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Category:  Products / synthesisers / modeling synthesisers

Added: 06-Jul-01  |  Author: admin

New price: discontinued  |   S/H price: £200 - £400


Released in the year 2000 by a small British company who had previously delivered to market a couple of BPM tempo detecting FX devices, the Dark Star is an 8 note poly DSP based analog modelling synth which is either well rated or disliked by those who have used it or owned it. It's a strange beast which delivers a very much traditional analog 'synth' palette of sound rather than being a big chords & pads players synth.


The Darkstar is a 2 oscillator synth with a continually variable VCO waveform between Saw & Square/Pulse wave for Osc-1 with additional PWM & Pitch modulation, while Osc-2 can select from a limited range of Formant-like wave shapes or 3 flavours of noise & there's an external input to send audio signals into the Darkstar for synthesis as a noise source.


The hardest thing to grasp about the Darkstar is its somewhat strange method for managing and editing programmes.


It is 5 Part Multi-timbrel having 8 x 8 banks of programmes (2 of them being user banks). Each programme is constructed of up to 5 Parts / Layers which can be on different or the same MIDI channels. It's all quite difficult to get your head around and it makes editing & managing sounds an almost MENSA like challenge.


The upshot of this method of architecture is that the Darkstar can have a programme with all 5 Parts/Layers playing on the same MIDI channel to deliver a 5 Part layered sound, or up to all 5 Parts/Layers can each be on different MIDI channels creating a multi-timbrel arrangement with a max 8 notes polyphony. This sounds powerful, but with only a L/R output and no internal FX this means for mixing purposes your only option for separation is to use the pan to send two or more Parts on different channels to either the left or right output in Mono.


The Darkstar has no FX and its sound output while being very 'analog' sounding is dry and very traditional synthesiser in character and perhaps not to everyone's taste. It is however a very interesting modelling synth of the era & can deliver a wide variety of  sounds including earth shattering basses.





Old Dancetech listings / review text

I gotta get this DarkStar review out the way, i've had the unit for a while, and although i didn't get as much into it as i'd like, it's time to do a basic preview, and i gotta say this is the hardest item review i ever had to write, that is kinda how this unit is, hard to describe, hard to place.


The Dark-Star is an 8 note poly 5 part multi desktop synth module that can also be rackmounted with the optional rack-kit. It's built real well, and the knobs feel well smooth & solid... metal plate box, etc. Interestingly the OS is housed in a removable rom chip, so they can upgrade or offer optional plugin roms to make dark-Star do different things.


First up, this is like owning a REAL 'old synth'... alot of oldies dont sound superhot, people buy 'em who expect them to bust out classic dance sound cos they are 'analog' and 'old', and they don't often... esp' without some skillful fx and mixing etc... you gotta be pretty creative with old synths, & like an old synth, DarkStar is raw... not lush/modern sounding at all, but when tweaked right, and mixed right, it's pretty versatile... i wouldnt recommend to get this synth to do commercial trance; but darker drum & bass, techno, harder clubsounds & house styles etc, it can even do garage-y organs & bass to go with ok too i guess... mainly i'd say this is a 'synth patterns'/sounds & noises and basslines item more than a chords and chord-riffs item... and it's RAW analog-style sounds all the way.


The hardest thing to grasp about the Dark-star is the way it arranges it's multi_parts. The DarkStar can have 5 sounds on 5 channels at the same time says the literature.. and so it can, but not perhaps how you think !... Most synths that CAN play different sounds on different midi-channels at the same time, work by having 'PARTS' that are assigned to channels, and then they assign 'programmes'/sounds to those 'PARTS'. So with the Dark-Star you assume that you can do the same mebbe?... nope!... that's NOT how this baby works.


How it works is, each 'programme', (8 'programmes' X 8 banks = total 64), contains 5 'PARTS' (or layers)... and each 'PART'/layer can have a seperate or the same midi channel. So, you can have 5 sounds on 5 channels, two sounds on two channels; 2, 3, 4 or 5 sounds on the same channel, etc PER 'programme'... You HAVE to select a programme_position FIRST, and THEN select a 'PART' (or layer) inside that 'programme', edit the patch/sound on that PART/layer from scratch and then assign it to the midi-channel you want. (This goes on up to a max of 5 'PARTS'/Layers).. so, in a way these 5 PARTS are more like layers of a programme that CAN be assigned to different midi channels if needed... a 'PART' is a complete synth 'patch' with osc's, filters, envelopes, lfo's etc... all the controls on the front panel are included in each layer, so as you flip between PARTS/layers with the 5 'PART' buttons, the controls take over abd control/adjust each PART/layer selected.


Unfortunately, you CAN'T select any of the 5 'PARTS' on different midi channels and assign a previously created sound to it. bit of a drag eh?.. cos if you created a killer sound before, you can START a new track with that sound by grabbing the 'programme' that the 'killer-sound' resides on, but once you start, you can't grab ANOTHER previously made sound from another programme to add to that arrangement !... Doh !!!


So for newbies etc who want to easily assign sounds to multi-channels as they work, this is a no-no, and i think newbies would be dissapointed with the dark-Star as it is not as immeadiatly gratifying as stuff like the Electribes etc and is hard to get to grips with, but if they are persistent and want something deeper then they might like it.. what I mean is, synths like say the Nova or Korg ER, or MS2000 etc .. you press a button, presets play with FX etc, it's so easy for newbies until they can learn to create sounds themselves... Dark Star need more work and skills to get the best from it.


Anyways, each 'programme' has two oscillators per 'PART', with selectable osc' 'Types' inc' noise, each tunable by octaves and divisions and fine-tune, and you got sync, pitch-mod & pulsewidth (and ring-mod) and each osc is continuabley variable from saw to square wave... 2 lfo's both midi clockable with about 8 shapes, two envelopes, filter with: band, lo & hi pass etc... All controls on the interface send and receive midi controllers meaning you can manipulate and record those manipulations into a sequencer as you tweak. Also the dark-Star has an audio-in source option available for oscillator_2, so you can synthesis other sound sources. So, using Parts/layers you can take a whole Dark-Star synth 'programme' (with it's 5 'parts').. assign PART_1 to a twin osc sound, then copy that PART_1 over to PART_2 to get a 4 osc stacked sound, or you can stack 5 parts on the same channel to get a bass sound with 10 oscillators on 5 layers. However, don't think this is like some fixed 'unison' mode, you wont get osc' sync over the 5 PARTS. Despite that minor setback, this layering allows you to make some pretty fat stuff !!


I wasn't over the moon about the filter in lo-pass mode initialy, it didn't sound too 'sweet' to my ears... but everytime i went to use Dark-Star, strangely i always came up with something really interesting cos it forced me to work different and make all my sounds from scratch... after more time with it tho I realise now that I fell into a classic mistake, and one which again illustrates how much like an authentic 'Old analog' synth this is... You get so used to modern synths output level & optimum filter sonic range, and if you try to use Dark Star based on the same mixer gain & eq settings etc it doesnt compliment it... Like some of the old synths, I found that with Dark Star's filter in Lopass, you need to wack up the gains and roll down the filter, and, once that's done, just as with an old analog, be VERY careful about your speakers!!! heh heh... once you get that optimum filter range complimented by your outboard settings then you tune in to the Lopass mode's smoothness & sweetness.... One thing... this unit does have earth-shattering bass-end... very looooooow..!!


No arpeggiators, but clockable lfo's and full parameter remote control too of all knobs... AND that audio input feed which can yeild very wierd results.. try stuffing a vocal thru that and sweeping a filter on it etc.!!... only 2 outs tho, so if you do more than two sounds on seperate PARTS/Midi-Channels, they can't each have an output... but using two sounds/PARTS max, get's you sperate mono outs by panning each PART hard Left and Right. Live you can easily fliup manually between 'programmes, and each 'prog' can have two or more sounds ready to go for your next track, also you can flip manually between PARTS, and then tweak the controls live. Also to this end, the buttons are LED lit for easy finding live as you change and the units is generally well laid out.


I guess anyone who can understand the finer details of it's mod routing and filter options etc will get the spec's from the web, brochures or mags, there's no point me reeling them of to pad things... what is more important is how it sounds and how it fits in with ability level and styles & expectations, (and the routings for that joystick!!)


It's really hard to say what I think about this synth. You could get some massive bass sounds outa this tho, but it needs outboard or s/w fx to bring it alive like most synths without fx. anyhow... an unusual unit, worth a look if your a into stuff a bit harder, alternative or techno and know how to make a few sounds. Actually, it could be quite good for making wierd psychadelic layered and sweeping moving trance/tribal stuff, it does thin top end classic-trance sorta stuff well with that hi-pass... 5 layers all moving around ?, it wouldnt matter if they were all on the same outs, if you fed 'em into the same reverb feild it wouldnt hurt the mix that bad, or you could sample one or more parts part etc etc. All-in-all, If you forget names, this is quite a techno dream box really for the creative.. just add some pedals, a fuzzbox, an MPC and a sweaty room !!....- out





  • POLYPHONY 8 Voices
  • Each part features: Level, Transpose and Note range setting.
  • Tremolo effect modulated from one LFO. Pan effect modulated from one LFO or Envelope.



  • 2 Oscillators Each continuously variable between Sawtooth and square/pulse output.
  • Each can be de-tuned and can be modulated by one of the envelopes/LFOs.
  • For each the pulse width can be varied and modulated by one of the envelopes/LFOs.
  • Oscillator 2 can be transposed 5, 7, 12, 16, 17, 19 or 24 semitones.
  • Oscillator 2 can be switched between: Normal, Formant wave, Pink noise, White noise, Blue noise, Input 1,Input 2.
  • MIXER X/Y Joystick (X axis = oscillator mix, Y axis = Ring Modulation)



  • 12dB per octave resonant
  • The cut-off frequency can be modulated by the LFO or envelope and set to track the keyboard.
  • The resonance can be varied and modulated by one of the envelopes or LFOs.
  • The output can be switched between off, low pass, band pass and high pass.



  • 2 x ADSR envelopes, each of which can be set to respond to key velocity



  • 2 x LFOs, each with a separate speed and delay control.
  • Each LFO can be set to output one of the following waveforms: Ramp, Triangle, Square, Sine, Pulse, Sample & hold, Random
  • Each can be set to key sync.
  • Each can be synced to incoming MIDI clock.



  • Note triggering can be normal or autoglide
  • Polyphonic portamento for polyphonic parts.
  • Portamento has variable time, two polyphonic modes and six pre-glide modes.


  • MIDI Note ON/OFF, Velocity, Pitch bend, Mod wheel and aftertouch (assignable), Program change, Sustain pedal, most parameter controls, System exclusive. Power Supply External (9vDC 800mA minimum) output plug wired centre pin +.


Well, there it is the Red-Sound Dark-Star... I was pretty impressed really, it kinda grows on you.


(update 1) - just wanted to add that i've been getting more into the old DS again over the last few days, and yet again, it's surprised me, this time by spending some times setting up levels more carefuly, i was able to coax some superb classic trancey stuff, lovely rounded filter once the thing was tuned up a bit and tweaked, and crossfading with that joystick between the more fatter primary osc then accross to the thinner (also more pitch mod) osc_2 but the filter overally acting on both , loverleeee... i had a few othose gresat moments when your just messing arund with a synth and you happen to do a real nice move on it... it was great... trust me.. this unit is a magic find for the cash.. as far as seperation goes, you can have say two sounds panned one way and the other two panned hard opposite, then effect the sets of sound saccordingly & match 'em to take advantage of any such effects... or you could pout some sub-pattern/s on a pan and the main mover on it's own pan, whatever, there are options....


(update_2) - Again after more sessions I've found the DarkStar is actualy pretty good at doing drum style sounds !... you can get some real nice kiks from twacky/blippy style analog kiks & tom/drum sounds to 808-ish rounded boom kiks - the Filter envelope responds welll for this purpose, also I've got some real nice Kraftwerk/Italian techno style snare synth drum sounds too.... overall the old Dark-Star has got a VERY wide arsenal of abilities it seems...

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User Comments

Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: ali
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 24-Jun-00


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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Dan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 01-Aug-00

Saw it at Musician's Friend's web site for $379.00. Shame there's none around local to hear. For a 5 part multi synth its either total crap...or a steal. Even if all 5 parts are put to a stereo pair. Marking it a 3 for its potential.

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Defector Z
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 01-Aug-00

Dan - have you played it, or just looked at specs for your judgement?

(said 3 as I have not tried this thing yet...)

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Dan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 30-Aug-00

I now posses the Darkstar. I had bought an MS2000. I already have an EA1, the synth engine must be the same thing. The MS imo seemed like a glorified EA1. Yes there were effects and a motion sequencer. They just seemed to cheapen the units sound anyway. So...the Darkstar was the best choice. I am VERY pleased, I compare it to my friends Jupiter 6. It sounds very anaolg, old style. Using external effects will only force me (users) to get more unique. Don't let no arppegiator bother you. I've been using SEQ303 to arppegiate the Darkstar quite nicely. Those patterns are then saved as midi files and loaded to my sequncer. I was scared of buying something without hearing it. Thanks to Kilo's review and my intuition, I have something now I know I can really work with. You can't touch this synth for the money. One thing, the redsounds mp3 demos do not do it justice (sorry).
Midi setup takes a little work as Kilo mentioned, but its worth it. I have had it for 2 days now. More later. Best of luck.

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Rude Bwoy
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Date: 31-Aug-00

Make us some MP3s please Dan! How do these companies manage to create these technological marvels then market them with shitty demos? It's fookin stupid!

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Dan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 09-Sep-00

I will try to do the mp3's ASAP. I have a bublling perco arpeggio I can do.
It will display the LPF and envelope changes, its a modified Bank 2 patch 7
sound. I might do real audio, just when I get them done I don't know where to put them on the web...Kilo can you help me??...?? If not I can email them to anyone interested.

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: dan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 09-Sep-00

The Real audio file I mentioned above is done. MMMaybe I'll do a user site and have a tips and tricks forum, downloadable real audio etc...

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: allen wrench
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 11-Sep-00

these folks are selling the dark-star for $379.00 with the vocoder chip? best deal i have seen so far

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Pete M
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 15-Sep-00

Phat sounds, great midi implementation, tricky operating system at first.
Try sending a recorded guitar (eg) into the ext input and using midi from a sequencer/kb to gate and filter it + the joystick for a cool wah-wah effect.


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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Monadire
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: part-timer
Date: 28-Sep-00

Let me first say that the DS is not a newb piece of equipment. There is no on-board sequencer so that will require you to get an external one in order to get any kind of distinct note changes though there is an audition button which you can get a feel for the sound of the instrument. It was my first big synth purchase for a studio my friends and I are put together and though I don't regret the purchase it was alot harder going starting out compared to my friends Tribes. I hooked up with a relatively cheap sequencer (Alesis MMT-8) and tapping out some kewl synth lines on the keyboard I am able to get alot of great sounds out of the DS. The author of this article is correct in getting some loowwww sounds out of this synth and I am anxious to get it hooked up to a serious sound system (15KW will do :) ) as compared to or semi-shoddy amp and speakers in our studio now.

The DS has great controls. They feel great and the whole synth looks killa. (several of my friends say that if for nothing else the DS looks too good not to have it setup for a live show) Though I have had it for several months now I am still far from mastering it.

Overall the author is right about it being a sort of REAL "old synth". You will find it alot more cumbersome and tedious to use than alot of the new synths on the market now. BUT with a little work and some extra equipment you will get sounds listeners will be wondering "what the hell is that!".

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Christian Tan
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 12-Jan-01

I just got the machine, bought it for DM 666,- which is really a steal. I really really like the machine, it's great fun and has many great, raw, bizarre sounds, and is great for tweaking sounds. For the price, it's unbeatable.

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: ph0eniX
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 29-Jan-01

I got this thing from some guy on eBay for $250 (it's almost brand new--quite a steal).
The instrument is not very difficult to get the perco bubbly sounds out of, nor is it difficult to get some good leads. Bass I had a little trouble w/, but after a day or two, I even got a nice kick (boom-type) going. I worked out an OK high-hat (closed) w/ some Blue Noise. Can't figure out if something like a clap is possible, or even a snare (I'm sure tons of sounds are lurking in this thing). I've heard "lowend sucks," I've heard "lowend rocks." Let me assure you, your chest and the chests of those who live around you will be rumbling w/ any sort of sound system that gives good bass (even w/ no subwoofer).
I am quite impressed with this badass black metal-clad beauty. 2 sounds I found were worth keeping; some others were OK, but unusable for the musical ideas I have at the time.
NEED A SAMPLING?! I know, not too many good ones on the web. Well, using a software sequencer (jazz++ for Linux) and the BOX, I made a little something. It's not really club-quality, but IMHO it's better than those I've found out there (and a little more musical). I used all five parts for this. It's not done, and I didn't use any knob-twists during this preliminary composition, but stay tuned to the website above (www.plutonix.com/darkstar.html) for more darkstar-only compositions.

Good work, Red Sound (no 's' at the end, Kilo). :)


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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Paul
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 28-Jul-01

I'm going out to buy the DarkStar this afternoon - £199 in the Chappels sale! I've had a bit of a play with it yesterday and it seems good. I'm gonna link it up with a Yamaha RM1x to sequence it, and probably sample it for live use on my Roland SP-808. Seems like a good machine for the money. P.S. Redsound have said there's a drum machine ROM upgrade coming soon, and a monosynth upgrade - both will be £29 like the current Vocoda one.

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Jeff
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Activity: part-timer
Date: 10-Sep-01

Got thhe DS 4 months ago to add analog juice to my Yamaha Rm1x. I found the bass sounds easiest to find/create, but the thing is really very versatile. the 'parts' really allow for huge room for creating keyboard layouts. If having access to great range of "analog" sounds and being upgradable and affordable are what you are looking for, this is it. I am thinking of buying a second unit, so that I can use the two upgrade ROMs at once, and have access to essentially a 16 voice/10 part synth.

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Sam E.
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Activity: Professional
Date: 04-Nov-01

Hey ladies and gentlemen, don't know if you have noticed this, but while the supply lasts, Musician's Friend is selling the Darkstar for $199.00 new. They also have the Vocoda upgrade for $39.99. This is a web deal only, and no, I don't work for them, I just thought that there might be some interest. I will let you all know when mine arrives.


Sam E.

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Duncan
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 17-Nov-01

Solid lump with very solid knobs and switches. I bought this for 169 pounds 2nd hand thinking that if I didnt like it i'd sell it. Very nice though, after playing around with my soft synths and TX81z this thing is so easy to create decent sounds with. Works very well tweaking the sounds when the pattern is playing, getting evnvelopes and lfo's to go with the music if you know what I mean. Very nice pulse sounds but saw so-so. A lot of sounds sound better without the filter, not because the filters weak, but because you get that lovely rasping of the osc's.. Filter is nice with nice tracking options, 25 50, 100% etc makes it very quick to use. There are limitations but they make the whole process much quicker, K.I.S.S.
Great for old school sounds, K-Klass, OMD etc.
Cheaper than a new PC. No effects, but I dont like effects, except for distortion that is! Very nice acid sounds with mixer overload..
Ahh Technology..

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Mr. Ron
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Activity: part-timer
Date: 25-Jan-02

Dark Star...a trojan horse of sound. I got this two weeks ago [thx to the reviews on this site], and knew it was good the second day I played with it. I stumbled on a trully mind-blowing acoustic bass sim; using a single part, with some help from envelope 2 and the DS's meek/gutsy Low-Pass filter. This thing is intuitive as hell to use...just keep on tweakin' until you find something you like, 'nuff said. I grabbed me old Boss DR-5, and MIDI'd it up to the DS, replacing all the Boss' shitty instruments with DS parts and keeping the drums...result: after a while I stumbled upon a realistic sounding piano part [taken in context]. WTF?
However the DS' strengths are in its ability to produce kick-ass electronic sounds. Sounds twist and turn, rumble and fizzle, spit and murmur - this is one f**ked up box.
I'll just add that I got the Vocoda option a couple of days ago, and some of the 'filter' settings remind me of the way my EMU Morpheus sounds - which is wicked btw. Use the joystick real slow to boost frequencies and you're in audio heaven. Sample some classical shit going through the vocoda, whilst fondling the stick and you've got instant chill.

Thx to all you reviewers who helped me choose this over the Korg EA-1, although I'm still gonna get the ER-1 ;]

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Johan Royen Larsson
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 21-Feb-02

I've had this little box for a while now, and It still makes something new everytime I try. Today I hooked it up to a DistPedal - Instant Acid!

Now I can't wait to get a hold of some more outboards...=)

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Jason Vine
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Activity: Professional
Date: 16-Sep-02

First up, thanks for a fantastic and informative review ! It really made purchasing a DarkStar a no brainer.

As for the Darkstar itself, I've only had it a couple of days now (so am probably only scratching the surface) but I'm very impressed with the results so far. The fizzy, resonant pads are my current favourites.

Overall, it's highly recommended.

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: newyawka
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Activity: part-timer
Date: 04-Jun-03

Hey peoples.........The Darkstar XP2's are now on sale at Musicians Friend for only 139.00 brand new!!!!!

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Dunk
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Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 09-Jul-03

Well I've now sold the darkstar after 18 months (see review above).
It has a lot of possibilities but I found the menu's and shift buttons increasingly frustrating!

There were also some issues with the software. If you are thinking of buying one get the lastest eprom as earlier one have problems.

I was quite annoyed by the promise of a monosynth eprom that never appeared! This I will put down to niavity on my part..

The envelopes also seemed fairly slow.

It is for the money however extremely good value (I sold mine for £110).
The high pass filters are especially good and capable of some very erie laughing / wailing sounds.

I think soft synths are now becoming so good that VA's that are meant to sound analogue are up against a lot of competition.
I'm now thinking of saving up for an old monosynth. I like the hands on, one knob per funcion approach.

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Mike
Email: No email added
Activity: part-timer
Date: 01-Mar-04

Picked up an XP2 brand-new from GuitarCenter for $129 a few months ago. At that price, for what it does, who can afford *not* to own one? lol

Anyway, it's gotten some use but not lots. I simply haven't had time to delve too deeply into it, especially when my other synths that I know well can get all the sounds I need. I do intend to use it; I just need a musical reason to do so :) Should the Vocoda chip ever get released, the XP2 will definitely find its way into my rig on a regular basis.

I do dig the sounds I've gotten from it so far. Very unique.

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Jim
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Activity: part-timer
Date: 22-Jul-04

I just received my darkstar. After fooling around with the MS-2000 and several samples from other machines, the Darkstar is now a permanent part of my gear rack.

I am controlling the Darkstar using FruityLoops and am very happy with the results. Very analog!!!!

Now I'm looking for the Vocoda ROM.

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Michael Morrow
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 31-Aug-04


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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: admin
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Activity: Professional
Date: 01-Sep-04

try Redsounds themselves for rackmount kits

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: andrew
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Hobby-ist
Date: 02-Jan-05

i bought a darkstar in september for £100 and it does everything id wanted and more, but what i now want to try is using it for my guitar as well, and the input function isnt fantastic for it, but no-one sells the vocoder chip, does anyone know where i can order one from online nowadays?

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Product:  Red Sound - DARKSTAR
Name: Dr. Des Aster
Email: Email supplied but hidden
Activity: Professional
Date: 08-May-15

DarkStar XP2 still using in 2015.

i bought a DS XP2 in 2015 because of it's raw and unique sound with a lot
of character. Right, there are now tons of cheap real analog desktop
machines on the market like mopho etc. and most of them have a higher build
quality, but the DS with it's ( for 2015 very little ) Analog Devices DSP does a
very, very good job.

The "oldskool" JoyStick is a real nice feature because i'm little sad of
controlling my equipment with ribbons or touch sensitive monitors etc. and
the stick is way more accurate than a ribbon.

The overall soundquality is really good ( the preset programming not ), but
the presets are a good starting point for doing your own sounds. I think
RedSound made them for this purpose only and not for demonstration.

The only thing i am little wondering about is the low output gain of this
instrument, but this could be fixed at the audio interface, a patched mixer or
DAW intern, so no real point for an issue.

Another funny thing is the unused, 2nd EPROM slot the device offers us.
I was not able to get a Vocoda ROM or the Mono Synth ROM all over the
world. ( the HandBook told us, making wet mouth... ) My Mails to RedSound
were marked as spam and answered "no way". RedSound should really
decide to post the ancient EPROM data on the web, that we could program
our own EPROMs and give our DarkStars a little new fun...

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