an1x

for a while. And wasn't impressed. I'm glad I did that

because it made me choose the jp8k:-) Anyway,

it's fat, and very playable. The ribbon controler

absolutely rocks, and the filters are great, very

smooth. It doesn't, however, sound analog. But

nevertheless, it sounds great. The only real drawback

is it's 2-part multitimbrality. Oh well, we'll

have to get another one :-)

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: tv
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

Piecea Shit. If u got da cash get a Nord Lead. Pisses on it big styl. Even the AN1X is big time better when you consider the price. Of course you can just fuck the synth world get a seriously fucked up old bangin car and rattle round town with a nice bird and get completely off your face in the evening. I forgot to add that the Virius is a good synth too.

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: The JP8000 Archive
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Find out more about the Roland JP8000, check The JP8000 Archive at: http://www.jp8000.com.

Team ADB98.

PS. The JP8000, a great synth!

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Justin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

Check out the JP8080 rack at this site (can anyone

read Japanese?)


A quick currency conversion estimates it at 224 UKP

(Add shipping and import tax)

I guess the price from Roland UK will be nearer 1200

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Jabe-8000
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

What up jp8kers?

i would like to find out if anyone has CUBASE using the JP-8000 and if there is any kind of plug-in or "studioware" like panel...?

no biggy, but i like CUBase better than CAKEWALK soooo, i have to do it that way. i have an mc303, js30 sampler, classic keys, midiverb4, anyone else out there but me with stuff to talk about? please email me, peace4now -- JABEOut

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: benJamin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

great synth, great sounds, visit my webpage for

more sounds, service docs ect(new stuff will be online


at http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Mezzanine/2252/


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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Tim Nuttall
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

I think that the JP8000 is one of the best synths

that Roland (or anyone else) has ever made.I spent

a good few weeks trying to decide whether to get

this or a Yamaha An1x but in the end I opted for

the Roland (best decision of my life!!!)

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Ryan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99

DON'T BELEIVE THE HYPE!!! Before you buy any "analog-modelling" synth, compare
it to a real analog in the same price range. Your local music whore...er...
store may have something like an SE-1 in stock or a more fair comparison would
be with an analog polyphonic like an Oberheim OBx or a Roland Jupiter 8.

Analog modelling is just what it sounds like - an imitation of the real thing.
I don't really care what's happening under the hood but I can easily hear the
difference and I don't like it.
I don't think you will either if you actually listen to an analog-modelling
synth side-by-side with a real analog. Don't get me wrong, I always prefer
buy an equivalent newer piece of gear vs. an over-priced, under-MIDI'd
crumbling vintage synth.

This isn't about nostalgia or vintage-itis, this is about the fact that analog-modelling is a very new technology (about 3 years) and the approach taken is observe-and-emulate. Did the engineers behind the JP-8000 observe the subtle harmonic distortion from a Jupiter? Did they think about the gate sometimes randomly opening just before the control voltage
takes effect? Maybe or maybe not. I'm sure you've heard this before but there
are a lot of random things going on inside analog circuitry which provide
constant variations and complexity to the sound. If you carefully analyzed 1
simple tone repeated 100 times on an analog synth, each repitition would be
slightly different from every other. This chaos is what makes analog sound
organic and "real". These idiosyncrasies are not impossible to duplicate
through DSP algorithms - they are, however, extremely difficult and depend on
the subjective interpretation of the software engineer and the horsepower
available in the DSP chips currently used in analog-modelling synths.

Do I think analog-modelling and related modelling techniques are the systhesis
technologies of the future? Most likely.
Do I think they are here yet? Not really.
For my money, the current analog-modelling synths I have listened to closely
and considered buying (JP 8000/8080, Nord Lead, Access Virus)
fall short of the mark set by their analog forebears.

There is a certain flatness of tone and lack of character inherent in all of
them. Their only saving grace is multi-timbrality (you can have eight weak
sounds at once instead of just one!;) and terific MIDI implementation.

I'm sure some musicians will actually prefer the sound of these
first-generation machines for certain uses (like TV commercials) but all I ask
is that you let your ears be the judge and don't let some salesman stick you in
a listening room with a JP 8000 and nothing but a Nord Lead to compare it with.

Analog is alive and well! By the way, I don't mean to indicate that all
analog-modelling synths sound alike to me. The JP 8000 really, really,
really blows chunks. I couldn't tell if I was listening to a synth or a
Kenny G record.

The Nord is next on my hit list. I want to love it, but it always leaves me
feeling empty inside. The Access Virus? This one is almost there.
I may have to buy the second or third generation when it comes out.

Anyway, why not encourage manufacturers to expand on technology we already know
and love by insisting on true analog until the digital imitations actaully
offer something better than what we already have?

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Elvis Amorin
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

When I first bought my jp I finally found a synth that was really easy to use . I loved it so much that I bought another one 6 months later.That was 1 year ago and I have now the new jp-8080 which is really fantastic.There isn't anything better on the market that sounds so lush and warm than a jp.

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: mlupton
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

for pricing info see www.harmony-central.com

go to the classifid ads - you shouldn't pay more

than $900. us for one.

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: eoghan_harris
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

i dont have one yet, but i really fucking want one

and i should have it in around two months.

is it really fucking ace? 16/11/98

e-mail me : eoghan_harris@hotmail.com

p.s. anyone know any sites with mp3 or wav files

of jp samples?????

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Trent
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 20-Jan-99

i owned the JP-8ooo for about a month. Wow and damnit were my expresions. the most amazing stero sounds can be produced with this thing...rippiling in and out from one speaker to the next..ah:).but the real bummer about it was

that after you get what you want(sound) youll never be able to get it again, just one flicker of a knob can send the whole cosmos of sound tumbling in a direction that may have been undesiered...not to mention there is no way to save the sounds(getting them back is impossible), perhaps the jp-8080 is different because of its memmory card functions, but then you dont get ribon area which is impresive for the program ability and sound modulations.0ver all i loved it and hated it, haveing never play a real analog with knobs and stuff i have nothing to compare it too. the JP-8000 is definitly studio synth, but who knows about the 8080.

p.s.the programability of the 8000 is amazing however the ability of the japanese manual writer was pretty impresive as it mad no sense to me at all. two thumbs down on the manual which is duely need if you ever expext to utilize the 8000 to its fullest abilities.


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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: ACID
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 20-Jan-99


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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Link
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 20-Jan-99

Well, I'm finally going to break down and buy one of these big blue monsters. After several months of comparing it to units like the Nord Lead/2, Access Virus, AN1X and others of the like, I've found that the JP8k is the best overall. Now, I am aware of those out there that complain that the JP is too digital-sounding in some areas, or that it doesn't have the tonal quality of a Clavia, or any shit like that. It is easy for me to pick up on the lack of ACTUAL analog synthesis. I could tell it from any old analog synth in a heartbeat. But this was the synth that convinced me against that comparison. The JP8k has a ton of warmth. It has a ton of knobs and sliders. It is the ultimate in what is on the market now. As far as I am concerned, the only drawback is the limited (2 part?! what the hell?) multi-timbral capability. It was almost like Roland read my mind when they created this sucker (for 4 1/2 years I've been working toward the perfect harmony between analog and digital in my music). Besisdes, if a legnedary group like Front 242 is using it as their main aural mutilator, it has to be a great fucking synthesizer.

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: low
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 05-May-99

great synth overall - excellent strings & pads, to get proper analogue bass you need to do know your editing, but it's there - intuitive layout - but only 2 parts is not enough! maybe add the 8080?

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: s
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 09-Jul-99


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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Bret Truchan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 24-Aug-99

I'm sure you are all very familiar with the JP-8000. But I thought I could add a few words of wisdom to the excellent overview above. I've punished my JP-8000 for a year or so now. It has some very fine sounds coupled with a good delay/chorus system. I'm very happy with the unit. The preset sounds are a joke, which is too bad 'cause the unit has quite a bit of potential. There are a few items that could have been better. I'll focus on these issues.

First of all, when dealing with low frequency, high resonance sounds, the JP-8000 has a tendancy to crackle. It gets really annoying if you're trying to perfect a thick, low, hollow thump. Secondly, it's rather involved to get your filter to follow an ADSR which triggers to the arpeggiater. So, any really cool 303 arpeggiating sounds are almost out of reach.

What's it good for? I've found it works well for synthy basses, leads, and strings. It does Depeche Mode sounds well. It caters to industrial and experimental music.

The nord people have good arguments. Consider both before deciding. The effects give it a strong, rich sound. I have a Nord Modular which, although unarguably cooler, sounds a bit flat in comparison.

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Paul O'Sullivan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 18-Nov-99

It's ok but I much prefer the AN1x. I would also like to suggest that when comparing it to the Nord you should turn off all the effects on the JP8000. As a raw sound source the Nord sounds a lot better.

Good synth though

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Bazz
Email: Email supplied but hidden
afraid not
Activity: part-timer
Date: 29-Nov-99

This is the best thing I bought( since my 21 year old car...),I had a Prophecy but I wasn't happy with it(only 5 knobs and 3 wheels...).So i traded it for the JP..It was one of the best choices I made! Some people are whining about the 8 voice polyphony and only 2 part multi... but with 2 sounds out of this machine, your mix is practically finished! I have this one and a Nord lead, so i am a happy geezer! Bye now...
(the JP kicks the AN1X in the^%*$$!!)

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Pacifier
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 13-Jan-00

Just bought one and I have to say that it is the most exciting piece of equipment I have now. So much diversity in sound. you can create anything you could dream of. The motion control is a fantastic feature as well. I have a few analog keyboards and I wouldn't want to replace any of them but the 8000 is a whole new analog-type experience. It doesn't replace any analog gear but it does add another dimension to your work by giving you more control and free of any old analog gear problems that come up such as tuning issues etc... Got one for $800 on Ebay. Its a steal - I think anyway.

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: kilo
Email: Email supplied but hidden
not for much longer i'm afraid.
Activity: Professional
Date: 10-May-00

Just want to say that this site will unfortunately be shutting down very soon. I'm Very Sorry Guys but it's out of my control- I don't really want to get into it but As I said there is nothing I can do bout it i'm afraid....

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: pete tong
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 08-Dec-02

they is the daddeh man!

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: JD Babe
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 30-Dec-02

JP is maybe best new DSP Analog modeling synth and I use it a lot but his sound is not 100% imitation of analog stuff like JP6/8. JP 8000 has plastic sound but he's got his own colour and sounds in tune with modern music. IF YOU WANT ANALOG SYNTH GO BUY ANALOG SYNTH!!!!!

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Sonic
Email: No email added
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 23-Apr-04

Own a JP8080.
It roxx. Retorsounds in one box. And it can do trance too. Superwave is great. I preferr this *phat* compared to a Access Virus.
The 2-part MT is overcomable. Just send performance-change info within your tune, and switch to two new sounds when you need it. =)

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Sheep
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 06-Jun-06

--bought mine 2nd hand for 280 USD, its still new!the previous owner doesnt know how to use the damn thing=)! anyway i love my JP8k got the hang of it after a week...sounds good,love the knobs and sliders, the envelope filters a bit weak but its ok...it doesnt matter what synth model or product you have...hell i even sampled a real cheap casio toy keyboard,added some distortion and reverb and it sounds like a serial killer's murder weapon...remember its the artist who creates the sound, the machine is just there as a tool.



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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Analogue Crazy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 06-Jan-08

The JP-8000 is one of my all-time favorite synthesizers. I own real analogue synths with VCO's but i always find myself coming back to my trusty JP-8000. It is not as warm sounding as the real Jupiters but it makes a hell of a noise. I love the ribon controller. I like to assign it to evil stuff like x-mod and just make my sounds go crazy in the middle of a riff or solo. I also love the arpeggiator. This is by far one of the best i have ever used and gorgeous pattens just come flowing out of it. The JP-8000 is my live workhorse. I also own an old Jupiter-4 which weighs a ton and i play that live too. But i can't be lugging it everywhere. The JP-8000 is no where near as fat but packs a massive amout of power into its very portable case. It also stays in tune. I have to fight a battle with the Jupiter-4 to keep it in tune. Overall this is an awasome board. I will never get rid of it.

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Rob A
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 06-Feb-08

No synth does it all and sound is an objective matter so why all the comparisons? You like it or you don't and that's that. I owned one and foolishly sold it. I was listening back later on to tracks I had using the JP8000 and I nearly shit! I heard sounds, particularly lead sounds that were so creamy and velvety I realized I had to get it back. It's got some very cool possibilities under that hood. Like everything else it has it's weaknesses too but it still stands out to me as a very unique sounding keyboard and I've got Nord, Ensoniq, Yamaha, and my personal favourite--Korg sound sources in my rig. It's personally my single favouite synth in the last 15 years in terms of price and inspiration. It's not a $2500. synth; it's now a $500. synth and for that money it great. My other fav these days is that little Micro X from Korg. That little thing covers so many areas of sound and can sound absolutely huge. Check that thing out as it's no Triton repeat even though it's from the same blood lines, er, circuit lines...

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: Brian Innes
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 27-Jan-09

While reading through this forum someone said the jp8000 was a toy!? my dear friend since the release of this synth and to this day its still very much used by top class producers in the dance scene. no way is it a toy. At the end of the day YES soft synths are slowly getting the beef behind it like its analog brothers n sisters but till its right hardware will always have the throne and this jp 8000 deserves more praise as its been very under rated since its release back in the day.


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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: ToneDef
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 23-May-09

Own one. Love it, just wish it's pots weren't so full of dust so I could play it more.

It's cheaper than most, but still retains usefulness. It sounds great, and it's easy to spend hours tweaking knobs. The JP-8000 was always so much fun, easy to get into and easy to loose time in.

Plenty of snobs will tell you how Reaktor is the true canvas of sound design, or that the Virus is the one true hardware VA. Personally if the synth is what defines your musicianship, then you really aren't much of a musician. The fact is, after years of reading specs, and buying gear I couldn't afford, I've discovered the real true potential is in my ability, not the hardware. I cut my teeth on the JP8K, and I have to say thousands of dollars and years latter, it is still some of the best music I ever made.

You can do a lot with this synth. I've played Nords, Viruses, ARPs, Moogs, etc. of fellow musicians, and loved them, but my JP-8000 was an old friend, and one I can still coax some beautiful sounds from. Well worth every penny I paid to buy, I wouldn't trade her for anything.

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Product:  Roland - JP-8000
Name: gr4nf
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 13-Jul-09

With a bit of tweaking, the OB-8 sound is a real rock sound (albeit not much like an actual OB-8). The patch saving/writing and stuff is hell, but if you can get it to work, it really is a great synth for live stuff. The arpeggiator is really out of this world. For the price? Best synth there is.

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