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Lexicon LXP-1


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Lexicon LXP-1

Category:  Products / fx & processors / multi-fx

Added: 30-Jan-01  |  Author: admin

New price: ?  |   S/H price: 200-ish ukp

Lexicon LXP-1

When released back in about 1988, it caused a bit of a furore as this was Lexicons next entry if i remember right after their first cheap ALEX product entry into the budget arean, so many were drooling in anticipation at this units release as it still offered the cheap affordable half-rack Lexicon-sound format, but with added FX & midi control etc etc... check it out!.....

They were rated well, and the name helped too obviously, the main sales pitch & talking point being that you were getting real 'Lexicon' designed reverb algorithms in a budget box, and that was enuff for most people..... I've heard 'em in use, and honestly didnt like them too much for certain jobs like vocals ... The LXP-1 goes up to 15khz bandwidth which is plenty enuff for reverbs which ARE lush and have sparkel & 'quality' sure, and they are very good, almost as good as Lexicons expensive reverbs, or almost indistinguishable in fact in a mix... BUT... whilst they are 'warm & lush & shimmery etc, i just found them too 'thick' for some jobs to my ears, even the smaller sized plates & rooms... so i found when added to certain sounds they just didnt sit in the mix well, but for bigger spaces it's a good 'verb, deep & lush and smooth for the money etc. well that's a 'imo', but i concede as it qwas not my mix there may have been other factors making this so...

oh well, what is there to say?.. it's a reverb, and like the cheap microverbs has a simple room/pattern/reverb 'programme' selector which dials up the required reverb/effect algorithm - it has level controls for input.... It has 'mix', (which if used on an Aux-send bus in your studio should be set to the 'full/effect-only' position)... and it has an output setting..... er... all those once setup stay the same in your studio - - then there are a few extra tuning features....

After you select the reverb with the rotary selector, let's say a drum plate, you can then alter the Decay of the reverb tail and you can roll on/off any predelay in the reverb signal... simple....

The LXP-1 also does delay & chorus fx, with 2 settings on the rotary selector for each of those type of FX.. when chorus or delay is the chosen preset, then these two delay & decay controls change to alte, chorus 'Depth' & 'Feedback' for the chorus settings - - and 'Delay' & 'Feedback' for thre delay settings... the Delay 2 and Chorus 2 programmes are infact wierd wunderful multitap res' chord type chorus & a 6 voice multitap delay, so the unit can add some cool interesting FX beyond reverbs....

It also has midi control so you can setup reverb fx to work with your synth sounds etc or to create fx passes, special fx with midi control etc with the decay & delay settinsg being assignable quickly, and there is a deeper sysex layer to get deeper into adjusting the settings - nowadays with good quality midi controlled reverbs in our s/w sequencers this aint such an 'oooh' factor thing to have as it was then, but again when released it was pretty cool considering it was a cheap Lexicon AND gave you thoise midi control extra's....

Well, there it is, i just wanted to start compiling basic pages with images for more old FX, so that there is a decent old s/h FX section to at least see the basics for things you stuff you might see in the local s/h ad's as a newbie putting a studio together...

The LXP-1... user comments please....

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