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Subject: Why is digital less warm than....

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Original Message                 Date: 28-Feb-02  @  09:02 PM   -   Why is digital less warm than....


Posts: 659

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Hey folks, just some food for thought...

We all hear things like, digital isn't as warm as analog, and while I'm not here to argue that specifically, did you ever think about why that is? Outside of some of the basic physical properties, you'd think the two mediums wouldn't be that divergent.... and in some sense, maybe they're not. Now I'm gonna try a little heresy...

Maybe the reason mixes from analog sounds warmer, more musical, whatever, is: our techniques for recording, mixing, etc., are mostly built and modeled on analog experience. We've learned techniques for, say mic placement, that were establised in the analog realm... maybe we should be evaluating new ways of doing things....?

I mean think about one of the most basic differences between the two mediums, the level meter... Many of us that came from the analog world were sorely surprised to find out we couldn't push the LEDs "past the red" on a digital board... Now once I learned how to use digital LEDs, mt life, and my mixes, sounded better...

I'm not really trying to lay out new "rules" of digital recording/mixing, but just bouncing the idea off you all. If you have any experience with what I'm on about here, by all means share it. If you got a "warm sound" from all digital equipment, what was your methodology? Why do you think it worked that way? If you captured a digital take of a vocalist that just simply shimmers, did you do it the "traditional" (i.e., basically as it's always been done on analog equipment) way, or did you find a technique that is exclusive to digital?

Anyhoos, just some thoughts....

Peace All

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Message 151/157             25-Apr-02  @  04:41 PM     Edit: 25-Apr-02  |  04:42 PM   -   RE: Why is digital less warm than....


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AHEM... let me clarify what i meant: EMAX´s sound is worth having for its analog filters, which S900/950 doesnt have. they may both be 12bit, but do not think that an S900 sounds anything like an EMAX. geddit?

man, you can resample internaly on your PC and get a 12bit/32khz sample on your pc, but it has fuck all to do with sounding better or punchier. i´m telling you, its other things about those old EMU units which made them desirable. anyway, go make a thread in smapler forum about S900, i´d be curious as to what people have to say.

as for FM, first of all i dont think DX100 sounds really lo-fi, IMO, and second you can get e-pianos which sound grainy as fuck from a K2500, which is neither an FM synth nor lo-fi.

and anyway, why did you liken lo-fi to warm? because of loss of top end or something?

"K-back me up on this". Brett, you wuss!  )

Cheers, M.

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Message 152/157             25-Apr-02  @  06:13 PM   -   RE: Why is digital less warm than....

bonnie rait


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in my sweet dreams we are

in a bar, and it's my birthday

drinking salty margaritas

with Fernando.

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Message 153/157             25-Apr-02  @  10:23 PM   -   RE: Why is digital less warm than....


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sheesh you guys..

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Message 154/157             26-Apr-02  @  02:47 PM   -   RE: Why is digital less warm than....



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blah blah blah, the issue was never about filtering, it was about the adc 's I was getting at. Analog filters rule, we all agree. The dx-100 produces a lo-fi fm due to it only having four operators. yes you can get the grainy out of anything, but the sound isn't the same. The dx-100 has the fastest envelop of any synht I have come across. That also adds to it's sound. It's tight and has a really fast release. Lo-fi is over statement, u there are these buzzy artifacts in it's sounds that I just love. I can spot a dx-100 piano in mix easy. It has it's own sound.

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Message 155/157             26-Apr-02  @  09:34 PM   -   RE: Why is digital less warm than....


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Message 156/157             27-Apr-02  @  12:10 AM   -   RE: Why is digital less warm than....


Posts: 12353

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heh heh - oh dear... not just the filters tho with the e-max, but the converters themselves play their part, VERY warm, 'phat' & 'present'..


I had an idea for a script once. It's basically Jaws except when the guys in the boat are going after Jaws, they look around and there's an even bigger Jaws. The guys have to team up with Jaws to get Bigger Jaws.... I call it... Big Jaws!!!

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Message 157/157             27-Apr-02  @  01:10 AM   -   RE: Why is digital less warm than....



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that is what we have been talking about , right?

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